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Toesty ban

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Space Station 14 Username:Toestyimage.thumb.png.231efcec55fbb97db6e47ff4fceb88bf.png

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: greymaria

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server

The reason you were banned: You have been banned for self antagonistic behaviour already and now you are cutting up every surface on the station and calling other crazy when you knife them to death?   "Turn off your autoclicker when you come back"

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: I spawned in and found a knife and hit the walls a few times. Later I found a survival knife and started to cut down the tree in the middle of botany for some wood, where I got attacked by the other botanist (maybe because I also destroyed a railing and table so i could get to the tree, but she attacked me first) after i had to defend myself i dragged her to medbay and went walking around the station hitting a few walls.  Then i got banned with not admin even messaging me before.

Why you should be unbanned: I think this ban was applied in error since there were no actions that broke the rules of the server. I didnt "knife someone to death" it was self defense and I only put her into crit (also dragged her to medbay).
The only shittery thing i did was walk around and hit the walls with a knife a couple times.

"You have been banned for self antagonistic behaviour already" is crazy since it was only 2 times (which are my only bans and going from two bans to an instant appeal ban )

"Turn off your autoclicker" I would like to know from what evidence you concluded that I was using an autoclicker??

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things I sliced up: 
a few walls

2 chairs (destroyed)
2 butterflies
a railing
a tree
a table

I dont see how this require admin intervention since this is literally called vandalism. Also how would that be self antag? Does that mean you can assume that everyone that does vandalism and doesnt get banned is a syndicate?

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  • Game Admin

Appeal is considered accepted.

However Permanent ban has been moved to 3 day ban instead of a permanent.

Poll has been given and the banning admin has agreed on a ban adjustment.

In twilight’s gentle, whispering embrace, I pen these lines, a hello to place. A greeting spun in hues of dusk, A tender touch, a fleeting musk.
As daylight fades and shadows grow, I send this note, a warm hello. Yet in its folds, a soft goodbye, For moments pass like stars on high.
Welcome, dear friend, to this new dawn, Where every ending’s but withdrawn. In each hello, a farewell's hue, For every start bids past adieu.
So take this sweet and brief verse: A hello cloaked in autumn’s leaf. And though it sounds like Parting’s song, It’s where our journey now belongs.

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