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This guy again?

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Space Station 14 Username: CaptainAtlanta

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Greymaria (Natalie)

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department : Server

The reason you were banned:Screenshot2024-08-04012531.thumb.png.7b79598b32567846d695f59f348a3e93.png

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: guy I attacked was a shitter, put 50u of mutagen in a full tray and left, almost Kudzu'd everything, dug up my plants (which I guess is up for debate as if it even matters at this points), I started making joints and putting em on the chef table, dude just starts grabbing em and throwing them off the table and when I hop the table to grab them he closes the shutter behind me and starts flushing the rolling papers and ground rainbow weed and other shit I had down the trash chute. In which I ran around and started beating him up. I took him to med and took his ID so he couldn't get back inside and keep fucking with shit, he's done more harm the good the entire shift and it was beef between me and him. I was ahelp'd shortly after that in which I explained the series of event, grey brought up that logs said he never dug up my plants, which I still believe isn't true regardless, I distinctly remember having to replant a golden apple tree that I had already planted. I'm juggling still trying to manage botany, talking to a tray that wanted to be unwrenched and people trying to talk through the glass outside of botany while talking to grey in ahelp, which culminated in silence and a 12 day ban that was issued the NEXT round as I was playing HoP maybe 10mins into shift. 

Why you should be unbanned: 12hdays is ridiculously harsh, especially when it wasn't self antag in any form (am I going to break into my own department with his ID? Did I gib or put him on a spike? I Dragged him to med), there was no "ahelp misuse" that's just dumb to even add to a ticket in a situation like that but anyway. "ahelp misuse in bad faith" is utterly ridiculous and borderline obsessive and reaching for reasons to issue a ban when the reasons I gave, 1, was shown to be arguable in which I still hold did occur the way I said it did, and all of this could've been more reasonably settled through in round events and security intervention. I have reason to believe this particular admin has reason to hold a grudge. I crit him and immediately brought him to med, taking his ID so he cant stop being a shitter in our general area. I'm not sure what it is but Grey has a genuine tick to be a smartass in Ahelp in my experience, one of the reason I just stopped playing whenever Grey was admin, any ahelp with Grey was going to end in a ban and this is pretty much my proof, where literally any other admin overseeing this I believe would issue a warning after seeing the entirety of the situation if they felt it was necessary, which I don't think most would deem admin intervention and a ban necessary. Literally none of this needed admin intervention, its more of an in-game security issue, sec shows up, arrest me or decides to put me in perma, why it even needed admin intervention is beyond me, what is security even there for at this point? The over escalation in this particular series of events was admin intervention, it wasn't needed when it very reasonably could've been handled by me, him, and security. "A whole host of lies" is within itself a lie, and if I am wrong that he wasn't the one who dug up my tree, its a severe dramatization that's only added to mislead other admins into thinking the ban is more credible and deserving which is incredibly underhanded and conniving and not the type of professionalism id expect an admin to hold themselves too when it comes to intervening in a round. The inconsistencies in the ticket alone stand out "received a whole host of lies about what the botanist did and only a few accusations stuck" its not like I gave him 27 different reasons for why I beat him up and dragged him to med, this is once again, a severe dramatization in effort to issue a ban.


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Accepted, don’t do anything like you did on this forum again. You failed you follow the rules on the server, and repeating it on the forum will be NO better. Another thing is that your roleban needs to be appealed separately. 


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