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greymaria's Admin Application

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What's your Space Station 14 Username: greymaria

What's your Discord Username: greymaria

What's your playtime amount on the Goob Server: 0 hours 0 minutes (DON'T SHOOT I CAN EXPLAIN)

How old are you: 30

Have you been banned from the Goob Server last or this month: Gosh I hope not, that'd be the shittiest welcome party of the century

Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s): Wizden (LRP), 300+ hours



How many hours can you admin per week: I always felt this question was strange. Like... theoretically 20+? Let's just say I have more free time than average.

On what days can you get on to Admin: Any day that isn't Friday, though that also depends on when on Friday?

What timezone are you in: PST


General Questions

Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it:
I was going to post this whole ass essay that tl;drs to Make SS14 Great Again but I decided midway through that that was a bit... superfluous? I get it. You've seen it. I've seen it. We've all seen it. This game attracts shit--whether it's the kids used to the culture of SS13 or it's blatant trolls who see SS14 as an easy target--and it's not always easy to keep it nailed down.
I'm not terribly imaginative, I'm not too keen on causing chaos for no reason, I just wanna be a spessman on a spess station, for Nar'sie's sake. And in the time I've spent playing this game... it's been a fight, watching to see that everyone else is staying in line and being a spessman on a spess station. I almost felt like I didn't have time for myself to play the game. No one should have to feel like that. No one should have to stop and think "is the clown an antag or is the clown an asshole?" or "this same person has broken into my department to steal tider shit seven times in the last three rounds and they're never antag where are the admins?".
I feel like I could help to lessen that. Even just a little bit.

Have you adminned for any other SS13 or SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this:

What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve:
Game admins serve multiple roles, and some will fit certain jobs better than others, but in general their role is to (in no particular order):
- Maintain order, via education and enforcement of the rules
- Offer clarification, if a user has a question about a rule or a scenario
- Function as a "game master" for special events
- Intervene in unusual scenarios, such as fixing something that definitely shouldn't have happened, to help improve the overall experience

What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it:
I cannot currently offer perspective on this! However, if it's anything like the average experience in Wizden LRP, I would fear that it would trend far too easily towards NRP.


The more questions questions. (It's highly recommended you put more than just a single or two sentences.)

Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem?
This seems pretty clear-cut as written. The only ambiguity is whether the player left while alive or ragequit as a result of being disabled (crit/arrested), though this matters little in the end as this should be met with an appeal ban. If the player has a history, on record, of RDM, they've been warned about it before, and they've done it again with absolutely no provocation, it's time to escalate to a ban, especially if they disconnected after their griefing. Bans can always be appealed, explanations can always be given, replays can always be reviewed. But I wouldn't expect a player with a recorded history to have a very good excuse.


Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them?
A perfect time to use the message-type remark, yeah? Shit happens, sometimes it's out of the players' control. Maybe they don't know that they should give a heads-up that they need to disconnect, maybe their power went out at the same time their dog started eating their shoes. The message remark should invite the player to submit an ahelp explaining the situation and reminding them that they should try to avoid unexpected disappearances as a critical command role. Even a "shit I gotta go I am so sorry" or some such is preferable to vanishing without a trace.


You see a passenger player mess around too much and start interfering with a Security Officer's arrest by uncuffing the Officer's prisoner, as the passenger runs, the Officer pulls out their gun and shoots the passenger almost to death. What's wrong here and how would you handle the situation as an Admin?
Oh boy this category of question. There are so many moving parts that you can't give a concrete answer without dissecting the entire environment and accounting for every possible ambiguity.

The Passenger:
- If they are not an antagonist role, they are in the wrong and should be handled appropriately.
- If they ARE an antagonist role, then, well, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You interfered with an arrest, you're going to attract Security's attention.

The Prisoner:
- Is probably laughing their ass off right now and might be trying to run away. No problem here--though it might be worth finding out why they're being arrested, for later.

The Secoff:
- Has escalated too far, almost certainly, but this can happen by accident or by necessity.
- Is in the right for attempting to halt The Passenger's shenanigans, but has their hands full with The Prisoner and should not lose focus.
- If they continued to shoot The Passenger well after critting them, they're very much in the wrong.
- If they stopped when The Passenger entered crit and attempted to find someone nearby to see that their victim gets taken to Medical, it's less bad.

As a tl;dr, The Passenger will be addressed (likely quite severely) if they're not an antagonist, and The Secoff will be addressed with variable severity--if it's not an egregious violation and if at all possible, delayed until The Secoff has finished securing The Prisoner.


The Clown has been constantly slipping, pieing, and messing with other players, including Officers by interfering and messing up their work. Despite being told to stop by others, they've continued. How would you deal with the problem yourself?
Antag clown? Gets a pass. Maybe a cookie. Maybe gets quietly watched to see if they're powergaming.
Non-antag clown? Will, at minimum, be reminded that they are a Nanotrasen employee and that it's in their best interest to not interfere with Security, and a remark applied to indicate their transgression. If other admins have already advised the clown to stop, and the clown is continuing, the clown will become unable to continue and may additionally become unable to be a clown.
Playing Clown is not a free pass to be a shitter.
Playing Clown is not a free pass to be a shitter.
Playing Clown is not a free pass to be a shitter.
Playing Clown is not a free pass to be a shitter.


You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, not much has happened. All of a sudden, the other admin decides to mess with the round without running a vote on it. It could lead to ruining the round for others rather than be fun. What would you do?
The council will decide their fate.
No, no, seriously, a bad game master ruins games. Chaos for the sake of chaos, rocks fall for the sake of everyone dies... the players most likely aren't here for that. I'll look into damage control, I'll inform someone above me, but I'm not going to directly confront them myself about it. I'm bad at that specific interaction and will probably make people Very Angry.




Anything else we should know about or have questions about:
I have, in fact, been warned about the stairs.

You said you could explain!
I miiiight have taken a break from SS14 after bad community managers made it clear they were dead set on ruining their community. Wizden game admins were generally accepting of me, as far as I could tell. Goob might well be an avenue for me to return to spessman life, whether it's as a Nanotrasen wagie or a Central Command overseer.

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  • Game Admin

does that question end with "got executed for constantly and aggressively questioning the wizden maintainers' every breath" or "hyperfocused down a chronic metafriend group"

or am i truly unaware of the real greymaria lore

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2 minutes ago, greymaria said:

does that question end with "got executed for constantly and aggressively questioning the wizden maintainers' every breath" or "hyperfocused down a chronic metafriend group"

or am i truly unaware of the real greymaria lore

no, just the rejected application thing. That’s all I remember you for.


but since G thinks you cool, you cool


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Oh yeah I had applied for wizden admin and I broke down the detective-overescalating question in a similar amount of detail, I kinda wonder what I would have received for feedback on that whole app had I been able to ask

Cause there's always going to be some nuance in every scenario, so you gotta be able to consider all of the possibilities

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  • Owner
42 minutes ago, greymaria said:

Oh yeah I had applied for wizden admin and I broke down the detective-overescalating question in a similar amount of detail, I kinda wonder what I would have received for feedback on that whole app had I been able to ask

Cause there's always going to be some nuance in every scenario, so you gotta be able to consider all of the possibilities



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