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    Ban Appeal

    Space Station 14 Username: Wolf83 Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Icepick/Fungifellow Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Job: Borg The reason you were banned: For hitting someone with a syndie amour that had a job / "bringing someone to people who would hurt them" Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: I was playing as a borg when someone shot at us from the restrooms they didn't have an icon at all (brown or greyish square) so i decided to do as Law 1 states and protect the other people around me by tryng to nutralize the threat I was downed by a bomb I dont know from who and I was dragged away from the site that was bombed, after getting welded by one of the people having a captain id I went back into the bathroom to see if I could find the threat again only to find a person in a syndie suit with a Nerotrasen ID so I did as Law 1 Stated and brought them to Medical as they were wearing a crew ID, now the admin Icepick said that I hit the Agent even tho I did not well not on purpose as there was someone trying to take loot off of his body they had no id (questionmark square) and they werent cooperating to leave the body alone until i got to other people. I was bringing them to quote "people who could harm them" I was acctually bringing them to Medical and I was telling people that they were crew so they wouldnt cause further harm but they only switched to this after telling me I had hit the syndie and i told them that i did not, I mearly dragged them to med. Why you should be unbanned: what was I supposed to do otherwise? leave them to rot which would violate my Law 1 or do exactly what i did and bring them to medical and tell people they were crew so they dont get hurt?
  3. Denied, reappeal two weeks from now.
  4. You're on thin ice with this one. One more major fuck up, and it's a voucher ban from there. Accepted, keep mind of the rules and ahelp if you need to make sure on something.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Not sure if it's intentional, but meteor shower frequency feels really high. I'll usually see a bunch of them per shift, sometimes 5-10 minutes after the last one. Just suggesting/begging/pleading that it be lowered a bit.
  7. Please, and I know it’s not that big of a deal, but do not mess with the template. Leave it as it is. The “why should we unban you” question isn’t even in there. You just put it with the leading to your ban part.
  8. Space Station 14 Username: Bobbywehavetoplaytheship Banning ADMIN'S SS14 Username: "FungiFellow" Are you banned from the server or a Job/Department: Server The reason you were banned: I fucked around with a vox and his nitrogen Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and dont leave anything important out: I was roleplaying as a psychologist with a vox by taking away his mask and nitrogen at the start of the game saying im going to cure your phobia of oxygen via exposure therapy which I am now very much aware of is frowned upon (dont fuck with vox) I was unaware of how vox crewmates were supposed to be treated and I suppose I was overzealous in my approach to curing his reliance on nitrogen. Truthfully I didn't think messing around with a vox who was never actually in danger as i made sure he was brought to med bay and I gave him his mask and tanks back, was such a bad idea I can SAFELY say I won't ever mess around with a vox again I just thought it was a funny idea to be a psychologist trying to cure him of his nitrogen addiction. In the past when I interacted with that exact same vox he never seemed to mind I didn't think now would be any different im sorry I potentially ruined his game and if you unban me ill just never interact with one again. He had everything returned to him before I was banned, and the end result is that his match probably went pretty normally as this entire thing took course over about twelve minutes. Ive been playing this game a lot lately and ive been sure not to repeat any of the actions that resulted in prior suspensions I will not ever mess with a Vox's nitrogen tanks or mask, everything was done purely with rp intentions sorry again
  9. Last week
  10. Denied for both I am not sure why you thought going to other discord servers and complaining about your ban and Goob in general after making this appeal was a good idea. In the end after a staff vote it was decided to deny your ban appeal for SS14 and discord. You may reapply in 2 weeks
  11. you should make a literal youtube apology video just to top this appeal off fr fr
  12. thanks! i havent joined the dizzy but i will now for sure!
  13. This can be implemented with the help of someone who knows how to in the Discord server. Looks neat also.
  14. Space Station 14 Username: averi Banning Admin's SS14 Username: nosugarplumnovember Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: server The reason you were banned: slipped people as they were getting cuffed by sec, harriet said self antag and fortnites old ban said appeal ban only for next ban. Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: i dont really remember, i remember slipping and dragging people that were getting cuffed. Why you should be unbanned: fortnite's old ban says NEXT ban is appeal only, not the bans that come afterwards, furthermore i do apoolgize for my actions, i do belive i was in the wrong. Goob Station Discord Server Ban Appeal Discord Username: toosily The reason you were banned: i called the moderation team the R slur Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: i was talking about my ban, got pissed and called mod team the r slur. Why you should be unbanned from the server: i feel bad for doing it, i feel like it was GREATLY terrible of me to do and i honestly was just blind from my anger at the moment i said that and i will not do that shit again, im geniuenely sorry here, yall are awesome, im sorry for the stuff i said on other servers as well. i also would like to add on that i apologize to the community entirely, sorry if i ever caused you any negative feelings, im trying to be a better person please do cut me some slack.
  15. What yall think? I would love if they implemented this :9. (if yall have some sprites suggestion let me now)
  16. The panic bunker is usually up whenever an admin isn’t on and there’s a pattern of shitters. So yeah, it happens often.
