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Everything posted by Agustron24

  1. Also i got banned one time at wizen by opening a plasma canister i found inside bar while someone was smoking a cigar. It all got solved since i appealed it and all ended up on a funny moment memory
  2. I mean that he should say more than only one character instead of just one
  3. Check What's your Space Station 14 Username: Agustron24 What's your Discord Username: Agustron24 (Matt) What's your playtime amount on the Goob Server: around 60 hours, can play captain job How old are you: 17 Have you been banned from the Goob Server last or this month: Never was a major issue for the server Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s): i have played around 100 hours on wizen and 3-4 hours on other servers, never played ss13 ------------------------------------------ Time How many hours can you admin per week: 45 hours (even more if i get days off school) On what days can you get on to Admin: Aviable all days of the week, if weekend even more What timezone are you in: South America (2 hours foward than North) ------------------------------------------ General Questions Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it: I want to become an admin because this server is honestly my favorite one, but the problem is that the people many times end up making the place anarchyc and not fun, soo i just want to enter, send an Special janitor for keeping the station clean, and start ahelping the people that make security retire from his job, or killing the russian raiders for then using the nigromancy spell on them for turning them in ghostroles. And also maybe make the command jobs more used. Have you adminned for any other SS13 or SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this: Never were an admin before, but the one that tryes is the one that achieves What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve: The admins on this game are the diference between a shift and a shitf, they are the ones that avoid the russian raider from slapping you into the cremator, they are the guys that make events, they are the guys that makes the shifts have a better structure, they are the pillar of the round. What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it: Roleplay in the server is practically dead, maybe 4 or 5 things of roleplay happen but they end up going to separate sides of the station or get misshot halfway in the interaction. For improving it we first need to make grey tiding and passanger spam forbiden, and maybe adding extra playtime to players that dint unlock the role they want. ------------------------------------------ The more questions questions. (It's highly recommended you put more than just a single or two sentences.) Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them? I would leave them a note saying: Hello, you disconnected during a command round wihout advicing others or going to criosleep, for dissconnecting properly from a command round you first gotta: 1: ahelp admins about you disconnecting 2: advice trough command radio that youll go criosleep (críosleep is disconnecting but in rp way, kinda like afk and ssd). 3: make an announcement of you going críosleep and assignate another person to captain role. 4: give all your stuff to the person you assignated has captain and enter a criosleep bed. After doing that you just quit the game and forget about this, if you need to go in a hurry you can make an announcement about you going ssd at Bridge and leaving other guy on charge, or just ahelp us about you going ssd and saying on command channel that you will go ssd and your current location. That is all, this isnt a big offence and not even an annoying issue since its your first time, remember to do the things noted and have a nice day, Note from Agustron24 *date and number of the round* You see a passenger player mess around too much and start interfering with a Security Officer's arrest by uncuffing the Officer's prisoner, as the passenger runs, the Officer pulls out their gun and shoots the passenger almost to death. What's wrong here and how would you handle the situation as an Admin? 1: if the secoff did warn the passanger then the passanger deserves it (yeah if you are a secoff and that happens all your cells will want to do that) 2: if the secoff dint warn the passanger ill ahelp the secoff for asking him to not do that again and warn before using lethals, and the passanger i will ahelp them asking them to not doing that kind of things to security, since having happen to you many times can make you quit security job, and no secoffs mean no one will be shooting at the nukies making it an easy win. The Clown has been constantly slipping, pieing, and messing with other players, including Officers by interfering and messing up their work. Despite being told to stop by others, they've continued. How would you deal with the problem yourself? I would ahelp the clown asking him to stop messing up security work since it can be really frustrating to sec players and not fun to anyone else than them. You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, not much has happened. All of a sudden, the other admin decides to mess with the round without running a vote on it. It could lead to ruining the round for others rather than be fun. What would you do? I would ask them to please stop interfering with the round wihout performing a vote since it can ruin other players fun. And advice a higher rank admin about the situation.
  4. You should develop more the clown writing shitsec scenario. Like maybe passing trough all the characters involved and what they did fine and wrong. Not just saying one thing about clown. Also in my opinion clown did nothing that wrong,maybe the worst he did was to run away while getting arrested, but just writing shitsec in front of sec is begin annoying and can be punished by vandalism by the own security department, and clown beging abused has literally a counter in ss13 for how many times he got abused.
