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CapitalBeat - Admin application

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What's your Space Station 14 Username:


What's your Discord Username: 


What's your playtime amount on the Goob Server: 

260h but I've been playing on goob for 1 month now, saying this cause I had my wizden hours ported to goob

How old are you:


Have you been banned from the Goob Server last or this month:


Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s):

I've played on Wizden LRP with overall playtime of 225 hours

And I've been playing for some time now on a HRP/MRP ss13 server called shiptest, similar to Frontier station for a total of around 43 hours (and games usually last around 2 hours so around 21 games.. ish? , the server's closed as of the moment because its only hosted three days a week and its pretty exclusive)


How many hours can you admin per week:

21 hours per week, lowest being on tuesday but it changes along with my schedule

On what days can you get on to Admin:

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

What timezone are you in: EET/EEST


General Questions

Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it: 

I want to become a game admin because I wanna really make a difference for goob station, ever since I started playing I noticed just how different it was from wizden, certainly more relaxed and maybe even less over-the-top attitude towards moderation, my point being is that moderation here is a lot more human, to describe it more precisely, dealing with admins on official servers feels too bureaucratic and has a sense that they've got this holier than thou attitude overall, something that I do not really like cause, come on, It's a game, you don't have to treat people like a customer in line. (I'm not implying I see goob station's mods taking moderation as a joke, I'm saying that compared to official server moderators that act like robots and too bureaucratic over a game, goob's much better). If I became an admin I'd really like to practice being more of a neutral face and try to be as understanding as possible for both sides of an argument and make agreements that both sides can take and resolve issues, with my best possible outcome, making the issue be resolved IC(In-character with interactions between the two)

Aside from liking how the admins handle Ahelps, I also really like the events and I also have a lot of ideas I want to put on the table and plan with event coordinators every now and then to make goob a more fun experience, I really want to entertain people and spice the gameplay in more ways than one if possible.

Have you adminned for any other SS13 or SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this:

I haven't done admin work for any space station server, however I like to mess with the admin tools on sandbox on a private server, I have however, done work as a game moderator for a fairly active game on Roblox with around 1,244 logs and hosted a few events (I have a screenshot of my admin logs on said game but I'm not sure they're valid since this question is asking for ss14/13 ones specifically)

What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve:

Game admins have the job of making sure the round is going smoothly and everyone is acting as they're supposed to. They filter out any actions or incidents that were gray in the rulebook and resolve any issue between players (such as self antagging, shittery like being a prick on purpose and sometimes cases like failing to act like their job description tells them to or the lack thereof).

  Aside from mainly just watching over people and making sure they don't degrade the experience for other players and interacting with command (like the NTR), they also have a side-role of making the game a little interesting, preferably in cooperation with event coordinators, of course. The most extent of doing something on my own, if I hypothetically could do an admeme is probably on the end of a round when everyone arrives to centcomm. Other than that another example for what to do to make the round more interesting, let's say,  a wizard takes over the station with skeletons or revs take over the station and refuse to call the evac shuttle, I'd have to give all the dead players something to do and end the round which in this case is spawn ERT.

What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it:

The overall attitude of Goob station falls somewhere between LRP, thanks to current moderation efforts where a month ago when I started, it felt more like a NRP/sandbox server and the like. An Issue I see with this however is that some of the jobs on goob require MRP to HRP handling, NanoTrasen Representative for example has an obligation to monitor and guide command and talk a lot, most NTR's I see as of lately do their own work around the station and pose too much a risk to themselves by being in the open, when they should be in the bridge and monitoring the events around the station and sending Faxes to centcomm about it. Another issue I've noticed is that while, yes. People need to learn every now and then how to play a certain job by learning as they play, It's frustrating how recently I've had a recent run-in with high ranking officials in security are completely inept from doing their jobs, in a round I was playing I had to wait 5 minutes for the warden to stop talking with a chaplain getting the "heebie jeebies" while actively ignoring me when I brought in a suspected syndicate at the time along with BlueShield's help, apparently the chaplain being scared had more priority than someone who had the means to bomb security again. I know this falls under the "there was too much chaos and he was overwhelmed scenario" but as a warden, that's something you should be prepared for in coordination with the HOS.

