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CodyPencil last won the day on June 19

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    Sane Chemist

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  1. Appeal denied. Staff team has determined and discussed that this appeal should be denied.
  2. This appeal has been denied due to - An Admin Poll has been given regarding this ban and ended with a result of denied. - 3rd offense of Overescalation including 2nd offense of unauthorized Execution, With a minor Incompetency note. - The Appeal reason was too short that the admins think this person has not fully acknowledged their actions resulting in denying this appeal. -Role ban should expire on July 4 2024 4:24 PM UST
  3. I don't wanna add robotics for now since its pretty simple, I might add more context on genetics. - let me know if I missed something or forgot something
  4. Do you want to be a nerd?! (Bro why) If yes Then You've come to the Fine guide The first thing to know about Science is what Branches You will have to go to. - xenoarchaeology (Mid) - Anomaly (Hard) - Robotics (Mid -Genetics (Hard not implemented yet) xenoarchaeology Xenoarcheology Is the study of artifacts it is where you Activate a certain X stimulation in exchange for Research points. Research Points given Depend on the Node, Depth, Difficulty(Probably) An example of Stimulation per node -Hydro-reactive - it requires Water and can be normally triggered by a fire extinguisher - Sonic Vibration - Music Instruments, you may also use a Musician's PDA as an instrument. - Magnetic Vibration - Magboots - Extreme pressure - There are 2 ways to Trigger this Stimulation Either spacing it, Or Porting 2 Gas canisters with 4000Kpa - Physical Trauma - Beating it with any Melee-related items may increase chances of Stimulating depending on the weapon's Structural damage - Electricity - Usage of Multi-tool is required - Active De-acceleration - Throw it(this only applies to artifacts that can be held) - Time - This will automatically Trigger once the X given time is up. - Life Essence - You must sacrifice an animal/player (yourself) - Radiation - Either bring it near the singularity or stab it with a Uranium spear if it's an item-type artifact you may place it on a microwave and put it on the instant. - Hemoglobin - Requires blood any blood human/animals - Standard Atmospheric Gases - the 3 standard atmos are Oxygen, nitrogen, and Carbon Dioxide if it didn't trigger on both you may go for Carbon dioxide, If the room is already space you may need to try all of them. Artifact after activated stimulation - Matter creation - will spawn any random object/creatures/liquid/anomaly - Cerebral reflex - metaphysical displacement - will teleport to a random location/ will make a portal to a given X, Y position - Electrical interference - Will do an EMP(possibility) - Flickering lights, blowing a massive wind, and destroying tiles below. - Metaphysical Appearance - Will go invisible Until a certain Node makes it reappear. - Total station Destruction node - Will spawn a singularity/ Tesla Ball - Gravity Repulse/Attraction - Will pull/Attract Anything within 3-4 tiles. - Artifact Sentient - Will make the artifact sentient(it does not show this on the console) Anomaly Types of anomalies - Flesh/Meat anomaly - Hard - Electric/Tesla Anomaly - Hard - Gravity Anomaly - Mid - Blues pace Anomaly - Mid -Flora/Floral Anomaly - Mid - Ice/Frezon Anomaly - Mid - Pyro/Fire Anomaly - Hard - Rock/Asteroid Anomaly(this has 4 variation Uranium/glass/silver/steel) - Hard - Reagent/Liquid Anomaly - Easy - Shadow Anomaly - Easy How to Control/Maintain Anomalies. - Shadow Anomaly - Preferably to have Security's Auto flasher if possible to get or at least print 2-3 flashes if the anomaly Is growing. - Reagent anomaly - As much as possible this does not have proper Containment as it will inject reagents on you per pulse. - Ice Anomaly - Reinforced Glass window/ Reinforced Uranium Glass window/ Reinforced Plasma glass. You might wanna go for the 2-3 options if you want to keep this anomaly at a 50-80% severity as it does much more damage{ per severity and will require you to weld the windows per pulse. - Pyro Anomaly - Same as the ice Anomaly - Bluespace Anomaly - This anomaly will move if there is a nearby crew and the more severity you have the more range of change place it has. The best place to have this anomaly is in maintenance or keeping the severity low 30-40% will do. However, if you want to maintain the anomaly and grind as many points as possible you may need to watch it per pulse. - Gravity Anomaly - this anomaly Is