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Goobstation admin actions

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Are Goobstation warnings something that need to be appealed, or are they not accounted for after a certain length of time? Around a week ago I caught a warn for something along the lines of using a shotgun loaded with slugs on green, and I’m just wondering if that’ll be held against me in the future if I happen to slip up again. I usually play Garry’s mod RP servers, so having this strict rule enforcement is a bit hard to adjust to for me.

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21 hours ago, Blackknight955 said:

Are Goobstation warnings something that need to be appealed, or are they not accounted for after a certain length of time? Around a week ago I caught a warn for something along the lines of using a shotgun loaded with slugs on green, and I’m just wondering if that’ll be held against me in the future if I happen to slip up again. I usually play Garry’s mod RP servers, so having this strict rule enforcement is a bit hard to adjust to for me.

This isn't really for rule clarifications and rather the admin message section, but I'll say that notes can be considered expired after six months pass from when the note was placed. They can still be appealed if wrong, but will be held against you in the future if it comes to it.


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