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dinoman van Appeal

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Space Station 14 Username: dinoman

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: greymaria

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: server

The reason you were banned:"self-antag (heavily damaging/smashing windows with the atmos axe as nonantag atmos tech) first offence. Elevating to game ban as they seem to think that this is acceptable to do" (exact words

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: shift start, set distro up wait around for something hear "syndie cat in cargo!" i go check it out after grabing the atmos axe, nothing so i decide to walk around, spot the clown that got AA in bridge and he was givein the mime AA, the door was upowerd due to explosion or something so i help them out and remove the door for them, then i leave shortly after getting told to leave, i then walk out hit the windows once with the axe to crack them to anoy the clown, see someone getting arested and getting draged to sec, i walk in behind them crack a few more widows (stage 1 crack, not break) get arested for said cracking, get mostly everything thrown down dispo for trying to break out, (i said some not to nice words to them for throwing my stuff down dispo) esscape again with RCD, get stuned and thrown back in, escape 1 last time,  dies to QM with an axe helping sec, then i made an Ahelp about my stuff getting thrown down dispo, then grey responds to my ahelp about my stuff going down dispo with something like "you cant talk, youve been self antaging breaking and damageing windows" a few more words from grey i cant entirely remember i responded aswell but i cant remeber that eather so if yall could check logs, then i say "okay?" then a min later i get banned for the reason above.

Why you should be unbanned: i feel this trial min was being unfair all because i responded in a tone that they did not seem to like, i have also done this many times (being a goober and cracking renforced windows) and never had a problem, never even warrned once, if i was asked to stop i mostly did, but the main issue is that the trialmin was extremely hostile from the bat and i was to afraid to say much, and so i conclude that this is mostly admeme error, altho it is still partly my fault for not reading into the self antag rules more

Edited by dinoman
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By the time we probably get to this, it'll be expired.

There is a chance that we've missed you cracking windows as a non-antag (Why would you do that or even be doing that in the first place??) but just cause we've never said anything does not mean that it was fine at all.

The trialmin was hostile sounding, but I don't think they were trying to be like that. If you have problems or anything, make a complaint. Overall, this is denied.


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