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Ban appeal

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Space Station 14 Username: Bobbywehavetoplaytheship

Banning ADMIN'S SS14 Username: "FungiFellow"

Are you banned from the server or a Job/Department: Server

The reason you were banned: I fucked around with a vox and his nitrogen 

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and dont leave anything important out: I was roleplaying as a psychologist with a vox by taking away his mask and nitrogen at the start of the game saying im going to cure your phobia of oxygen via exposure therapy which I am now very much aware of is frowned upon (dont fuck with vox) I was unaware of how vox crewmates were supposed to be treated and I suppose I was overzealous in my approach to curing his reliance on nitrogen. Truthfully I didn't think messing around with a vox who was never actually in danger as i made sure he was brought to med bay and I gave him his mask and tanks back, was such a bad idea I can SAFELY say I won't ever mess around with a vox again I just thought it was a funny idea to be a psychologist trying to cure him of his nitrogen addiction. In the past when I interacted with that exact same vox he never seemed to mind I didn't think now would be any different im sorry I potentially ruined his game and if you unban me ill just never interact with one again. He had everything returned to him before I was banned, and the end result is that his match probably went pretty normally as this entire thing took course over about twelve minutes. Ive been playing this game a lot lately and ive been sure not to repeat any of the actions that resulted in prior suspensions I will not ever mess with a Vox's nitrogen tanks or mask, everything was done purely with rp intentions sorry again


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  • CEI

Please, and I know it’s not that big of a deal, but do not mess with the template. Leave it as it is.


The “why should we unban you” question isn’t even in there. You just put it with the leading to your ban part.


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