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Space Station 14 Username:Game_And_Glitch3

Banning Admin's SS14 Username:gTheglorious

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department:Server

The reason you were banned:Selfantag and breaking into high security areas (along those lines)

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: Ill try my best to remember, I was a mime, Earlier on to the shift the HoP office was open, i printed some drip (HoS turtleneck thingy, Mantle, and hat), Time passed, I think the important stuff after that is: Clown told me to follow them into disposal chute, I went in, Inside bridge, i broke the axe cabinet (What i feel was fair about the ban), Remembered it was selfantag, grabbed the Ian backpack, Service remote and the approved stamp, i think it was while i was inside bridge i was ahelped, i left bridge via dispo, walked around, gave stamp and service remote to sec asking them to return it,  I don't know if they did but they took both. I then got banned

Why you should be unbanned:I just feel a 3day is a bit too long, The ban was fair (In my opinion) just not the extra 2 days

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Security should had stoped you, its their job, clown and mime breaking into captain office should be taken the same has science forgeting to take care of an anomalie and it going crit.

It can be solved in character by security team noticing it and trowing mime and clown to perma, it has to be a only 1 time actions for it to not happen all the rounds to the point where is annoying and sec has to metagame for stoping them.

Axe gabinet destruction is the biggest infraction here, but stealing hop stuff can be handled has grand theft and tresspasing of high security areas, wich all of that could had permad you.

But since this server is known by the understaffing in pretty much all departaments and tiders destroying the station and raiders raiding the server. I think the admins did well since when there is no sec, admins have to take hands in the thing.

im not the best person to say this due to my history of notes and other stuff but still wanted to do this analisis. Also im peanut posting maybe.

Doing this next week

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Posted (edited)

Ignore my previous post, I didn't read the note about this being a second offense

Edited by Cbozo
Read the other post made by OP

"sv_cheats 1"

-Sun Tzu

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