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Ban appeal (uvugvegve42)

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Space Station 14 Username: uvugvegve42

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Nintendo

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: server

The reason you were banned: Gained three entire bans in a single month span.

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: I got three bans in one month and got perma banned for that (Appeal only)
Three Ban reasons:
1. Burned hop to death with vodka and a lighter ( I later revived him but I still accept my fault )

2.Self antag as clown ( Basically stole all gear from one sec officer (for trying to arrest me for slipping him) using bar of soap. Returned it back and got jailed and banned then. )

3.Killed crew over disagreement ( Engis beaten me to crit with toolbox for trying to build singu, without even saying to stop or tell me that they were making tesla. After I came back from med and asked why, they called me a crybaby. After that I released tesla as act of protest. )

Why you should be unbanned: I never meant to harm someone for no reason, all stuff I did to get these bans were because of revenge on other spacemen.( Except HOP, I didn't knew moths take extra burn damage and that vodka&lighter will kill him instantly instead of setting a mild fire. ).

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Your ban appeal has been accepted on the conditions that.

  • Your ban time is lowered to a month.
  • You receive a 2 month engineering and security ban


It is very important that you DO NOT receive another appeal only ban or two other timed bans. 

You should also read the rules and ahelp if you run into a problem.


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