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Game Admin
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Everything posted by CodyPencil

  1. Appeal denied. Staff team has determined and discussed that this appeal should be denied.
  2. This appeal has been denied due to - An Admin Poll has been given regarding this ban and ended with a result of denied. - 3rd offense of Overescalation including 2nd offense of unauthorized Execution, With a minor Incompetency note. - The Appeal reason was too short that the admins think this person has not fully acknowledged their actions resulting in denying this appeal. -Role ban should expire on July 4 2024 4:24 PM UST
  3. I don't wanna add robotics for now since its pretty simple, I might add more context on genetics. - let me know if I missed something or forgot something
  4. Do you want to be a nerd?! (Bro why) If yes Then You've come to the Fine guide The first thing to know about Science is what Branches You will have to go to. - xenoarchaeology (Mid) - Anomaly (Hard) - Robotics (Mid -Genetics (Hard not implemented yet) xenoarchaeology Xenoarcheology Is the study of artifacts it is where you Activate a certain X stimulation in exchange for Research points. Research Points given Depend on the Node, Depth, Difficulty(Probably) An example of Stimulation per node -Hydro-reactive - it requires Water and can be normally triggered by a fire extinguisher - Sonic Vibration - Music Instruments, you may also use a Musician's PDA as an instrument. - Magnetic Vibration - Magboots - Extreme pressure - There are 2 ways to Trigger this Stimulation Either spacing it, Or Porting 2 Gas canisters with 4000Kpa - Physical Trauma - Beating it with any Melee-related items may increase chances of Stimulating depending on the weapon's Structural damage - Electricity - Usage of Multi-tool is required - Active De-acceleration - Throw it(this only applies to artifacts that can be held) - Time - This will automatically Trigger once the X given time is up. - Life Essence - You must sacrifice an animal/player (yourself) - Radiation - Either bring it near the singularity or stab it with a Uranium spear if it's an item-type artifact you may place it on a microwave and put it on the instant. - Hemoglobin - Requires blood any blood human/animals - Standard Atmospheric Gases - the 3 standard atmos are Oxygen, nitrogen, and Carbon Dioxide if it didn't trigger on both you may go for Carbon dioxide, If the room is already space you may need to try all of them. Artifact after activated stimulation - Matter creation - will spawn any random object/creatures/liquid/anomaly - Cerebral reflex - metaphysical displacement - will teleport to a random location/ will make a portal to a given X, Y position - Electrical interference - Will do an EMP(possibility) - Flickering lights, blowing a massive wind, and destroying tiles below. - Metaphysical Appearance - Will go invisible Until a certain Node makes it reappear. - Total station Destruction node - Will spawn a singularity/ Tesla Ball - Gravity Repulse/Attraction - Will pull/Attract Anything within 3-4 tiles. - Artifact Sentient - Will make the artifact sentient(it does not show this on the console) Anomaly Types of anomalies - Flesh/Meat anomaly - Hard - Electric/Tesla Anomaly - Hard - Gravity Anomaly - Mid - Blues pace Anomaly - Mid -Flora/Floral Anomaly - Mid - Ice/Frezon Anomaly - Mid - Pyro/Fire Anomaly - Hard - Rock/Asteroid Anomaly(this has 4 variation Uranium/glass/silver/steel) - Hard - Reagent/Liquid Anomaly - Easy - Shadow Anomaly - Easy How to Control/Maintain Anomalies. - Shadow Anomaly - Preferably to have Security's Auto flasher if possible to get or at least print 2-3 flashes if the anomaly Is growing. - Reagent anomaly - As much as possible this does not have proper Containment as it will inject reagents on you per pulse. - Ice Anomaly - Reinforced Glass window/ Reinforced Uranium Glass window/ Reinforced Plasma glass. You might wanna go for the 2-3 options if you want to keep this anomaly at a 50-80% severity as it does much more damage{ per severity and will require you to weld the windows per pulse. - Pyro Anomaly - Same as the ice Anomaly - Bluespace Anomaly - This anomaly will move if there is a nearby crew and the more severity you have the more range of change place