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2-in-1 youtube apology video

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Space Station 14 Username: averi

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: nosugarplumnovember

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: server

The reason you were banned: slipped people as they were getting cuffed by sec, harriet said self antag and fortnites old ban said appeal ban only for next ban.

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: i dont really remember, i remember slipping and dragging people that were getting cuffed.

Why you should be unbanned: fortnite's old ban says NEXT ban is appeal only, not the bans that come afterwards, furthermore i do apoolgize for my actions, i do belive i was in the wrong.




Goob Station Discord Server Ban Appeal 

Discord Username:  toosily

The reason you were banned: i called the moderation team the R slur

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out:  i was talking about my ban, got pissed and called mod team the r slur.

Why you should be unbanned from the server: i feel bad for doing it, i feel like it was GREATLY terrible of me to do and i honestly was just blind from my anger at the moment i said that and i will not do that shit again, im geniuenely sorry here, yall are awesome, im sorry for the stuff i said on other servers as well.


i also would like to add on that i apologize to the community entirely, sorry if i ever caused you any negative feelings, im trying to be a better person please do cut me some slack.

i hate forums.


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  • Game Admin

Denied for both

I am not sure why you thought going to other discord servers and complaining about your ban and Goob in general after making this appeal was a good idea. In the end after a staff vote it was decided to deny your ban appeal for SS14 and discord.

You may reapply in 2 weeks


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