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Skinwalkers; Possible changes or solutions.


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So I came back to play some good recently and discovered Skinwalkers. Quite frankly I love them, in spite of some of the jank that might come with them. I do understand that they're still in development, but I still think brainstorming is useful. 

So what's the issue? Well many think Skinwalkers are OP, and while I don't think they're entirely broken, I do think they could use some additional features. As it stands now, you effectively get two full lives. While Diona can be nymphs and reform, it does take some time (too much time imo), Skinwalkers get theirs instantly. I don't think this is an issue though as it makes them stand out from Diona. Many also take issue with the skeleton form, claiming they're too strong, and while sure, they ignore much of the dangers of SS14, they are extremely weak to Brute, the easiest and most common damage to deal, making them ill-suited for combat.  

In my opinion the problem comes from the human portion of the Skinwalkers, as you essentially are just a regular passenger until you go crit. I don't however believe we should remove this, but instead make it unique.

My solution would be on top of giving them the option to gib at anytime, to add a flesh meter. This flesh meter would be a meter that would decrease over time, and would indicate the stability of your skin. The only way to refill this flesh meter would be to drink blood, eat corpses, and eat meat. Regular food, water, meds, would not effect it. You would still need medical care, but it would not fill the flesh meter. Things like blood and mice would only fill the flesh meter a small amount, where as meat would fill it a moderate amount, and corpses would fill it completely or a large amount. If this proves to be not enough, you could make them extremely vulnerable to fire in there flesh mode. 

This solution would serve to keep people from always picking Skinwalker, while keeping them interesting and fun. It would give the Skinwalkers something they have to maintain if they do not wish to be easily gibbed by Brute. 

Thank you for reading and do let me know your thoughts!

Just clownin' around!

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We shouldn't make corpses too easy to dispose of, I think it'd be best to simply let skinwalkers meatspike their meals and cut meat off of them like normal.

however this opinion may just exist because i don't want to code this

also i'm gonna test giving em high heat vulnerability since it's a more niche damage type than brute but it's still a pretty bad weakness to have


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i like cats!

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2 hours ago, CatMagic said:

We shouldn't make corpses too easy to dispose of, I think it'd be best to simply let skinwalkers meatspike their meals and cut meat off of them like normal.

however this opinion may just exist because i don't want to code this

also i'm gonna test giving em high heat vulnerability since it's a more niche damage type than brute but it's still a pretty bad weakness to have

Well, I was thinking corpse consumption would be a lengthy process scaling with size. Sure, a mouse not take very long, but a raccoon or mid sized animal would take longer, and any human corpse would be rather long. I do like the meat spiking idea too, it would invite more RP around the kitchen.

I don't know any coding so I'm not sure how hard any of this is to implement, sorry if anything would just be too much of a hassle.

Just clownin' around!

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You can slap the meat spike code into the skinwalker for making him able to eat corpses more easy.

Altough this can be OP or just like slapping a China lake into a man

Doing this next week

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