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Madison's Mentor Application.

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Forum Name: CodyPencil

Discord (included tags): CodyPencil (codypen)

SS14 Username: CodyPencil

Characters: Madison Sidower, Molly White

Server Playtime: 100h+


Primary Departments: Science

Departamental Knowledge:
Understanding how anomaly behavior works along with Containment, Types, and how to deal with them properly, if need disposal an option is always required, so it may not cause harm to the crew. Anomalies such as light anomaly and rock anomaly(type Iron, glass, uranium, silver) may safely be contained however someone must be watching the rock's growth as it may potentially overwhelm the scientist who is getting rid of the rocks for the APE to safely Contain it. Some anomalies are tricky to contain such as light anomaly(tesla anomaly, power anomaly.) they are generally very interesting to contain and keep.

As they destroy the surroundings when pulsed. So the only way to contain is by using Tesla rods 2 or 3 are enough never have the APE so close to it. Must be 4-5 tiles away from the anomaly.
General anomalies like gravity, reagents, bluespace are pretty passive they are easier to contain as long as they are monitored and distanced away from the crew they are harmless. 

.Artifacts on the other hand are The basic way of getting science points by Triggering its Stimulation and the brewery of its node. Robotics on the other hand As of now it is as simple as gathering resources for the cyborgs and its module for crew functions. The laws and sabotage are always on science as it may experience cryptographic sequencer. sabotage of anomalies by using an Experimental CHIMP, The majority of knowledge I’ve garnered throughout the past experiences failures, and successes I am proud to say that Science is one of my main sources of knowledge.

shorter answer:

- Anomaly Containment:
  - Understanding anomaly behavior and types.
  - Proper containment procedures to prevent harm to the crew.
  - Monitoring anomaly growth, especially for rock anomalies.
  - Differentiating between passive anomalies (e.g., gravity, reagents) and more dangerous ones (e.g., light anomalies).
  - Utilizing Tesla rods for containment of dangerous anomalies.

- Artifact Utilization:
  - Triggering artifact stimulation for science points.
  - Node interaction for maximizing science output.

- Robotics:
  - Gathering resources for cyborgs.
  - Module maintenance for crew functions.


General/Special Knowledge:

General/Special knowledge: As a scientist, everything is possible as long as you try, however, if you are a syndicate/thief using a cryptographic sequencer on an auto/proto lathes may allow you to make bullets/ammo for China Lakes such as frag grenade/blast grenades mainly only security fabricators can make. (Not including weapons) this may serve you well if you are a nuclear operative who is using China Lakes you may take the auto lathes in cargo and use a cryptographic sequencer to fabricate such or generally ammo, so you may save some telecrystals for the ammo bundle. Memorizing permanent placements on items on the station has advantages to others, primary examples are Insulated gloves/Engineering goggles or merc combat gloves which can only be spotted in various stations. There are also hidden Suits in Specific areas of near engineering. Knowing every maintenance door that leads to the command may serve you well as an antagonist and be a nuisance to others. Robusting security officers by slipping/stunning or generally using stun prods and cuffing them.

shorter answer:


- Syndicate Tactics:
  - Using cryptographic sequencers on auto/proto lathes for resource acquisition.
  - Knowledge of fabrication for specific items (e.g., frag grenades) in security fabricators.
  - Utilizing hidden suits in engineering areas.
  - Familiarity with maintenance door access routes to command.

- Combat Strategies:
  - Techniques for subduing security officers (e.g., slipping/stunning, cuffing).


Additional Information:

- Experience:
  - 1200+ hours on Wizard Den.
  - 200+ hours on Frontier.
  - 100+ hours on Goob.
  - Continuous learning through experience, community interaction, and resource utilization (e.g., watching Lithenhead videos for updates).



In twilight’s gentle, whispering embrace, I pen these lines, a hello to place. A greeting spun in hues of dusk, A tender touch, a fleeting musk.
As daylight fades and shadows grow, I send this note, a warm hello. Yet in its folds, a soft goodbye, For moments pass like stars on high.
Welcome, dear friend, to this new dawn, Where every ending’s but withdrawn. In each hello, a farewell's hue, For every start bids past adieu.
So take this sweet and brief verse: A hello cloaked in autumn’s leaf. And though it sounds like Parting’s song, It’s where our journey now belongs.

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  • CEI
On 4/29/2024 at 5:11 AM, CapitalBeat said:

Honestly, yeah. science unironically needs a mentor, a lot of people could benefit from learning how to play science better

Reminds me to put a no peanut posting thing.

Seriously, do not post on other's applications unless there's a good reason for it. (Yes, fair that you're just giving your feedback, but leave it out of the apps.)


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In twilight’s gentle, whispering embrace, I pen these lines, a hello to place. A greeting spun in hues of dusk, A tender touch, a fleeting musk.
As daylight fades and shadows grow, I send this note, a warm hello. Yet in its folds, a soft goodbye, For moments pass like stars on high.
Welcome, dear friend, to this new dawn, Where every ending’s but withdrawn. In each hello, a farewell's hue, For every start bids past adieu.
So take this sweet and brief verse: A hello cloaked in autumn’s leaf. And though it sounds like Parting’s song, It’s where our journey now belongs.

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