it has. The best place to have this anomaly is in maintenance or keeping the severity low 30-40% will do. However, if you want to maintain the anomaly and grind as many points as possible you may need to watch it per pulse. - Gravity Anomaly - this anomaly Is hard to contain given that it also emits 2.0 Radiation, However, you may try to trap it with an RCD Quick build if you ask engineering and then replace the windows with plasma if you want to keep this anomaly running for long, to prevent crew harm. - Electric anomaly - You may want to place Ground rods on this anomaly or dead animals as it does target it (for some reason) - Flesh anomaly - This anomaly typically requires you to be armed. With a KPA or knife. as much as possible you want to prepare medicine or medibot near you If you are planning to grind this anomaly. - Floral Anomaly - Floral anomaly is passive if you do not destroy the spawned plants/weeds as it will spawn random flora Entities that require you to kill them with laser rifles or melee combat. - Rock Anomaly - Rock anomaly is one of the pains to maintain as it spawns asteroid rocks and will increase per severity, You may wanna prep yourself with some KPA, a mining drill, and a medibot for combat healing. APE/C.H.I.M.P Particles - Delta - danger particle - Increases Severity Zeta - Unstable particle - change decaying to stable Epsilon - Containment Particle - will stabilize the anomaly or will make it decay Sigma - Transformation Particle - Will transform the anomaly with different types of configuration. (this is just an example this will probably be different on your anomaly scanner what you want to check is the particle description.) Bonus - Sigma - Sigma particles enable your anomaly to have a bootleg mutation will either benefit you or make the anomaly more dangerous or will make it rarely pulse for a price of points. (examples) Anomaly shield - 120% points Anomaly Particle changes every hit on the anomaly - 190% Points Anomaly rarely Pulsing - 5% Anomaly Frequent Pulsing - 120% Anomaly Reduced Frequent pulsing but does more power - 120% Anomaly moves from random x,y tile - 190% (There are more of these I just forgot them) Genetics Your job is to Experiment on subjects Configure their DNA and make the crew have mutated DNA that will benefit them. (as of right now this content is not available)
  5. This appeal has been denied You may appeal again within 2 weeks. reasons: - Inappropriate name (Finn Hardon) - Staff Poll vote Has decided to not accept this appeal - Creating a Leeway of ERP Jokes - Zero Tolerance Regarding Sexual Content/ERP Even if its a drink in your country it does verify to go under sexual content/ERP jokes about "Hard dicking" the same as your IC "Fin Hardon"
  6. This Appeal has been Considered Accepted Due to the Banning admin agreeing on the Said Appointed ban on this user for being misguided as a raider. However this has been moved from Permanent to Temporary, You may check more details on your ban remarks.
  7. Appeal is considered accepted. However Permanent ban has been moved to 3 day ban instead of a permanent. Poll has been given and the banning admin has agreed on a ban adjustment.
  8. This Appeal has been denied- Context why it's rejected. - The lack of understanding of what they did is wrong and doesn't fully acknowledge any rules stating it is strictly moderated and will be punished if caught. - The staff team has Decided to Deny This appeal. - you may appeal within the 2 weeks ensure that you appeal has quality and have a reasonable reason to be accepted.
  9. Appeal denied -Staff decided for a appeal denied. Game ban should expire in 2-3 days.
  10. This Appeal has been denied Due to: - Unable to complete the set requirement of details. "Everything that leads to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out" - The banning admin has stated your actions and justified action and you agree to a permanent ban. - The staff team held a vote and ended up going for deny - Your ban has been moved to Permanent to 2 weeks.
  11. Your appeal has been denied, After being given a poll various staff teams have said their reasons and ultimately decided that we will not accept this appeal. You may re-appeal after 2 weeks. Please have some Quality on the appeal next time and we shall re-consider.
