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Henhen admin application

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What's your Space Station 14 Username: Henhen

What's your Discord Username: @henheniii

How long have you been playing Space Station 14?: I been playing SS14 for 2 years (total of 1 557,8 h)

What's your playtime amount on the Goob Station Server: I have played goob for 227H, at the time of writing this

How old are you: I am 20

Have you ever been banned from the Goob Station Server: Yes i have but the ban was taken down shortly after.

Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s): I have played on Major servers that are: Delta V(30h), Wizden (700h), Frontier(80h)



How many hours can you admin per week: I can admin 21-35H per week

On what days can you get on to Admin:  I can admin every day, more on some days, less on others.

What timezone are you in: GMT+3


General Questions

Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it: I want to help the server and it's community by helping out with new players or experienced players, who might want to learn more or keep the server safe via dealing with rulebreakers. I often notice that by the time i start playing (log on) the server doesn't have admins and i want to fill it in to make the server more secure and enjoyable for everyone

Do you have any prior admin experience on another SS13/SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this: I have been a Trial admin for "Foundation 14" for 50 days (Almost 2 months). (i know the admins tools that i have learnt from my admin period and testing stuff on private servers) (image of proof below)

What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve: Admins have many roles, they have to do: mentor/help new players, protect the server from rulebreakers, to communicate with other admins to ensure that everything is okay and fair and solve conflict between players.

What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin?: I am primarily interested in ensuring the fairness for everyone and making sure everyone has a great time on the server

What are you least interested in doing as an admin?: I think everything as an admin is interesting but if i have to choose on i would pick, dealing with raiders because they can ruin the round making it slightly annoying having to deal with the after effect of their action

What makes you a great addition to Staff?:  I think i would be a great addition to staff because my timezone isn't highly supported by the other admins meaning there are a lot of spots where rulebreakers can break rules and i want to minimize it.

What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it: The server RP has improved massively from the last time i applied. I can LRP and MRP on the server. I think the server RP doesn't need to be improved since its currently at the perfect spot

Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?: I think the second biggest positive impact that an admin can do is helping inexperienced players, so everyone can learn and have fun playing

Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this?: I have had 3 bad in-game admin experiences in this servers. Two of them i have done an admin complaint about, the third one was an event done by one of the admins that didn't fit in the current round. For the 2 admin complaints that i have left were resolved the way i feel was the best, i don't want to mention what i would have done differently from them and let this be an application rather than an insult on what they should have done. On the admin event that didn't fit the round i would have not made it in the first place or include more of the players rather than be a solo death squad mission.

Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it?: i have had many good experiences with admins. From helping me deal with my problems, asking questions as a new player and even dealing with rulebreakers.

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of an admin?: The ability to understand everyones prespectives on the situation and judge everything fairly.


Scenarios Questions (You should put more than just one or two sentences.)

It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. There are three players who decided to observe the round instead of join it orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to "do something funny".
I would simply ignore them or tell them "no" since, i am here to do my job and admin. These players decided to observer round by themself, and i shouldn't be there just to entertain them

Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem?
as a note was left behind already, and they left before anyone from the admin team could ahelp them. If the player left right after being arrested or right after doing it i would consider it "Ahelp avoiding" and "RDM" give them a indefinite ban. (also giving them instructions to appeal this ban).
If i was looking at past ahelps (from example joining the server rounds after it or it was re-ahelped). i would give them a GB

Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them?
I would leave a note giving the basics of what happend point of disconnection and try to talk with the player next time they are online or ask another admin to try to get in contact the player at a different time and date. if the player explain the reason of them disconnecting and with good enough reason no major next action is needed because this is a first offence and likely an accident..

You see a chemist who has only made basic meds start gathering materials and talking about making uranium foam grenades in chat. Right as they start making the grenades they roll as a midround sleeper Syndicate. How would you handle the situation if at all? I would check the chemnist past notes. If it is they don't have any past notes/bans of similar actions (or a lot of problamatic actions) that i would Ahelp the player and warn them with a note since they were making uranium foam grenades before becoming an antag. They could have very likely not rolled antag and this would have ended far worse.

You see a clown using crayon to write on the floor in front of security. The clown writings are negative things about security, like "shitsec". A secoff tells the clown that they're being arrested for vandalism, stuns them, and cuffs them. Before the secoff is able to get the clown into the brig, a passenger slips the secoff, causing them to lose their baton, then uses the baton to stun another secoff that comes to help as the clown runs away. The passenger escapes through disposals. Having heard an AOS radio callout, the detective enters maintenance near disposals and shoots the passenger to crit. There are four players in this scenario, the clown, the passenger, the secoff, and the detective.
The clowns actions and Security officers actions are justified as following their jobs and doing normal RP.
I would check the previous notes of both the passanger and the detective. first i would ahelp the passanger, if it was their first offence i would simply warn them (note) for self antag.
If it was their second offence i would game ban them.
For the detective i would ahelp them, I would ask "why didn't you use non-lethals", if they have a very good reason i would simply warn them (no note), if they don't have a good reason and this is their first offence i would warn them (note) for using lethals. if it was their second offence i would RB/GB depending on other past actions/notes.

You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, you then catch a command staff member misuse contraband. While you are in the middle of the ahelp, the other admin jumps into the middle of your ahelp with a rule clarification that is plainly incorrect. Without the interruption, what would have you asked the command staff member, and how would you have responded or reacted to the interrupting admin?
I would have asked the command staff "why are you misusing X contraband?" and react accordingly to the response.
Once the admin interupts. I would have first told the command staff "Admins X rule clarification is incorrect, please wait a little until i discuss with X admin about this."
I would discuss this with the admin about this.

You are ahelping a player about an issue. The player has no prior noted issues. A few days earlier, an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense, and you are confident that this situation is not substantially different from the type that admin was describing. During the ahelp, another admin pings you on Discord with a link to the ongoing ahelp and tells you to just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal. Excluding Trial Game Admins, Senior Game Admins and Head Game Admins, all admins are equally "ranked". A headmin is not currently available.

If the "an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense" and the "tells you to just indefinitely ban them" were the admins personal opinions i would enforce according to the "Goob Station Banning Policy".

If the "an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense" was an enforced rule and should be followed i would enforce the temporary ban.

In both scenarios i would discuss/ignore the message "tells you to just indefinitely ban them" since admins opinion on spesific player shouldn't increase their punishment



Anything else we should know about or have questions about: Nope, i understand everything i am applying for


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