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Ban Appeal

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Space Station 14 Username: Fuzzymeatloaf

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: FungiFellow

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server

The reason you were banned: "erp"

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out:

I joined and the dude in the ship to dropoff said "I could really go for a hard drink" and I said "I need a hard dicking" and then followed it up with "it's my favorite drink from my home country" then like 2 seconds later and admin asked if that was "erp" and I said no it was a joke since theres a drink called a hard dick, he asked if I knew people under 18 play on the server and I said I don't ask everyones age. He said my name meant I had to be doing erp, I said it was something from a youtube video from like 9 years ago, then he said Im a creep, not to even bother trying to make an appeal and that I should be locked up.

Why you should be unbanned:

I think making a joke about alcohol in a game where you can grow space weed isn't really pushing the envelope. I wasn't attempting any sort of ERP, and I don't think the average person would think "I need a hard dicking, its my favorite drink from my homeland" would jump to erp right away. 

Here is the recipe to a Hard Dick https://www.cocktailbuilder.com/recipe/hard-dick

Here is the video that I watched when I was like 12 and chose fuzzymeatloaf for my username on everything 


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  • Game Admin

This appeal has been denied You may appeal again within 2 weeks.
- Inappropriate name (Finn Hardon)
- Staff Poll vote Has decided to not accept this appeal
- Creating a Leeway of ERP Jokes 
- Zero Tolerance Regarding Sexual Content/ERP

Even if its a drink in your country it does verify to go under sexual content/ERP jokes about "Hard dicking" the same as your IC "Fin Hardon"

In twilight’s gentle, whispering embrace, I pen these lines, a hello to place. A greeting spun in hues of dusk, A tender touch, a fleeting musk.
As daylight fades and shadows grow, I send this note, a warm hello. Yet in its folds, a soft goodbye, For moments pass like stars on high.
Welcome, dear friend, to this new dawn, Where every ending’s but withdrawn. In each hello, a farewell's hue, For every start bids past adieu.
So take this sweet and brief verse: A hello cloaked in autumn’s leaf. And though it sounds like Parting’s song, It’s where our journey now belongs.

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