  12. Appeal denied. Staff team has determined that you this appeal should be denied. Await 4 days for Rb expiration
  13. This appeal is considered Accepted and changed into an Appeal Roleban, If you wish to appeal do so now.
  14. Killing someone over a plasteel table, is pretty much over-Escalation. The chef does not need to kill the person rather ask the security to handle the situation, if it's in lowpop your chances of getting it back is low tbh. Either way it's better to avoid conflicts, ask engineering for a replacement.
  15. Apologies for the mistake, It was a Genuine mistake on my part due to the count of raiders that has appeared on that round and you being a new join did spike up some suspicions. And after further investigation on your part and the time. I'm going to accept this appeal since it checks out. Sorry that It took that long.
  16. What's your Space Station 14 Username: CodyPencil What's your Discord Username: Codypen What's your playtime amount on the Goob Server: 100h+ How old are you: 17 Have you been banned from the Goob Server last or this month: I have never received a ban on Goob. Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s): I’ve played some Fulpstation13 for 20h+ and Monkeystation for 10h+ Wizard's Den, Frontier Station. And Goob Station Overall 1100h (I only played them to study the mechanics of virology, genetics, surgery) ------------------------------------------ TIME How many hours can you admin per week: It may depend on my Lecture schedule 5-7 on weekends 7-9. I may later discuss. On what days can you get on to Admin: As I mentioned earlier, the days I'm available for admin duties can vary due to my lecture schedule. Could I share my lecture schedule or discuss specific days? What time zone are you in: UTC+8 ------------------------------------------ General Questions Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it: I wanted to take this position as I see the lack of administrators leaving vulnerable players on Raiders to ruin their play through, and I have decided that it's pretty much going to ruin the station's reputation, and I wanted to change that. I also notice a huge number of players who are pretty much at almost the same level of self-annoyance,(self-antaggers/shitters) ruining other players' fun as they try to sabotage their work. And I see that as a shithole move and would possibly want to reduce it After hours on Goob station I have noticed the lack of admin response on ahelp during the day time for me and the lack of information given during an ahelp. I wanted to change stuff a bit and try to help as much as I could. The tickets/ahelps lots of admins I do know do complain about the lack of admins and users spamming ahelp to be annoying or to get their attention. Have you admined for any other SS13 or SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this: Although I do not have experience being an admin on stations 13-14 I do have some experience outside the platforms such as Minecraft/Roblox servers. As much as possible I do want to learn more and gain experience. What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve: In my opinion, the administrators are primarily responsible for maintaining the server. They enforce rules on those who attempt to break them, such as self-antags, troublemakers, or raiders, ensuring everyone adheres to the rules and engages in their intended roleplay or gameplay. Their goal is to ensure everyone enjoys the experience. Administrators may also intervene if a round is stalling, which is sometimes necessary. I believe this approach effectively keeps the server active and enjoyable for everyone. They also help new players explore the game explain to them the game mechanics or at least help them on their journey. And it Pretty much settles Ahelps and tickets. What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it: In my experience, I see Goob station going up and down on the roleplay Although Some do MRP but are mostly LRP or NRP, As of right now the server does not have its own culture which it self is hard to maintain a Role play status which is why we try to become Wizards den? Or have our own. There are servers like Frontier and Delta-V Mining stations that have their purpose, and culture. And I see the Potential Growth Since we have a unique way of antagonists and our own set rules I say let it grow and Merge Some content Similar to Station 13. ------------------------------------------ The more questions questions. (It's highly recommended you put more than just a single or two sentences.) Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem?: If the person already had a note of a previous RDM and they had already left meaning they knew they already did something that they shouldn’t have. There’s only one way of action set on this person. Before we try to act I try to check the logs on the specific reports on ahelp damage logs, that way I can verify that they did do this specific thing and needed a set of necessary actions. Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them?: If the captain has undergone SSD state, There are a few steps to follow. First I would ask the other admins if they have been notified of the captain's Absence. Second, See if they went into cryosleep to open up the captain sloth. Or if they have stated in LOOC that they would return to their SSD state. If the captain(or any head departments) has not been notified about their absence. I would check for their disconnections or if its server lag that may caused the issue. If they did not reconnect or provide any notifications, It would result in a note on their record for abandoning their role as the captain(or any of the department roles) Without using cryo-casket or notifying admins on ahelp. This would cause some potential risk for the station having no captain to guide them. You see a passenger player mess around too much and start interfering with a Security Officer's arrest by uncuffing the Officer's prisoner, as the passenger runs, the Officer pulls out their gun and shoots the passenger almost to death. What's wrong here and how would you handle the situation as an Admin?: Although the Passenger is messing around too much and interfering with the officer It does state on the space law that they will undergo Breach of arrest, by assisting the said person, seeing the situation going escalation, I would ahelp the said officer and ask about their lethal escalation and not going non-lethal as said on guide procedures, Now if the Officer did state that they have non-lethals such as disabler’s and stun baton I would Try to explain to them that Security roles are held to a higher standard of play. It is easy to ruin the game for other players as these roles, therefore are generally more restrictive and given less leeway on the amount of disruption they are allowed to cause. Now I would place them on a note and ask them to carry the passenger to medbay and set them arrested for breach of arrest for assisting said person, and guide the officer to check the rules and follow standard procedures to make sure that they are following alert levels and following the space law and server rules. The Clown has been constantly slipping, pieing, and messing with other players, including Officers by interfering and messing up their work. Despite being told to stop by others, they've continued. How would you deal with the problem yourself?: This would Simply undergo the rule being a dick/asshole there is a limit to being fun and annoying at the same time but being a dick is way worse. By interfering with other people’s RP or jobs. Now I would simply Ahelp the said clown person about their recent actions and their targetting this one department. And try to explain to them that a clown’s purpose is to make the station fun play pranks on everyone and try to help around. Not targeting a department that you despite this may also fall on Metagrudge(may vary on the situation but mostly this is the reason in my experience) I wouldn’t give them a note but Talk to them about it and settle it. You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, not much has happened. All of a sudden, the other admin decides to mess with the round without running a vote on it. It could lead to ruining the round for others rather than be fun. What would you do?: Admin Intervention without prior planning or consulting the crew may ruin gameplay and affect the crew's roleplay experience. If an admin sets an event without considering these factors, It's essential to ask whether the crew was given a poll on the said event. If not I would try to talk to the other admin to ask about their reason and assess if the event aligns with the player's enjoyment. If the admin has not given a poll or set an event date. I would try to contact the Event coordinators about the issue and settle it with the game admin about the actions that may be necessary on the said admin that has done an illegal event. without consulting both the admin team/event coordinators and the crew about the said Event. ------------------------------------------ End Anything else we should know about: Im sane!(Probably)
  17. Forum Name: CodyPencil Discord (included tags): CodyPencil (codypen) SS14 Username: CodyPencil Characters: Madison Sidower, Molly White Server Playtime: 100h+ --- Primary Departments: Science Departamental Knowledge: Understanding how anomaly behavior works along with Containment, Types, and how to deal with them properly, if need disposal an option is always required, so it may not cause harm to the crew. Anomalies such as light anomaly and rock anomaly(type Iron, glass, uranium, silver) may safely be contained however someone must be watching the rock's growth as it may potentially overwhelm the scientist who is getting rid of the rocks for the APE to safely Contain it. Some anomalies are tricky to contain such as light anomaly(tesla anomaly, power anomaly.) they are generally very interesting to contain and keep. As they destroy the surroundings when pulsed. So the only way to contain is by using Tesla rods 2 or 3 are enough never have the APE so close to it. Must be 4-5 tiles away from the anomaly. General anomalies like gravity, reagents, bluespace are pretty passive they are easier to contain as long as they are monitored and distanced away from the crew they are harmless. .Artifacts on the other hand are The basic way of getting science points by Triggering its Stimulation and the brewery of