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Self-Antag accusation

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Space Station 14 Username: plushiecannon

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: greymaria

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server (indefinite)

The reason you were banned: "Self - antag, first offense - after magdumping a suspect entering Security and subsequently detaining them, no effort was made to seek medical attention for the suspect. Instead, suspect was flushed down disposals while still cuffed. Suspect died in disposals and was not found before rotting."

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: Sec had been breached multiple times by what turned out to be people being goobers, but at the time I had to assume was malicious in intent. I had dealt with a couple raiders prior to this, and there's never just a couple raiders, so I was on high alert. I magdumped some atmos tech who doorgoblinned into sec while I was actively clearing sec, and they were taken out of sec by a cadet I think after I searched them. They returned later and harassed me beyond all reason about it, doorgoblinned into sec a second time because they wanted contraband I confiscated from them, and when they refused to leave I stuncufffed. They were being such a toxic dipshit that I dispo'd them just so they'd fuck off.

Why you should be unbanned: The magdumping and the dispo'ing were two separate events. The 'victim' in question was being toxic and obsessive, they WERE revived when I shot them, and as to how they managed to get smoked in maints, it was not thanks to me because they were not injured at all. They were yelling on commons radio from within dispo at the captain, and none of it indicated they were presently in danger. They lied in ahelp about not being revived when I shot them, and they lied about me killing them before dispo'ing them. I didn't do either of those things.

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