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KingKonga - Ban Appeal

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Space Station 14 Username: KingKonga

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Greymaria

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: GameBan, Server

The reason you were banned: Raider activity

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: me and a buddy were passengers and ended up making uranium spears, when security tried to arrest and shoot us for having them i ran away, someone threw a bomb and shots were fired and i ended up poking sec that was cuffing and dragging my buddy. I was pretty quickly gunned down and brought to med. later Greymaria asked why i went around stabbing people with spears, i had only stabbed the sec officer. Then when while i was confused i was permabanned for "Raider Activity".

Why you should be unbanned: I'm not sure exactly what happened. i don't think what i did was worthy of admin interference. Everything was solved in character and i had legitimate reasons for my actions.

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Stabbing a secoff has non antag and for these reasons is self antaging, and making uranium Spears for no reasons kinda feels like powergaming.

Stabbing a secoff for avoiding the arrest of your friend and then getting gunned down for it isnt solving someting in-character and needed admin intervention.

Doing this next week

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I just made the uranium spear because my friend told me it was a good weapon. I understand in hindsight that stabbing the secoff was definitely an over escalation on my part, I should have just went and hid in maints. It wont happen again.

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What you should had done is not even making uranium spears, they are powerful weapons and making them wihout a reason is 100% powergaming, soo sec will try to confiscate them, if they do then you should give them to sec.

Also, was your buddy the one that told you about the spears or was another guy?, and did he use the game chat inside the round or another way of communication?.

Also, im not an admin, just to clarify

Doing this next week

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  • CEI
28 minutes ago, KingKonga said:

I didn't know Uranium spears were not allowed usually i just use bats but my buddy told me that the spear is good. We do dm on Discord between rounds but not during.

They are allowed, but when you're using them to stab people without an actual reason or just power gaming them, that's not good.


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Understood, I'm still finnicky on whats allowed or not allowed, I thought being arrested for having an illegal weapon was grounds for defending yourself with lethal force. Now that i know that's not allowed, it wont happen again. 

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I played this round and remember it well. It was around 2 am Eastern time, with around 20 players online. It was a pretty quiet shift. I believe he should not have been banned. This is a sandbox game, and there was minimal antagonist activity at the time, so passengers being passengers gave some life to the shift, allowing security to do their jobs. I don't believe stabbing a sec officer to save a friend is self antag, nor is resisting arrest. They were just being passengers and being mischievous. The entire thing was handled in the game. "Raider Activities" is much too vague and should not have been a permaban at all. Raider activities would do more with murdering random crew for no reason.

Not to get on my soapbox, but I feel that many staff are overbearing and should sometimes just let things play out, but I won't get on that. That's my 2 cents at least.



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