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Space Station 14 Username: Qhaecretes

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Do not remember

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Department (Science and Command)

The reason you were banned: Injecting a vial of Romerol i found off a syndie into an animal body out of curiosity as the RD, leading to the entire station being infested.

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out:

Up until that point, everything was fine. but i just saw a Romerol syringe looted off a syndie and got curious on how it functions. other than that, i feel like i was doing pretty swell as the RD

Why you should be unbanned:

I feel that I've learned from my mistake and feel ready to have another chance. If given,  I will make sure to properly discuss the romerol's containment or disposal with the rest of the heads rather than foolishly inject animal corpses out of 'curiosity' if such a situation were to happen again. as a head, I will be more careful and mindful of what my actions do to others and be responsible.

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