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Rolled Banned by Trial Admin Grey for helping station (banned while offline)

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Space Station 14 Username: CaptainAtlanta

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Greymaria

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: All Lead and Nanotrasen jobs

The reason you were banned: "Consistently interacts with LITERALLY every other departments functions as BSO, has been told very recently to not do LITERALLY every other job on the station as BSO. Consistently behaves as acting captain while BSO."

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: It was probably about 3am the server tends to thin out, we sat at about 12 people on station, spawned as BSO and met up with NTR and HoS, NTR told me to go ahead and assume captain, after that I went around station helping out anyway, checking monitors, mass scanner, sensors, power etc etc, everything I could, seen a salv was stranded in space so I the took cargo shuttle to rescue him, found him and came back, by the time I made it back to bridge I got pinged by grey asking "why the fuck am I doing literally every other job on station besides protecting station leads" my response was that I'm not BSO, we need a captain and the only other station lead is Chief Engineer (trust me I get very little enjoyment out of being captain) and thats what lead to my ban today, although when I received the ban was when I was offline which is very confusing to come back and ban me when without ping'ing me in game and waiting hours if not a day to do so. The only other time Grey could be referring too in response "Consistently behaves as acting captain while BSO" is when a Lizard went around with a sheet of paper wanting stamp, the paper said something along the lines of "[His Name] Is a really really cool guy and can be trusted" and he wanted captains stamp so I stamped it for him as BSO if he got HoP's stamp, he came back with every other station leads stamp so I said ok, whenever a crew member comes up and says "hey can I have XYZ?" my response is almost always "go ask HoP or Hos" most of the times they ask for access and I tell them to meet me infront of HoP than I never show up and that generally makes them go away. I'm entirely aware of the "If you want to play captain choose captain at roundstart", Grey found it hard to realize its 3am, there's 12 people on station and I've quite literally been told to assume captain for the time being by NTR (didn't even mean to choose the character with BSO as medium), After the blatant disrespect from Grey and the lack of ability to listen and awareness of the situation on the station, I dropped all my things off at bridge and logged off, which is also stated in my ban report that I abandoned role, when I explicitly told Grey "I am logging off".

Why you should be unbanned: So to start this off im not gonna bullshit anybody, I'm going to be as real as possible. The instance in which I was banned, or the surrounding round I was banned for given the title "Consistently" is only referring to the 3rd time I've ever played BSO, in which I protected all station leads and offered any advice I could ever give, and if Grey would be at liberty to disclose what "Does LITERALLY LITERALLY every other job on station" means, id be more inclined to give a more defensible answer on why that's a gross exaggeration, because if doing every other job on station means I'm helping crew and leads to the best of my ability then I'm doing a damn good job. Its also funny how I'm capable of doing LITERALLY (literally) every other job on station when I have almost no engineering experience, need guide for all medications, barely know how to operate cargo other than salv and go to warden for all Jail timers and punishments, because that makes sense. The "jobs" Grey is talking about is in reality a series of separate events that lead to me assisting leads and heads of the station in their departments, a fact of the matter Grey doesn't want to pay attention too and has caused this role ban to boil down into an action of spite because of how I criticized Greys approach in the Ahelp ping for being heavy-handed and intractable, for lack of better words "grumpy" and disrespectful.

I didn't screenshot the Ahelp messages from Grey hopefully they're still in logs.


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The AdminRemarks have been edited since I submitted, the first image is the original, the second being what was added, which if had gone unnoticed would have only served to harm my current appeal, which all in all leaving me uninformed of the change and edit is scummy, but thankfully enough these are all poorly written and leave certain leaps in logic, in response to hiring Chaplin as quartermaster, I asked HoS what he thought and the Chaplin was already assisting and teaching the one cargo technician (there was only one cargo technician, this report is quite literally a lie) that was new, I watched him he knew what he was doing and trusted he'd be a good Quartermaster and advised him if he wanted it to find me or HoS later. Metagaming claim is odd considering, "Consistently picks up Captains armor as BSO", Im not sure if this is meant to be a joke but I spawn with Captains armor, don't know what he's trying to pull there, but that cements to me that this re-edit of his first AdminRemark is completely out of spite and a cover-up to further attempt to invalidate my appeal, as I was also not at first given a length of ban or any awareness if I was available to appeal, leading me to ask Cody in Ahelp about where to appeal and another admin sent me the forums address. "Failure to maintain order in presence of heads" is baseless and borderline an opinion.

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