  17. I tried to join but it said the server was in panic bunker mode. Does this happen often?
  18. This was a ban for three days which was easily able to be waited out. Another thing is that I've pardoned it myself a tiny bit early since for some reason there were two of the same bans for this. Basically denied.
  19. Accepted After a staff vote was conducted it was decided to accept your role ban appeal, as we believe that you have already served a proper time for this offense. Be more careful next time with authorizing syndicate equipment use.
  20. The decision made by the team is to deny and turn your ban into a soft voucher ban meaning that 2 months from now, you cannot appeal at all nor will any appeals after the time be accepted without a voucher. A voucher for good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server's admin help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on Goob Station and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. If the voucher is not from a mainstream server, let us know and we will figure out a way to verify it.
  21. Space Station 14 Username: Coolyz Banning Admin's SS14 Username: basic_pack Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server The reason you were banned: "Phlog extinguisher'd a group of people on a greenshift. Extremely bad pior history - third time being appeal banned, only came back 10 days ago." Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: To understand why I did that we have to go way back. I hopped on Goonstation, and spawned in game. I went out of cyro, went to sec, got shot by sec, and got permaed for no reason at all. It seems like they had mistook me for another person. I ahelped and basic_pack was alerted about it, however, it seems like he did not do anything to help me out of perma. I was only released when i killed myself and they brought me to med to revive. Naturally, I was pissed, I mean who wouldn't in this situation. Then, inspired by a Youtube video, I decided to make a phlog thrower. I am totally aware that it is not strong enough to crit or kill anyone, which is why I made it, as an fuck you gesture to sec. Blah blah blah, I used it on sec, and got banned. I only used it on one secoff though, he moved around and it spread to other people, but no one was crited or killed. Why you should be unbanned: I mean I am wrong for phloging sec and should be given like a week ban or something, however basic_pack should be more helpful next time.
  22. Space Station 14 Username: The0ddsAreAgainstMe Banning Admin's SS14 Username: greymaria Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Banned from the server. The reason you were banned: "you are not a thief, do not steal from other players." Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: Medbay blew up and capt was dead so I brought them into an unspaced room to res them. Para was SSD so I took their belt and suit to res them. I needed the suit to go back into medical if I needed supplies. While reviving captain, a red lizard ran in and ran out. After captain was ressed, captain said how their ID had been stolen. I told them that a red lizard ran in and that it was probably them. When we found the lizard they didnt have the capts ID but they had an omega soap which I then stole. After returning to medical I was a bit of an ass to the paramedic saying, " You didnt do shit." Then I was banned. Why you should be unbanned: I took it a bit far that round with the shittery when I robbed the lizard capt was searching. Also I should have returned paramedics things even if they were SSD. Was also very rude to people throghout the shift. I understand I shouldnt get pressed for no reason and start talking shit to people who I have nothing against. I also understand I shouldnt rob things from people as a non-antag.
  23. Space Station 14 Username: 58lar85 Banning Admin's SS14 Username:NoSugarPlumNovember Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: the entirety of command department The reason you were banned: abuse of authority; allowing the usage of an esword for warden Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: me, captain, the shift has been pretty chaotic as security could barely do their job and I've done a lot of theirs just for my own safety (wasnt validhunting), a cadet announced on security radio that he saw a zombie in maintenance and then someone talked about romerol, i was still hesitant about it. Then, after we catch a chef syndie that tried to kill me, turns out he had an esword, i leave his stuff and the esword on the ground in brig hallway and said "you know the drill warden" thinking that he can process the prisoner (ofcourse he couldnt), then, not even as i exit the brig warden rushes to me asking "CAN I USE THE ESWORD?", I ofcourse said no but he insisted saying "BUT ZEDS" so I just said "ok" and got out of there, then, 10 minutes later or so i get bwoinked telling me to never authorise the use of syndicate items unless nukies but by that time the warden was already gone, never to be seen (probable wardenloose) so i had no chance to fix the mistake. The zombies threat turned out to be fake Why you should be unbanned: Space law says that the list of restricted items can be modified if needed, i understand that there were absolutely no real reasons to allow warden to use an esword but i was misinformed about the zombies threat and thought it is a valid reason. every other contra i put in the armory locker and never gave to anyone so this is a one-time mistake theres absolutely NO REASON i should be unbanned , however if there is a possibility i can assure you this will not happen again as this was a one-time mistake made in the midst of chaos by saying a single word
  24. Space Station 14 Username: Wawa_pull Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Icepick Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server, 3 days The reason you were banned: Self-antag Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: Due to being annoyed with cargo, i have went to hop to ask for cargo access, but since there was no hop and the room was open (reception windows) i have decided to break in and steal hop's spare id to give myself cargo access. After dragging out the locker and destroying it with help of 3 other people, hop's id was stolen by a janitor, who i proceeded to chase into maints, and that is when the admin took notice of these events Why you should be unbanned: While i agree with the ban itself, i think that 3 day ban is too long since as far as i am aware, no one except janitor managed to get hop access, which didnt cause much damage to the station that round. Also when i tried to join server to see admin's name earlier, there was a different ban note (12 hours) from another admin for the same reason
  25. Appeal denied. Staff team has determined and discussed that this appeal should be denied.
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