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What's your Space Station 14 Username: camydooy

What's your Discord Username: heilanthus

What's your playtime amount on the Goob Server: 87H(19023801983091859748957398457 minutes on captain, because of one of the silly staff)

How old are you: 19

Have you been banned from the Goob Server last or this month: last month, I was banned, completely understandable ban, I was extremely fucking stupid.

Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s): Frontier was my old main with 47 hours., before I discovered goob and became a full time goober


How many hours can you admin per week: 12 on minimum

On what days can you get on to Admin: Mainly Weekends, I have a job, but I can do any day

What timezone are you in: PST/PDT


General Questions

Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it: The server is really nice, its full of fun, but also full of raiders, which usually dont get stopped till after they have caused some sort of havoc as the russians roam at night, I want to be able to help the server and deal with people that end up breaking 80 rules at like 3 am when most admins are asleep, but im not because thats just morning for me.

Have you adminned for any other SS13 or SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this: Nope

What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve: 
I feel they serve multiple, from having fun, to dealing with actual rulebreakers, helping with people at CC, and ensuring the server is y'know smooth and having a good time.

What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it:  the roleplay is really nice I enjoy the LRP but it needs more consistent rule enforcement that doesnt vary from admin to admin, so you can enjoy the server without one admin telling you its okay to kill the clown via escalation while another is saying it doesnt reach escalation, needs more mutual agreement.


The more questions questions. (It's highly recommended you put more than just a single or two sentences.)

Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem?

I would go ahead and tell a higher up then me, follow their guidance, but if that wasn't applicable  Give them a note, and a 3 day GB for second offense, If my higher up tells me to do a certain thing, or revoke a certain thing, I will follow their guidance.

Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them?

I would assume it was important, if this is their first time, If they were in the discord, I would go ahead and dm them, and ask why they had to leave, If they come back online, I would do similar and Ahelp them wondering why they had to leave, and if it was a valid excuse such as medical emergency or such, I'd go ahead and tell them next time they should ahelp then leave, as it'd allow for the job to be y'know done as captain is a critical for the shittle of a station

You see a passenger player mess around too much and start interfering with a Security Officer's arrest by uncuffing the Officer's prisoner, as the passenger runs, the Officer pulls out their gun and shoots the passenger almost to death. What's wrong here and how would you handle the situation as an Admin?

both the passenger and secoff did something wrong I'd remind the passenger of the rules and tell him interfering is usually not allowed, but , I'd also give the secoff a 12H GB for over-escalation, the main issues wrong were that the secoff of course over-escalated, and the lil greytider passenger interfered a fair bit too much.

The Clown has been constantly slipping, pieing, and messing with other players, including Officers by interfering and messing up their work. Despite being told to stop by others, they've continued. How would you deal with the problem yourself?

I would go ahead and warn the clown to stop, tell him it is interfering with other jobs, and other players have complained about it, I would tell them it wasn't the honkmother way, and give them a note, and temp job ban if they continue.

You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, not much has happened. All of a sudden, the other admin decides to mess with the round without running a vote on it. It could lead to ruining the round for others rather than be fun. What would you do?

I would tell off the admin, tell him that he probably shouldn't be doing that, and I'd tell him it be better if he at least ran a vote, and don't interfere with the round till then, if the admin continues to-do-so without running a vote, or continues in the future, I'd go ahead and tell a higherup such as Kira, and tell the admin that I did so.

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