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Everything posted by PC21

  1. PC21


    Yo, I think it could be neat to add more instruments if possible.
  2. So, quick preface, Bast, Tabitha, and Z are characters I made for D&D. Well, Bast and Z are, at least. Bast is a Tabaxi monk-fighter and Z is a Human variant Wizard-Artificer. Z was my first real PC, Z is short for some long eldritch name I can't remember, he's basically just Spectre Knight from Shovel Knight, but not really. Anyways, he was a Human from our world, did some eldritch stuff, became god, blew up the universe and traveled to a different universe. He made a new body for when he died so he could keep living, lost his memories and became good. In SS14, he was a scientist who made a prototype body to transfer into, lost his memories, and became good. SSDD. He is usually a med staff, sci staff, botanist, y'know, brainiac jobs. Bast is now Bastet Sands, my go to for a main PC in rpg's. She is a Felinid, usually works in cargo, not as dense as her D&D counterpart. Tabitha is Bastet's wife, usually works as HoP or sec. Nora Sands is their daughter. The child of Bastet and another Felinid I haven't made yet and probably won't make. She is new to being an adult, I'll probably make it so that Tabitha and Bastet were in cryo for a while so Nora can be older without the math being sus. Nora normally works engi or jani. Z is a family friend of the Sands family, basically raised Bastet. He is much older than 100 years, yet hasn't appeared to age past ~28 years. Bastet tries to live up to some great expectations her parents had for her. Tabitha likes to help keep peace and guide crew to become the best they can be. Nora is an ornery little critter, but tries to be good. So yeah, those are my characters. Hope you guys like being crew with them!
  3. Thanks for the info! :)
  4. I tried to join but it said the server was in panic bunker mode. Does this happen often?
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