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Space Station 14 Username:  Neptune Zvezda

Banning Admin's SS14 Username:  Kira, MoistCr1tkal

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server ban, Temp, 7 days

The reason you were banned: ERP/Sexual Content  "Shit in teeth"

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out:

I am very conflicted on as I believe in part this was given for fair reasons and do not wish to just circumvent measures put in place to punish those who do break rules or cause other forms of unreasonable trouble.
During a Round of Packed multiple people were somewhat angry for reasons I had ignored as I was ghost watching a friend for their second shift; Kira had Muted OOC multiple times eventually requesting the Chat to 'stop starting shit' or something close to such. after unmuting OOC most every user was posting the word shit or variations such as "shitting my pants" so I thought to play along and posted "Shit in your teath" poorly spelled and did not think further on it.
shortly after the shift started I made a Announcement to the station regarding the "shit" fiasco with this
Some time after announcing this Kira had boiwnked my to "never state shit in teeth" again which due to his normally shitposty comments at me in ahelp I wrongly assumed such was also a joke.

Multiple rounds after I saw a post on the Goobstation Discord asking to share silly Admin remarks, so I went to look at my own witnessing that kira did leave a note on me also for said OOC comment which I at the time mistook for the Announcement and promptly posted the remark and announcement snip. I played maybe 2 more shifts before promptly leaving for the night as they had given me a great headache due to mass tiding.

I now wake up to connect only to be given this
And after DMing Kira to confirm it was my posting of such announcement in the server felt conflicted.
I do regret upsetting anyone especially staff and Kira and realize I more then should have taken the hint to not publicly share said announcement, however I do also believe a small more effort to fully straighten my behavior first would have been apricated.  As most Ahelps i am sent by Kira are jokes or insults made for purely fun and without a longer form message to indicate sincerity I feel mislead.

Why you should be unbanned:   As I first stated I don't just want a pass on what seems like a genuine ban for reasons I agree with, I don't want a pass on this ban just because I try to be friends with most admins, I just want you to at least vote on how deserving of said punishment this is; AS well I intend to never use such language again now that I know it crosses the line of acceptable crudeness for the server. 
I Hope this finds you all in a pleasant Mood

- Neptune Zvezda.


  • Game Admin

Partially Accepted

Due to both cases of sexual content happening within extremelly short amout of time from each other combined with the fact that the ahelp for the first "shit your teeth" happened after your announcement, we did a staff vote and it was decided to lower your ban to 3 days starting today.


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