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(Sigma) Ban appeal (Part 4)


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Space Station 14 Username: IHateJonasBrothers

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: greymaria

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: server (appeal only)

The reason you were banned: taking caps ID from office 10 seconds before rolling syndie agent (which i wont even get a token for...)
"Self Antag. Broke into caps room and stole spare ID "yet again" 12 seconds before antag selection. Clearly you arent getting the idea that you need to not be stealing station critical items as a clown. Being a clown is not a free pass to be a shitter." 

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out:
Start round, spawn as clown. Brainstorm ideas to mess with station and make people laugh, come up with breaking into armory and making a clown target army to take over the station with. A few minutes after, the power outage event happens and I follow a tider breaking into caps room, and I snatch the the spare ID. Not even 15 seconds afterwards, I get rolled to be a syndicate agent. I go on to do by objectives first, and while doing them I get ahelped my Natalie asking me why I took the spare ID BEFORE I was a antag, and I joked around saying that I knew I was going to be a agent. Natalie takes this as lying unironically to staff, and goes to appeal only ban me. 

Why you should be unbanned: 
I feel like my appeal only ban was a bit of an overkill action, and I believe a better course of punishment, which is partly stated inside my ban reason, is to instead bar me from taking "theatre roles" like clown and mime. 

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