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CBozo - router (overescalation)

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Space Station 14 Username: router

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: CBozo

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server ban

The reason you were banned: "Over escalation. Killed someone for having a bloodred headset."

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out:

Round #4334, Packed, begins with me as an Atmos Tech and a tritium fire. The tritium fire was set off by some random person who was not investigated further, and there's nothing else to say about this interaction, but I'm documenting it anyway due to the ahelp during the round - and the fact I responded to the tritium threat.
Later during the round, nuclear operatives appear on station by C4ing Security through Armory. This is important to note later.
During the attack, many of the security members - if not all of them, died to spacing and/or bullets from the nukies' side, and since I heard that nukies came in through Sec, I take up a Kammerer and down one of the nuclear operatives, giving me a bulldog to kill the other two nukies.
All nukies, except the sole reinforcement monkey, had a death acidifier, and there were no other miscellaneous piles of gibs lying around to signal either another nukie or a gibbed member of Command.
(I believe that)
after killing the second (possibly third and last) Op I took a syndicate headset from the monkey, and concluded that even with the assorted inventory in Maintenance next to the captain's body there shouldn't be any more syndicate members or gear after killing the last nukie. After receiving the "all nukies are dead, we're sending evac" message, I heard a very unusual voice speak up.
[Syndicate] Natalya Streltsova rurs, "Shit."
[Syndicate] Natalya Streltsova barks, "What now."

I can't fucking believe I have to spell it out completely, but - this told me three things immediately as the messages were sent.

  1. There is another syndicate member I haven't accounted for. (based on the fact that a fifth syndicate headset existed)
  2. This syndicate member is likely not a nuclear operative, as there haven't been any additional piles of gibs or Syndicate gear lying around near the Bridge/Security area.
  3. The Natalya Streltsova (Wawa_pull) person was in fact confused or surprised after hearing that all nukies have died.

Judging by this, let's take the theoretically possible logical situations.

  1. Natalya is a traitor, and has bought a Syndicate encryption key early to cooperate with other traitors. As you can guess, this was the conclusion I ended up on.
  2. Natalya stole from a nuclear operative or another Syndicate player, and is genuinely surprised that the nukies are all dead. I guessed this as unlikely due to the prompt speed at which this was said; as well as the lack of any EVA-readiness (oxygen tanks, etc) on their person, which would be required in the first place to enter the spaced nukie zone.
  3. This is a voice mask. Also unlikely, since on Packed the oppoturnities to use it without being detected are slim to none, and traitors don't typically spend all of their TC instantly.

On my side, there were little suspicions before that Natalya was even involved, but the typing speed suggested to me that there is also either a sixth Syndie or a pAI (which WAS sighted on a nukie) that got acidified with the nukies. This is only a reasonable assumption if we assume Natalya was a traitor and bought the headset with her own money, as there would be no other reason for Natalya to speak up on Syndie Comms.
Assuming she's a normal crewmember/thief though, we get the following problems:

  • Crew only talk on Syndie Comms if there's people they know are aligned with them. This rules out her being a crewmember, since nobody on radio reported that they had the syndicate encryption keys in any channel, except for local speech due to how chat propagates.
  • Thieves would need to be extra sneaky to pull theft like that off, much less without doing damage. As a med doctor with no EVA gear, this is also disproven.

I would have to go really far to prove that they aren't a traitor, to the convolution point where it has to take a George Melons level of skill and infamy to get to that point. Again, I killed all the nukies and I knew I had all the headsets accounted for, and since I didn't get any feedback on how Natalya could be crew, let's presume she's a traitor.
Even though traitors don't typically pose a threat to the station, in this circumstance it's unlikely that Natalya and the nuclear operatives wouldn't have communicated, i.e. with codes of the nuke; any potential assistance such as making chloral hydrate, ClF3 et al.; considering the fact Natalya reacted so drastically to the nukies dying over Syndicate radio, as opposed to local chat next to any other possible traitors.

As such, it would be safe for me to assume that Natalya has lethal intent since she is a syndicate agent cooperating with nuclear operatives over Syndicate equipment (her encryption key). In the banning admin's eyes, this seems like overescalation since the counter point is that Natalya could have easily stolen that headset from a nukie (disproven above; and "I'm not security", despite all of it being dead), and it would instead be more logical to disarm and detain them
. I disagree, since by the time Evac arrives the majority of people are armed to the teeth.

Why you should be unbanned:

My line of escalation was as logical as it could get from the perspective of an experienced player with sight making up the majority of the intel. Rule 11, where escalation is defined, doesn't have this as a clean map - and instead states that I would be in violation if the assumptions above were poor, which I believe they're not, as I had just explained my thought process. As such, I don't believe this ban was delivered fairly.
Furthermore, this ban would set the precedent that while gamesense can be used against the nuclear operatives to deduce their strategy, any traitors cooperating with the operatives are somehow magically immune because it would be just as easy to procure another encryption key (spoiler, no, due to traitors being the only other possible antagonist to buy and dispose of them discreetly).

AHelp times are in UTC+3 (EEST, Vilnius)





Edited by router


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