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Space Station 14 Username: Mottainai
Banning Admin's SS14 Username: CBozo

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server

The reason you were banned: Cut power to Cargo

Why you should be unbanned: First, I would like to apologize for being a dick in Ahelp. Regardless of your decision, I apologize. That said, I was banned for cutting power to cargo after the cargo tech was being an ass about making a utility belt. After some back and forth with a tech I decided to go into maints and cut their power. I thought this was simple vandalism and I have seen it done in the past without consequece so I figured it would be an in game issue. (i.e. sec catches me and I go to jail for it). I at the time did not consider that self antag, but I now know I am wrong. I will not do it in the future.

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