hard to contain given that it also emits 2.0 Radiation, However, you may try to trap it with an RCD Quick build if you ask engineering and then replace the windows with plasma if you want to keep this anomaly running for long, to prevent crew harm. - Electric anomaly - You may want to place Ground rods on this anomaly or dead animals as it does target it (for some reason) - Flesh anomaly - This anomaly typically requires you to be armed. With a KPA or knife. as much as possible you want to prepare medicine or medibot near you If you are planning to grind this anomaly. - Floral Anomaly - Floral anomaly is passive if you do not destroy the spawned plants/weeds as it will spawn random flora Entities that require you to kill them with laser rifles or melee combat. - Rock Anomaly - Rock anomaly is one of the pains to maintain as it spawns asteroid rocks and will increase per severity, You may wanna prep yourself with some KPA, a mining drill, and a medibot for combat healing. APE/C.H.I.M.P Particles - Delta - danger particle - Increases Severity Zeta - Unstable particle - change decaying to stable Epsilon - Containment Particle - will stabilize the anomaly or will make it decay Sigma - Transformation Particle - Will transform the anomaly with different types of configuration. (this is just an example this will probably be different on your anomaly scanner what you want to check is the particle description.) Bonus - Sigma - Sigma particles enable your anomaly to have a bootleg mutation will either benefit you or make the anomaly more dangerous or will make it rarely pulse for a price of points. (examples) Anomaly shield - 120% points Anomaly Particle changes every hit on the anomaly - 190% Points Anomaly rarely Pulsing - 5% Anomaly Frequent Pulsing - 120% Anomaly Reduced Frequent pulsing but does more power - 120% Anomaly moves from random x,y tile - 190% (There are more of these I just forgot them) Genetics Your job is to Experiment on subjects Configure their DNA and make the crew have mutated DNA that will benefit them. (as of right now this content is not available)
  5. This appeal has been denied You may appeal again within 2 weeks. reasons: - Inappropriate name (Finn Hardon) - Staff Poll vote Has decided to not accept this appeal - Creating a Leeway of ERP Jokes - Zero Tolerance Regarding Sexual Content/ERP Even if its a drink in your country it does verify to go under sexual content/ERP jokes about "Hard dicking" the same as your IC "Fin Hardon"
  6. This Appeal has been Considered Accepted Due to the Banning admin agreeing on the Said Appointed ban on this user for being misguided as a raider. However this has been moved from Permanent to Temporary, You may check more details on your ban remarks.
  7. Appeal is considered accepted. However Permanent ban has been moved to 3 day ban instead of a permanent. Poll has been given and the banning admin has agreed on a ban adjustment.
  8. This Appeal has been denied- Context why it's rejected. - The lack of understanding of what they did is wrong and doesn't fully acknowledge any rules stating it is strictly moderated and will be punished if caught. - The staff team has Decided to Deny This appeal. - you may appeal within the 2 weeks ensure that you appeal has quality and have a reasonable reason to be accepted.
  9. Appeal denied -Staff decided for a appeal denied. Game ban should expire in 2-3 days.
  10. This Appeal has been denied Due to: - Unable to complete the set requirement of details. "Everything that leads to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out" - The banning admin has stated your actions and justified action and you agree to a permanent ban. - The staff team held a vote and ended up going for deny - Your ban has been moved to Permanent to 2 weeks.
  11. Your appeal has been denied, After being given a poll various staff teams have said their reasons and ultimately decided that we will not accept this appeal. You may re-appeal after 2 weeks. Please have some Quality on the appeal next time and we shall re-consider.
  12. Appeal denied. Staff team has determined that you this appeal should be denied. Await 4 days for Rb expiration
  13. This appeal is considered Accepted and changed into an Appeal Roleban, If you wish to appeal do so now.
  14. Killing someone over a plasteel table, is pretty much over-Escalation. The chef does not need to kill the person rather ask the security to handle the situation, if it's in lowpop your chances of getting it back is low tbh. Either way it's better to avoid conflicts, ask engineering for a replacement.
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