  5. In this guide ill told ya grey tiders how to be a polite,efficient and a guy that has a plan to kill anyone he meets chemist. The polite chemist is the one that labels all chemicals He makes and makes any easy chemical he gets asked for (example, botanist asking for mutagen),for labeling an item you just equip your labeler, press Z, and write the thing you want to name the item. The correct way of labeling the chemicals is like this: *chemical name* (*wich kind of damage it heals*. If you wanna be a nerd you can also write how many units of the chemical you gotta inject for overdosing. after you know how to label your chemicals you are ready to make actual chemicals, specifically meds. Since this guide is one for newies/tiders ill just cover basic chems. The most popular chemical is BICARIDINE: bicaridine is a chemical that heals any type of brute damage with an easy recipe for production. the most optimal recipe for bicaridine is: 15u-oxigen 15u-sugar and 45u-carbon (Quick note that with 15u carbón it will be inaprovaline but if you add carbón to inaprovaline it turns in bicaridine) DYLOVENE: its a chemical that heals poison damage with a simple enough recipe. The most optimal recipe for dylovene is: 30u-potassium 30u-silicon 30u-nitrogen. DERMALINE: its a chemical that heals burn damage with a simple recipe. The most optimal recipe for dermaline is: 30u-oxigen 30u-phosforus 30u-kelotane (look for kelotane recipe at the ingame-guide for chemicals) That is a good enough set of chemicals soo, time to teach you how to make bombs :D. POTTASIUM/WATER: pottasium and water instantly explode on contact (not that good of an explosion tought). CLF3: mixing chlorine and fluorine will instantly create CLF3 (DO NOT MAKE THIS AT A DISPENSER OR AT MANY UNITS AT ONCE, THIS MAKES AN EXPLOSION WHEN CREATED THAT CAN DESTROY CHEMISTRY). Okay that is a decend guide for chemistry. Remember to check lithenhead chemistry guide or else youll be a shitchem. psst, add potassium to a drink fron the bar and give the guy that drinked it a glass of water. Or change them with chlorine and fluorine
  6. I was Matt fourhounf-chemist (aka the best job for an initial infected) on box station (by the time of this topic release the round happened like 30 mins ago) I first spawned in on crío sleep, went to chemistry to make some meds (im godlike speed chemist),and made most of the meds on mebay. After getting a good shoutout from cmo i got the news about me beging an initial infected and inmideatly stoped making meds and quickly went to morge for resource verifyng. I had only one dead seccadet that i dint loot, left the morge and made a plan: the plan was to get has many corpses i could and got 3 pets for initial infection. Found a dead engineer at medbay that i grabed into maints for transporting it to morge. When i arrived morge from maints there was a paramedic with some gear at the floor, the paramedic quickly screamed me over the dead body that could still get revived and took the eng to medbay healing place. After seeing that i decided that i had enough corpses, grabed a reflecting vest and riot helmet, i turned into zombie at morge and started my 5 zombies army, with my army i released them into medbay and infected the whole department including all injured people inside. After that we had normal zombie gameplay that probably nobody needs to know. After some minutes of infecting i found the captain defending himself with a group of other People, i went straight to kill him since my vest made me inmune to his láser gun and made him a TON of damage. The captain luckly was pretty dumb since he dint took out his sabre, making hin a tanky but slow major target, he tried to run but he even sliped making the kill an easy task. After that nothing that interesting happen besides rd almost making ambuzol, evac shuttle finally arrived. When evac arrived i rushed to evac for going with my REALLY big army to centcom, sadly on my way to evac i passed by a nukie with a flametrower that easily burned me to ashes. And that is all, the nukie proceeded to miss the evac shuttle and some zombies made it to evac successfully infecting centcomm. Some random interesting encounters i had were 2 engineers defending themselves at downleft maints (instantly died after we broke in) And some poor guy that i infected when he just arrived the station, we had a little conversation about his shitty death and about how OP zombies are when they get armor against their major counters. I dont remember the number Of the round and i would really like to see the replay
  7. Give Chaplin a 0points spell book and when chaplain does someting worth they get one point for spells
  8. With infinite wires i refer that the cables placed on the ground can power anything in a range of 3 tiles, and the infinite would make that range really long. Mats wouldnt work well since they can be used for other things than engineering
  9. The specialization is choosed trough the specialization console. This computer can choose after 30 minutes, a departament to buff by giving them a special powerfull item that makes them have an easyer time at doing their work. Some examples would be: CARGO ITEM: deliverer beacon. This item would be a pad you use to instantly get anything you buy instantly on your department wihout the need to fly to trade station. Or other idea for cargo is a pad you can use for selling items wihout going to trade station. SCIENCE ITEM: Anomalie carrier. Yep this item can move anomalies,pretty OP but welp these things are designed to be OP because there is only one every shift. MEDBAY ITEM: Blue space dispenser. Yeah this dispenser has infinite chems, simple but still reall helpful. If not that good then cloning gear. SECURITY ITEM: Blue space stun batons (and maybe dissabler). This item would insta-stun anyone he hits, but you have to wait 20 seconds for it to charge again (did what i could). ENGINEERING ITEM: blue space wires. Its a wire that has infinite range, pretty good against cut wires. Other idea is: blue space AME. AME that creates any ammount of power its set to and doesnt require fuel (no more 0 power round). SERVICE ITEM: troll face paper. Its a shame that someone wasted our oportunity for getting an OP item
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