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Space Station 14 Username: Raxburg

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Ratissar

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Silicon

The reason you were banned: Attacked crew

Why you should be unbanned: i attacked crew in order to follow law 2 and protect cap and dead qm and law 1 to protect myself from 3 crew members. I couldn't find anything in rules that specified when exactly i can start attacking people, so i attacked them when they started attacking cap with spears since i also was on the crime scene and could be killed, after they started chasing cap i dragged QM to sec

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You cannot harm crew at all. However for example, if you are protecting crew from a threat without a job icon in your HUD,  you are free to attack and fend them off.

If both parties have a job icon, you cannot attempt to fend them off. If you still don't get it, feel free to admin message.


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