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Cyborg Loadouts


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So with the implementation of Loadouts, I'm wondering if it would be possible to choose what type of Cyborg you start as with the loadouts. It's not too uncommon to have rounds where there just aren't any science, or the science that exist ignore your pleas. You could only give them basic modules, that way Robotics still has something to do. When I played SS13 I remember a feature where the borgs had an option to transform into one of the various borgs on their own, so perhaps that would be an easier solution. 

Just clownin' around!

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Honestly? I'd be down for this kind of loadout. Basic borgs at first and then if you want to be upgraded, Go to Science. I could see this being super useful for departments like Cargo, A salvager borg ready to go. Or a medical borg right away. I'm unsure if this would be hard to implement but I like it a lot.

Engineering life.

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