its node. Robotics on the other hand As of now it is as simple as gathering resources for the cyborgs and its module for crew functions. The laws and sabotage are always on science as it may experience cryptographic sequencer. sabotage of anomalies by using an Experimental CHIMP, The majority of knowledge I’ve garnered throughout the past experiences failures, and successes I am proud to say that Science is one of my main sources of knowledge. shorter answer: - Anomaly Containment: - Understanding anomaly behavior and types. - Proper containment procedures to prevent harm to the crew. - Monitoring anomaly growth, especially for rock anomalies. - Differentiating between passive anomalies (e.g., gravity, reagents) and more dangerous ones (e.g., light anomalies). - Utilizing Tesla rods for containment of dangerous anomalies. - Artifact Utilization: - Triggering artifact stimulation for science points. - Node interaction for maximizing science output. - Robotics: - Gathering resources for cyborgs. - Module maintenance for crew functions. --- General/Special Knowledge: General/Special knowledge: As a scientist, everything is possible as long as you try, however, if you are a syndicate/thief using a cryptographic sequencer on an auto/proto lathes may allow you to make bullets/ammo for China Lakes such as frag grenade/blast grenades mainly only security fabricators can make. (Not including weapons) this may serve you well if you are a nuclear operative who is using China Lakes you may take the auto lathes in cargo and use a cryptographic sequencer to fabricate such or generally ammo, so you may save some telecrystals for the ammo bundle. Memorizing permanent placements on items on the station has advantages to others, primary examples are Insulated gloves/Engineering goggles or merc combat gloves which can only be spotted in various stations. There are also hidden Suits in Specific areas of near engineering. Knowing every maintenance door that leads to the command may serve you well as an antagonist and be a nuisance to others. Robusting security officers by slipping/stunning or generally using stun prods and cuffing them. shorter answer: - Syndicate Tactics: - Using cryptographic sequencers on auto/proto lathes for resource acquisition. - Knowledge of fabrication for specific items (e.g., frag grenades) in security fabricators. - Utilizing hidden suits in engineering areas. - Familiarity with maintenance door access routes to command. - Combat Strategies: - Techniques for subduing security officers (e.g., slipping/stunning, cuffing). --- Additional Information: - Experience: - 1200+ hours on Wizard Den. - 200+ hours on Frontier. - 100+ hours on Goob. - Continuous learning through experience, community interaction, and resource utilization (e.g., watching Lithenhead videos for updates).
  18. What's your Space Station 14 Username: Madison Sidower, Molly White What's your Discord Username: CodyPencil What's your playtime amount on the Goob Server: 70h+ How old are you: 17 Have you been banned from the Goob Server last or this month: I have never been banned on GoobStation Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s): I have spent a significant amount of time on these stations, accumulating over 950 hours between Wizard's Den and Frontier Station. ------------------------------------------ Time How many hours can you admin per week: 5-7 Hours it may be depending on my Lecture schedule. On what days can you get on to Admin: As I mentioned earlier, the days I'm available for admin duties can vary due to my lecture schedule. Would it be helpful if I could share my lecture schedule or discuss specific days you need admin support? What timezone are you in: UTC ------------------------------------------ General Questions Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it: I wanted to take this position as I see the lack of administrators leaving vulnerable players on Raiders to ruin their play through, and I have decided that it's pretty much going to ruin the station's reputation, and I wanted to change that. I also notice a huge number of players who are pretty much at almost the same level of self-annoyance,(self antaggers/shitters) ruining other players' fun as they try to sabotage their work. And I see that as a shithole move and would possibly want to reduce it. Have you admined for any other SS13 or SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this: I unfortunately do not have any experience inside SS13 or SS14. What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve: In my Opinion The Administrators are mainly responsible for maintaining the server as they enforce rules on anyone who's trying to break them such as (self-antags/shitters/raiders) and ensuring everyone follows the rules and doing their role play as intended or their ways to play the game, assuring that everyone is enjoying the experience. Although administrators may try to intervene if the round is stalling as it's needed in some scenarios. And I do think that it's a healthy way of keeping the server active and enjoyable for people. What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it: As I see it at the moment, The current roleplay shifts into NRP/LRP/MRP(hardly) And I do think that this is normal Since Goob is considered to be LRP/MRP Although I think it has room for improvement as the server grows, And I think that there are ways to prevent shitters/raiders on trying to ruin the server and promote theirs. And I do think that it's a huge impact when they raid a server and successfully kill a low-pop, At some point when it is a low-pop 10-15 players I always see a greytide/clowns/mimes breaking into random departments especially engineering/command as they try to access things that they normally shouldn’t as the lack of personnel. ------------------------------------------ The more questions questions. (It's highly recommended you put more than just a single or two sentences.) Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem?: If the person had already left I would simply try to check every possible detail of their action and check the admin remarks (date/time and counts) if there is a note it would simply be their 2nd action and therefore their 2nd offense which may lead to account suspension on the server [time of ban] It may depend on counts on murder they commit and logs checks. Mostly following procedures that may be included in an admin guide. Although it may depend on the roles that went on and went on a murder spree, at some point it may lead to a role ban/appeal ban etc. Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them?: However, if the captain has gone on SSD there are a few things to check first thing is to check ahelp if they have notified an admin for their absence, 2nd if they went on Cryo sleep, or at least stated that they would come back. Now if the captain did not notify I would simply try to check disconnections/server lag that causes the captain to disconnect and be unable to rejoin. Now if they were to not reconnect or any of the given, It would simply lead to a note on their remarks as they are playing an important role and have not gone on a cryo sleep nor notified an admin, it may simply be in a faulty end of their or them abandoning the role. You see a passenger player mess around too much and start interfering with a Security Officer's arrest by uncuffing the Officer's prisoner, as the passenger runs, the Officer pulls out their gun and shoots the passenger almost to death. What's wrong here and how would you handle the situation as an Admin?: The action of Uncuffing the officer’s Prisoner may count as a self-antag but may also fall into legal action interfering with legal action(space law) and they may become wanted and arrested. Now the officer pulling their gun may fall under escalation since there are few ways to detain the suspect without the usage of lethal weaponry, Since the passenger has stolen the security Baton it is most likely to have them use their disabler or as another security for their help, Although if the passenger still goes on the work interference. Now the officer still did use lethal force it may be due to some circumstances but I would try to check their playtime or ask them about their recent actions and may proceed with the following procedures de-escalation/note/ban The Clown has been constantly slipping, pieing, and messing with other players, including Officers by interfering and messing up their work. Despite being told to stop by others, they've continued. How would you deal with the problem yourself?: Now the situation may vary on the case, If the clown is slipping officers for simply arresting mime because they are messing with their work I wouldn’t see that as a problem since it may be in the case of them being an antag but, it may also be seen as work interference and do not need much intervention but observation is required when the officer goes to an escalation process. Now if the Clown is actively slipping officers and mainly trying to prevent them from their work it may be seen as self antagging as the officer may be trying to arrest a valid syndicate agent and the clown is simply preventing it this time an admin intervention may be required. it also counts for nukies when a clown just try to prevent crew from defending as the clown just randomly slipping officer/crew by stealing their gun as they slip them this is the moment a note/ban/intervention are required. You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, not much has happened. All of a sudden, the other admin decides to mess with the round without running a vote on it. It could lead to ruining the round for others rather than be fun. What would you do?: Now if the admin just started an event without considering the crew’s decision or its consequences it may decline the user enjoyment and I would try to ask the other admin if they ask the crew to vote for an event or Higher-ups for a planned event. If none of these were in the case. I would simply try to contact a higher-up as I do not have the power to cancel the event however I may try to minimize it as I talk to the other admin about reconsidering their choices and try to ask the crew’s vote first or Get the Event Coordinators for their Approval for a planned event. ------------------------------------------ End Anything else we should know about or have questions about: Agmin I want an event!
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