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Zarq - Ban Appeal

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Space Station 14 Username: Zarq

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Ratissar

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server

The reason you were banned: Self antag, intentionally giving his owner away by using LOOC in the middle of medbay and his first response when asked was "ah sad"

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: As the ban reason said, I used LOOC to complain about spiders, also helping a bit to explain the game for the owner, I got banned due to me not intentionally giving my owner away, however the person that banned me believed that I did before i responded with "ah sad" when told people would metagame it.

Why you should be unbanned: I believe I should be unbanned due to me not doing it intentionally, and just trying to help the owner out with the game. I also used LOOC to complain about spiders due to me forgetting that people could metagame it, but I haven't done it intentionally to out my owner. I did have some hiccups here and there as the holoparasite but I don't think anyone noticed me saying anything. I have said "ah sad" when asked about it by an admin due to me realizing it could be metagamed, so I said that because that was the first thing that came to my mind. I have also explained that I would try not doing that anymore before I got banned, however, judging how I have to write this appeal, the person banning me might have not read it.

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  • Head Maintainer

Your ban appeal has been accepted.

An investigation into the behaviour of Rattisar was also done and the conclusion is that Rattisar did not handle this correctly. Rattisar has taken responsibility and acknowledged that it was not handled correctly. I apologise that this happened to you.


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