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Everything posted by Games_Sweat_Shop

  1. Today I will run outside my department and charge police officers with spears after this announcement drops :clueless:
  2. Space Station 14 Username: GamesSweatShop Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Icepick Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Job The reason you were banned: Massive overescelation as shielded passenger against revs, murderboned people who were holding weapons, unshielded, or wanted. Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: Join goob, and watch as revs kill the HoS in front of me, I drag his corpse to sec to save him but a rev gets in. Drag HoS to the armory and pretend to be sympathetic to the rev. Kill the rev who went into the armory and saved the HoS (rev later was later revived by me for shielding). Become mindshielded and obtain a weapon of war. Attempt to secure cargo in order to get mindshields to peacefully resolve the revolution. Cargo has fallen and all spaceships are sabotaged. I take the three mindshields I managed to secure and shield people. Notice two nonshielded in armory. Kill them, they are in the armory and have guns during an active revolution. Kill several other people I see attacking heads/sec. Kill people charging me with wielded spears and weapons some of which attacked me. More sec are dying, only remaining Heads are Head of Security and NTR. At this point we are roughly at 1917 Russia, armed people are running all over the station killing left and right, so I kill people who are aggressive with weapons / smashing in sec windows, some of whom turned out to be non revs. I also Murdered people running around in stolen security uniforms without mindshields. Why you should be unbanned: Let me ask you a simple question. As a police officer during a revolution out for your blood; what are you doing in this situation: Figure 1: If you ever played revs as security, you know how evil this guy is. A dystopian cooperate police is going to shoot him without a second though. Now, to justify my kills. - If you are a non mindhsielded in armory during revs, and the Ward had told you to get out multiple times, then you reach for a gun: I'm going to put you down - This is self-explanatory, I do not think I need to explain why it is a bad idea to let them live. - If you are running around with weapons while almost all of sec and command are dead: I'm going to put you down. - I witnessed in the current round multiple heads of staff and security being killed by such individuals and groups, you shouldn't be running around with weapons during revs. - If you're wearing stolen security uniforms, armor, and weaponry during revs, you clearly killed a security or failed to stop a group from killing them and then chose to loot them: I'm going to put you down. - Why should I keep this person alive, they are wearing the skin of my dead comrade. - I did not kill anyone for the crime of being unmindshielded, though doing such would have been justifiable because all means of securing mindshields were sabotaged and the station had gone to complete shit. - Killed two tiders who were smashing sec windows with prisoners inside, they had secbelts, disablers, and other weapons on them. - Why would you do this and expect any other reaction from me? - Killed a tider running directly at me with a wielded spear. - See Figure 1, for additional resources, look up "suicide by cop" - Killed maniacs on evac who were slashing people to death. - No other option, there were a total of three secoffs alive and none of us had nonlethals at this point. In conclusion, if goob players do not want to be euthanized like rabid dogs, they should not act like rabid dogs, especially during revs.
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