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CBozo/2con Mentor App.

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Forum Name: Cbozo

Discord (include tag numbers): cbozo_

SS14 Username: 2con

Characters: Mainly a teal spider named Jed Metzer, but a while back I did some shenanigans as a lizard named "Razes-the-Station"

Server Playtime: Not much on this specific server, but across all my servers I have a bit over 500 hours (100 of them may or may not be on passenger)

Primary Department(s): By playtime, passenger. But, I'm well versed in engineering as a whole and I'm an okay secoff.

Departmental Knowledge: I know a good deal about atmos I'd say. I can set up trit in pipes or in the burn chamber and frezon isn't that hard to set up from there. Also, I'm a decent engineer and I can set up anything from the suppermatter engine on Atlas to the singulo/tesla on Core and I have managed to fix a syndie bomb crater on one occasion. I'm half decent at command, but that stuff is more RP than mechanical skill. I can, at the very least, teach new players how to play every role at a moderate level.

General/Special Knowledge: Again, I'm like best suited for explaining how engineering and its associated departments work. But, I can also guide people on how to set up a local server to test stuff out for themselves and help them learn faster. This game is a bitch and a half to learn for the first time, and that puts off a lot of players at the get-go. So, being able to help players et up their own environment to learn things without the pressures of a normal round is invaluable, in my opinion.

Additional Information: I don't know. I promise not to teach new people how to make maxcaps. This would be my first position remotely related to a staff position, but I gotta start somewhere, right?

"sv_cheats 1"

-Sun Tzu

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