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Everything posted by Agustron24

  1. Just both doors on left side cant be closed and maybe other thing, still works fine enough for small trips.
  2. My dad left me at school, then when he was leaving another car had a brake technical error and hited my dad car (everyone was fine). Now i come back from school and the car is like this.
  3. What you should had done is not even making uranium spears, they are powerful weapons and making them wihout a reason is 100% powergaming, soo sec will try to confiscate them, if they do then you should give them to sec. Also, was your buddy the one that told you about the spears or was another guy?, and did he use the game chat inside the round or another way of communication?. Also, im not an admin, just to clarify
  4. What you did has a clown was self antagging and getting punished for it is 100% fiting, but an appeal only ban feels exesive for someting that someone could think it isnt self antag. Maybe a 2/3 days ban would fit this more, but warning you about puting it back and then giving you a note would had done the thing right too. Basically, the player did wrong,and got a punishment harsher than the needed. Altought i cant see their note history soo im probably wrong.
  5. Stabbing a secoff has non antag and for these reasons is self antaging, and making uranium Spears for no reasons kinda feels like powergaming. Stabbing a secoff for avoiding the arrest of your friend and then getting gunned down for it isnt solving someting in-character and needed admin intervention.
  6. First, how old are you? 17 How long have you been playing Space Station 14 (If possible include Space Station 13) 400 hours How long have you been playing on the Goob Station server? Around 200 hours Are there any bans from any Space Station 13/14 Servers in the past? Got banned in wizen one time (appealed) and did incompetent actions has warden (ended long ago) Why do you want to become a Forums Moderator? Im always around here doing things, checking ban appeals, doing some posts for inciting some conversations, etc. Soo i feel fitting for this possition. Anything else we should know about? Almost always active.
  7. If someone walks to the cheff table and steals the plasteel from the table, can the chef take out his butcher knife and kill the guy?. One time did this has syndie for getting plasteel for a reinforced wall and cheff killed me leaving my corpse at the bar, then got looted by random people and took 60 years for someone to get me to med. Ahelped about it and the admin sayd it was valid for the cheff to do since i started breaking his stuff (happened long ago soo i dont care about it anymore, and cant remember who was the admin).
  8. I really want to yell at radio: GEORGE WASHINGMACHINE STOLE MY STUN BATON
  9. The game lacks content but this can be remediarlo by cool random admin events. For example a horde of cluwnes appearing for kidnaping crew to their ship and then converting crew into cluwnes inside their ship until they take over the entire station and end the round with deathsquad appearing and removing the etnire cluwne population. Or a chef getting their kitchen destroyed and lossing his purpose for then making a pact with the demons of getting his kitchen back in exchange of an unknown fall back, and the fallback is becoming a monster that has claws instead of arms and always wears a organic Eva suit,and then security plays a horror game with the maintenance shafts suddenly expanding in size and the monster wandering the dark waiting for appearing. Or just an inmate transport thing arriving trough arrivals for sending them to perma, but the inmates are secretos syndicate agents disguised has inmates and the centcomm announcement was done by the syndicates hacking the cc comms terminal and after 30 mins suddenly a centcomm announcement announces that they were hacked by the syndicates and that any interaction they did wasnt real and is probably a syndicate operation, and the inmates had stroage implants inside them with a portal genetator that generates a portal to a syndicate vault full gear and they flee out of perma and try to trow all the heads into the vault for then interrogation. Basically make an admin role focused more in events and having rule enforcement has a secondary thing, since i got really good ideas
  10. Well atleast turtle had a statement to fight for, this dude is just feeling like trowing dickish words against the owner
  11. 20 mins in the round and the floor tiles are gone, disposal pipes lead to hop room, all access is a door away, sec understaffed, 60 people online and 30 of them are tiders, eng cant set up ame, fucking people sliping sec out of their gear, AH WHY IS A SYNDIE KILLING ME AND NOT GETTING ARRESTED?, BECAUSE WE ARE BUSY DEALING WITH THE SHTIDE. We need to give admins a smite for using in shitters, like cluwnes appearing for taking the tider to hell


  13. About the clown thing i would actually see if security or crew do someting to the clown, if not then ill make the clown get a voice to talk about honk Mother not beging proud and then turn them into a cluwne.
  14. Helped to clarify rules and was nice on the discord, worth to give him a try.
  15. Security should had stoped you, its their job, clown and mime breaking into captain office should be taken the same has science forgeting to take care of an anomalie and it going crit. It can be solved in character by security team noticing it and trowing mime and clown to perma, it has to be a only 1 time actions for it to not happen all the rounds to the point where is annoying and sec has to metagame for stoping them. Axe gabinet destruction is the biggest infraction here, but stealing hop stuff can be handled has grand theft and tresspasing of high security areas, wich all of that could had permad you. But since this server is known by the understaffing in pretty much all departaments and tiders destroying the station and raiders raiding the server. I think the admins did well since when there is no sec, admins have to take hands in the thing. im not the best person to say this due to my history of notes and other stuff but still wanted to do this analisis. Also im peanut posting maybe.
