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About Rule Clarifications

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  • CEI

Questions and clarifications about rules more specific than can reasonably be included in the detailed version of the rules themselves.

This is exclusively for clarifications to rules on Goob Station servers, but we also use the extended version of Wizard Den's rules. The detailed version of Wizard’s Den server rules can be found here. You can ask questions about rules in the Questions subsection.

While clarifications may be cited in ahelps and ban appeals, and the admin team will do their best to detail any limitations, there may be cases where they don’t apply. No rule clarification prohibits an individual admin, or the admin team, from deviating from it in a specific case, however clarifications here are likely to be strongly considered when determining if any OOC actions will be taken.

A lack of a clarification here should never be interpreted to have any meaning. If a clarification does not exist, you should not blindly assume that it is permitted by the rules nor should you blindly assume that it is forbidden by them. For example, a lack of a clarification about a potential bug, does not mean that it will not be treated as a bug if exploited.



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