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    Silly Billy

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    Bald man

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  1. I think it would be good to add unique space rules just for Goob Station!!
  2. First, how old are you? 17 How long have you been playing Space Station 14 (If possible include Space Station 13) I have just over 1000 in space station 14 on steam How long have you been playing in the Nevado 14 servers? None because frankie a lazy bag o'bones Are there any bans from any Space Station 13/14 Servers from the past? Yeah Ive been banned from wizden a couple of times for multiple reason. Why do you want to become a Forums Moderator? I enjoy being in this community and I believe I could contribute more with a moderator position and also I think I could help moderate and take some pressure off you :) Anything else we should know about? would you rather have 400 pounds of bacon or 400 pounds of video bacon
  3. First, how old are you? 17 How long have you been playing Space Station 14 since mid 2023 and i have over 1000 hours How long have you been playing in the Nevado 14 servers? none Are there any bans from any Space Station 13/14 Servers from the past? yeah i got banned off of wizden for a week for shitting on a dude (its a long story) Anything else we should know about? please accept me ive got so much money i can pay you
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