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ban appeal

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Space Station 14 Username: ljuakny

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: admin username was not mention in ban

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server

The reason you were banned: "Nuh uh" literaly

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: only i can think of was killing in one round janitor under HOS  orders roundstart [it was insisted] i cannot recal any other wrong doings

Why you should be unbanned: i feel that mistake hapened 

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It appears you were mistaken as a raider during a raid and banned. You have been unbanned. Apologies, and thank you for your appeal.


{insert obnoxiously large signature here}

i like cats!

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  • CEI
7 hours ago, CatMagic said:

It appears you were mistaken as a raider during a raid and banned. You have been unbanned. Apologies, and thank you for your appeal.

bitches when no moving to accepted apps


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