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Server Ban Appeal


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Space Station 14 Username: Togogax

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: FungiFellow

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server

The reason you were banned: " incompetence and leaving during ahelp?" 

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: so as acting captain i was helping people around the ship the whole round doing a little bit of everything and i saw a syndi  get arrested and the sec guard put there stuff away in the locker and i saw a emag in there and i was like " oh that could be dangerous because we have a bunch of borgs on the station and stuff" and so I was going to put it in the vault where no one could get it, even after the  other command people that were online at the time asked where it was i told them what that i was doing just that you can see it in the chat logs, and so after that I kept doing other things before putting it away, all positive things that help the station! and so fungi gets on and I tell them what i was going to do with it and they say that they gave me a warning for it and I asked a ban for being stupid? and they say no warning doesn't equal ban and I thought that was the end of the convo so i left.

Why you should be unbanned: i don't get why i got banned for simply having a emag in my inv while i told every other command person what i was gonna do with it, may i remind you i was being a nice/helpful temp cap that whole round! 


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