Ultimately, lack of communication is a huge issue for goob due to it being treated too much as a LRP server and admins should have some involvement in guiding especially the command into communicating more efficiently, which can add a lot of flavor to the gameplay


The more questions questions. (It's highly recommended you put more than just a single or two sentences.)

Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem?

I would investigate and determine based on the chat and interactions and the two dead player's reactions whether this person left on purpose or something had occured. If  concluded that he left on purpose it would be considered ban evasion and thus making the punishment to an appeal-only ban, if they left out of the blue and came back, I'd ask them in Ahelp whether their internet was okay or if they needed to do something, just checking if they were okay before asking them why they killed two people then act accordingly with their side of the story (which depends on whether they lie/make up a bullshit story or explain why they did RDM those two people). And lastly, if they did disconnect out of the blue without reconnecting, I'd have to check their actions carefully before considering whether is ban evasion, I'd try to approach them on discord if they're online there and ask them about it there though.

Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them?

I'll wait a bit to see if they reconnect, if they don't return within a reasonable time I'll let command handle who's taking over the captain's job then write a low admin remark noting that they disconnected as captain for no reason but its the first time they did it. If the NTR sends me a fax about the captain getting SSD/Going catatonic for no reason I'll respond with a Central command announcement and decide the next best candidate for captain's job. If they do return I'll observe a bit more to see if they say why they went SSD otherwise just ask them in Ahelp if it's during something like a nukie round.

You see a passenger player mess around too much and start interfering with a Security Officer's arrest by uncuffing the Officer's prisoner, as the passenger runs, the Officer pulls out their gun and shoots the passenger almost to death. What's wrong here and how would you handle the situation as an Admin?

The security officer over-escalated. If we're going to assume the passenger who ran away is the cuffed one, that's pretty poor escalation on the officer's part, their life wasn't in danger and he shouldn't have used lethals, I would need to investigate whether that passenger took or had weapons although, and that could've been the reason the security shot him, probably fearing for his life IC. After investigating a bit I'd ask both the passenger and secoff their sides of the story and why the secoff shot him to critical state. If the passenger did have lethals and the secoff knew, I'd dismiss the case, if the passenger didn't have lethals and the secoff didn't know, I'd warn him with a medium remark on poor escalation. If he didn't have lethals and still shot him anyway even if he had the tools to apprehend him without lethal means, I'd give him a high remark for poor escalation and warn him verbally to not do that again in Ahelp

The Clown has been constantly slipping, pieing, and messing with other players, including Officers by interfering and messing up their work. Despite being told to stop by others, they've continued. How would you deal with the problem yourself?

How much is it exactly interfering? If he's just running around just being a nuisance, he should be arrested, if it continues, perma. If it becomes too excessive to the point where its actively ruining the fun for other players then I might have to tell him to tone it down in Ahelp. This is an issue that should be resolved IC, only admin involvement here should be if he's starting to ruin the fun for others or actively griefing and antagonizing departments like security or cargo to get what he wants out of them and being disruptive.

You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, not much has happened. All of a sudden, the other admin decides to mess with the round without running a vote on it. It could lead to ruining the round for others rather than be fun. What would you do?

I wouldn't say a thing to them or confront them since they might do something but I would record it and point it out to the owner and express concern over the admin's actions to them.



Anything else we should know about or have questions about:

Not really. Just want to ask what kind of direction the moderation team is looking to take towards moderation and mainly the server and community. And whether I fit the description


signature.png.fe73ea88f1f3108d5938f7fad588971b.png The brainrot is insane.

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Hey so: Quick update, Event Coordinators got merged with game admins.
However, I still hope my application is still valid even when i applied during that period.

signature.png.fe73ea88f1f3108d5938f7fad588971b.png The brainrot is insane.

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