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It's a situation you're probably all too familiar with, round begins, you wander around for a bit, chat with some people, then you happen to die. Not 5 minutes in and you're dead to Space Carps, Ninja, Nukies, a Lone Operative, or just some random shitter. What's even worse? You suit cords either aren't on, your body is gibbed/spaced, or nobody bothers to recover your body and you're left to rot five minutes into the round.

No problem, there are ghost roles so you can still participate! Well, yes, but most are bound to just be mice or a PAI, and while they can offer some fun, many times they just aren't. While there are more interesting ghost roles like closet skeletons and NT-800s that can spawn, if there are multiple people dead, or you just don't have good timing, they're likely to be taken right away and it's back to PAIs and mice.

The issue? Well where as SS13 had things like the Afterlife Bar, ghost drones, monkeys, and various other roles to come back into the round, SS14 largely lacks these things outside of admin intervention. It shouldn't be on the burden of admins to make things interesting for those who happen to be taken out of the round. It should be something that is built into the foundation of the game.

The solution? I believe it's imperative to make your voice heard on this issue. While many will give you the "learn to code" response, making issues known is important, so long as it is done so in a productive manner. Ghost Drones should make a return to SS14, they were implemented a while ago, being able to conduct minor repairs around the station, but were removed due to reasons unknown to me. An afterlife bar should make a return as well, essentially a small, indestructible station, filled with various silly things to keep people entertained. An optional arena would be great as well for those who prefer combat to just chilling. 

Either way it's an issue I believe needs to be addressed for the health of the game. 

Just clownin' around!

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  • Game Admin
11 hours ago, Clown said:

Ghost Drones should make a return to SS14, they were implemented a while ago, being able to conduct minor repairs around the station, but were removed due to reasons unknown to me.

They got disabled because people kept deconstructing walls, windows, and ruining the station since I don't believe it was locked behind a time requirement/whitelist, basically shitters got them disabled/completely removed


mentor on goob station


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