  16. I only had 1 ban in this server, and it was by incompetence has warden, did some tiding and annoying tought. Also my ban ended
  17. Space Station 14 Username: agustron24 Banning Admin's SS14 Username: NoSugarPlumNovember Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: server The reason you were banned: Self-antag: welderbombed greytide spawn because they did "no balls" Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: The round started and i was a passanger named Matt fourhound. I rushed for the insuls but dint was fast enough soo i decided to grab a welder and get up to the fuel tank and turn on the welder just for scaring the other passangers. Then they started saying "NO BALLS!!" Soo i just did it for funnies (nobody got Hurt, only me) Why you should be unbanned: wont do it again.
  18. What's your Space Station 14 Username: Agustron24 What's your Discord Username:Matt What's your playtime amount on the Goob Server: 140 hours How old are you: 17 Have you been banned from the Goob Server last or this month: last month, freed a guy from perma by no reason Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s): 150 hours on wizen,never played ss13 ------------------------------------------ Time How many hours can you admin per week: from 8 to 16, if i get days off school then even more On what days can you get on to Admin: All days of the week What timezone are you in: GMT-3 (argentina) ------------------------------------------ General Questions Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it: Never had a match up like this on a game since 3 years, already reached 300 hours in 3 months of playtime soo i know i love this game. And i go specificly to goob since i see more potential in it. Have you adminned for any other SS13 or SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this: Nope i dint What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve?: They ensure everyone follows the rules and try to make the game fun when the crew cant make it fun What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it: Its from NRP to LRP, space law should be forced to appear,even if this is LRP. There should be a way to make security be able to play antags (like first Rolling if ya are antag and then Rolling your job) ------------------------------------------ The more questions questions. (It's highly recommended you put more than just a single or two sentences.) Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem? Since he left the game there is no posible way for getting a reason for the murderer, soo i would perform a 4 day ban by RDM and avoiding ahelp Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them? I would leave them a note saying: Hello, you disconnected during a command round wihout advicing others or going to criosleep, for dissconnecting properly from a command round you first gotta: 1: ahelp admins about you disconnecting 2: advice trough command radio that youll go criosleep (críosleep is disconnecting but in rp way, kinda like afk and ssd). 3: make an announcement of you going críosleep and assignate another person to captain role. 4: give all your stuff to the person you assignated has captain and enter a criosleep bed. After doing that you just quit the game and forget about this, if you need to go in a hurry you can make an announcement about you going ssd at Bridge and leaving other guy on charge, or just ahelp us about you going ssd and saying on command channel that you will go ssd and your current location. That is all, this isnt a big offence and not even an annoying issue since its your first time, remember to do the things noted and have a nice day, Note from Agustron24 *date and number of the round* You see a passenger player mess around too much and start interfering with a Security Officer's arrest by uncuffing the Officer's prisoner, as the passenger runs, the Officer pulls out their gun and shoots the passenger almost to death. What's wrong here and how would you handle the situation as an Admin? I would first ahelp the passanger about not making arrests, since its self-antag and annoying has hell for the secoff,making him posibly quit security and make security understaffing even worst. After that ill ahelp the secoff about trowing lethals, altough i wont give him a punishment, just a warning about overescalating since it fully the fault of the passanger by annoying self-antagging. The Clown has been constantly slipping, pieing, and messing with other players, including Officers by interfering and messing up their work. Despite being told to stop by others, they've continued. How would you deal with the problem yourself? I would place the clown on wanted status trough a criminal records computer for security take care of the clown in a way that stays in character You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, not much has happened. All of a sudden, the other admin decides to mess with the round without running a vote on it. It could lead to ruining the round for others rather than be fun. What would you do? I would advice the admin about the fact that he should not go and play with the round wihout making sure the players allow him,since he can end up ruining the only round a person could play in his day in real life. Ill also advince the head admin about the behavior ------------------------------------------ End Anything else we should know about or have questions about: i can help with ban appeals on the forums. Ya can get gibbed by vlunt damage
  19. A bag that can be placed below tiles and can store items Time to hide metal foam grenades below hop room
  20. I think the hop having a baton is powergaming
  21. First, how old are you? 17 How long have you been playing Space Station 14 (If possible include Space Station 13) 3 months (around 250 hours) How long have you been playing on the Goob Station server? I have 150 hours Are there any bans from any Space Station 13/14 Servers in the past? Never played ss13, got a little ban in wizen (appealed), and i had a ban in goob by beging incompetent warden (ended) Why do you want to become a Forums Moderator? Im always around here doing things, would be cool to help in this. Anything else we should know about? I like grilled cheese
  22. And also i would perfectly be managin ban appeals and other stuff at the forums, since im like ALWAYS aviable (except on morning on school days.)
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