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Carmelo’s application

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Forum Name: Carmello

Discord (include tag numbers): Carmel0 

SS14 Username: Carmelo

Characters: Jack Cardinal, some joke characters may make a appearance such as Nikolia tesloose, Dr James malpractice and Richard d recter or cape tain (I’m hilarious)

Server Playtime: will post later, I’m not at my computer ATM

Primary Department(s): I primarily play command. For a more in depth list, I’d say my mains, in descending order of playtime, (the ones I play the most go at the top) are: Captain, “joke” roles like clown, science, cargo, security, engineering, medical. Do note I prefer the head role of these departments over the basic role

Departmental Knowledge:

Science: I am very familiar with anomaly’s and how to contain them, I also know what researches to do first, and I have a very good understanding of robotics and an average understanding on artifacts. Basically I prefer anomaly’s and “industrializing” science by making stuff over artifacts and robotics

Cargo: cargo is very very simple so honestly I know just about everything there is to know. I’m not the perfect salvager but I’m getting there. Bounties are a piece of cake though

Engi: again, very simple job. I know a lot of the tricks such as carrying steel on you and using holofans. Given enough resources and time I can fix pretty much anything. I’m a avid shuttle enjoyer BUT with atmos anything above making dist, recycling waste and setting up pipes feels like wizardry to me

Sec: I’m quite good at combat, being well versed in slip combat and stun meta. I wouldn’t say I’m robust but I know how to handle most criminals, whether they be clowns or syndies. I have a strong moral compass and sense of fairness leading to me glowing on the over side of scentencing. Mostly I follow space law on LRP as a guideline and will release petty criminals if the crime isn’t severe, but I have no mercy for repeat offenders.

Medical: I can revive most patients in a good amount of time. I know all the things about physical meds, but don’t have ODs memorized and kinda suck at chemistry. Not much else to say here

Clown/joke roles: I’d personally say I’m one of the tamer clowns you’d come across, and am an enjoyer of lube and glue based pranks. Versed in slip fu, I’m quite robust but have learned if you cooperate with sec it’s usually less of a headache

General/Special Knowledge:

Outside of the main department things I know a lot. I can hack consistently, know most maps by memory, I can consistently get the best tider drip from nothing, and am robust in syndicate activities and nukies due to combat prowess and a silver tounge. Speaking of which, I have a lot of antag knowledge, knowing how to play each and every one, their strengths and weaknesses and how to WIN as them. My general playstyle is stealth, I rarely go in guns blazing. I know all the movement controls and crafting recipes, as well as construction stuff. Just, everything basic or advanced, I got it down. My ridiculous playtime means that almost every mechanic is something I can do.

Additional Information:

So, I’ve certainly bragged about my knowledge enough. But am I a good mentor? I’d argue yes, not in theory, but in practice. Over my time as a SS14 veteran I have trained many many people in many things, and I believe this (obviously) comes from my vast knowledge and also just the fact that I kinda enjoy teaching. I have a deep passion for this game and want to see it flourish. Every new player I tutor is one that will stick around and make the game better. The vast amounts of “noobs” on goob that need training is certainly there, and I’d be glad to help. I’ve honestly really started enjoying this server and want to see it flourish. It’s no secret my “goal” is to someday become admin for reasons stated elsewhere, and I hope this is a step in that direction. Thank you for reviewing my application !


(The first app was below average so why not go far above on this one? Ik it’s long but I wanted to cook)

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