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Space Station 14 Username: DoktorNOKK

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Ratissar

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: 1 week server ban

The reason you were banned: selfantag 

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out:
When shift started i was sci. And I started to work. İ product a well designed  anom with 150 point output in 5 minutes. Then i use points for anom sync. After then i thought i need silver and gold from vault and i called hop and cap for that. They didnt give attention because they were busy. I saw a synide trade shop and i trade portal thing for door pryer. I open vault door. But there is no gold and silver. Then i saw fridge and i thought it have gold and silver. i took fridge to sci depart and broke it. 
Until here my aim is not self antag i just looking for silver and gold. And im planning to return fridge stuff back.
A jani trepassed in and stole deckard when i was looking for silver and gold.(there was no gold). Clearly he stole gun which one i need to return it back. Then i start to chase him for stop him and take back gun to vault. she went to sec and showed me and gun. i tried to shove him but he escaped. Then i probably missclicked him because my aim not kill or crit i just planning to shove him and take gun back.
Criminal started. She aimed me and LİTERALLY magdump me. He killed me in front of sec with a gun. He didnt take any punishment from sec.
Also there was a dumb sec. He seeing that civil killing civil and what he doing? He coming and asking ''what happening'' this stupid behaviour made me mad. Because his job is safe illegal gun first and arrest shooter then he can inspect area. But he didnt. Then i wake in med i tell all story to sec but he didnt understand me. Then i tried to talk with jani for what is his problem with me. He just shrugged and i decided to take my revenge. And i hit 2 times with baton but he and his friend attacked me. İ tried to to escape but they chased and  killed me again.
So they killing somebody for just assult them with unlethal weapon? And not giving anypunishment but im deserving 2 times death and a 1 week ban , for shove a jani who stole my (entrusted to me) gun and for attacking somebody with unlethal weapon who killed me with fukkin pistol.
 Why you should be unbanned:
My aim wasnt selfantag i just tried to get gold and silver for produce more point. But a guy got involved in something that was not her business. I polite request that I be unbanned. Also sorry for language mistakes im ESL.(english second user)



  • Game Admin

This appeal has been denied.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks.

- Staff team has determined not to accept this appeal.

In twilight’s gentle, whispering embrace, I pen these lines, a hello to place. A greeting spun in hues of dusk, A tender touch, a fleeting musk.
As daylight fades and shadows grow, I send this note, a warm hello. Yet in its folds, a soft goodbye, For moments pass like stars on high.
Welcome, dear friend, to this new dawn, Where every ending’s but withdrawn. In each hello, a farewell's hue, For every start bids past adieu.
So take this sweet and brief verse: A hello cloaked in autumn’s leaf. And though it sounds like Parting’s song, It’s where our journey now belongs.

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