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[Zigeal] - Put Clown in locker for warden to deal with who broke into sec and forgot about him pt2

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Space Station 14 Username: Zigeal

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Ratissar

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server

The reason you were banned: overescalation, 3 day ban for putting a clown in a locker and forgetting

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out:

Previous appeal covers this. I disagree with the 3 day ban as the admin treated this as a 3rd overescalation offense to begin with despite it being my first since my last 3 strike ban and also due to the nature of the mishap being purely accidental. Again, I cite Rule 1. The admin could see how busy I was and a simple mistake was made. If at anytime I  had remembered or was notified of my error I would have corrected it and immediately have got the clown out the locker.
I also find it odd that the same admin was in charge of my appeal message, I would assume a third party would be dealing with that.

Why you should be unbanned:

I've seen people on this server repeatedly drop slurs, be warned and still continue and only get 24 hour bans, what I did was far less of a crime and 100% unintentional. I feel like the incident was over punished to to the clown being "admemed" thus making the admin in question care more about overpunishing the person who accidentlay killed them. The fact the admin tried to give a 7 day ban first without even considering the events of the match shows lack of willing to look at evidence and consideration of Rule 1 before taking the extreme punishment route.

"Almost is never enough." 

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  • Game Admin


You have already been granted a partial unban by having it shortened to 3 days from 7, which has been agreed upon by several admins including Kira.

Wait out those 3 days.


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