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Daemon's Administrator Application

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What's your Space Station 14 Username:

What's your Discord Username:

How long have you been playing Space Station 14?:
Since 2020

What's your playtime amount on the Goob Station Server:
None on goobstation, however, I have an extensive amount of playtime on other servers, including ones similar to goobstation.

How old are you: 18+

Have you ever been banned from the Goob Station Server:

Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s):
/tg/ station
Paradise Station
Wizard's Den
and many many others I cannot remember

Roughly 3500 hours in total



How many hours can you admin per week: 10

On what days can you get on to Admin: Most days

What timezone are you in: I have an irregular sleep schedule, so admin duty times won't be consistent


General Questions

Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it:
I want to become an administrator for Goobstation to keep the community a good environment for players to enjoy playing the game, and to be able to assist new players in game mechanics and any questions they ask through Ahelp. I like goobstation's concept as a server of wacky antics focused on just playing a fun game and having a good time and think I would be a great administrator for the community to help ensure that kind of environment. I believe an administrator is someone who works for the community, and that is exactly what I intend to do.

Do you have any prior admin experience on another SS13/SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this:
I am a previous administrator for several Unitystation servers and space station 14 servers. I was a well regarded administrator among other administrators and never had any issues or reprimands for how I administrated, I was always open to talk and get opinions from other admins and an effective team member specializing in conflict de-escalation and knowing how to properly handle ahelps and appeals.

What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve:
Administrators have a few primary goals. It is important to uphold the rules and follow them yourself to set an example as an administrator for players and other staff alike. This includes banning people, but also talking to them, giving warnings, and being polite and professional in your interactions. Administrators are there to answer questions about rules in ahelps and discord, and assist new players with the game. Administrators also serve the community, and it is their duty to ensure that everything is fair and just and that people have their voices heard. Administrators also need to work well with their team, and find solutions to problems that the majority of people and players are happy with. Additionally, administrators should be looking at ban appeals and assessing them with other administrators to determine if a player should be unbanned.

What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin?:
My primary interest in administration is to uphold rules and follow them myself in order to set an example other community members.

What are you least interested in doing as an admin?:
The aspect of administration that I am least interested in is processing ban appeals.

What makes you a great addition to Staff?:
I believe I would be a great addition to the Goobstation staff due to my experience in space station administration as both a player and an administrator. I am well rounded and capable of thoughtful discussion and conflict resolution, I am skilled at watching rounds and anticipating rule breakers before they act based on their behavior and knowing to watch them. I work great in a team and get along with other administrators, and an no stranger to making compromise on my end.

What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it:
I think the current roleplay status of the server serves the purpose of being a wacky and fun environment that isn't a complete place without rules but is still fun and engaging for most people regardless of their role or antag status in a round, Most of us just wanna have a good time and have a laugh with our friends yeah?

Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?:
Being a positive example for the community is incredibly important because it not only effects new players and their impressions and how they act, but it also effects the current community. Setting an example and following your own rules while enforcing others in a polite and professional manner sends a good message to everyone.

Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this?:
I have not myself, but I am willing to give a purely theoretical example anyway: Lets say a player welderbombed accidentally because they were somewhat new to the server and didnt understand not to refill a lit welder, this explosion killed at least 4 other players, the player left without explaining themselves out of fear because an admin initially ahelped them with "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING YOU FUCKING MORON". The player gets permabanned for leaving the game. their actions were an accident but a hostile and aggressive admin set a tone that a new player may not have wanted to engage with. This could be prevented by ensuring that administrators do their best to approach players from a neutral and professional standpoint and get all the information before they act.

Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it?:

My best experiences with administrators in the game are being able to ahelp to ask questions about things I'm not sure of and getting helpful responses, I don't think most players should be afraid of the bwoink sound if they understand that admins are not there to nuke you if you make a single accident.

In your opinion, what is the most important quality of an admin?:
I know I've said it many times already, but being a positive example for the community.


Scenarios Questions (You should put more than just one or two sentences.)

It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. There are three players who decided to observe the round instead of join it orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to “do something funny”.

I would not do an event just because a small amount of players wanted me to, If I were to do an event it would be planned beforehand and possible announced in pre-round ooc, and ideally would be done on an extended round. Doing an event so early could not only possibly ruin a traitors round but also many player's rounds, there is a time and a place for events and it is not just after the round started unless people were informed and its an expected and announced event.

Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem?

I would consult administration policy and discuss this with other administrators to get their opinion on what should be done in this matter, My own opinion being that maybe a temporary ban until their side of the story could be gathered and assessed in addition to reading logs.

Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them?

I would add a note to them notifying other admins that they have done this, but this case is not actionable, and it would be good to ask them why they didn't in the future. the note would not be a warning but only a notice to other admins in case the behavior continues.

You see a chemist who has only made basic meds start gathering materials and talking about making uranium foam grenades in chat. Right as they start making the grenades they roll as a midround sleeper Syndicate. How would you handle the situation if at all?

I would ahelp the chemist and ask them why they were making grenades beforehand, if no good answer is given I would advise them to not do that in the future, and add a warning note to them. I could possible take an amount of or all of the grenades from the player as a lighter mid round punishment.

You see a clown using crayon to write on the floor in front of security. The clown writings are negative things about security, like “shitsec”. A secoff tells the clown that they’re being arrested for vandalism, stuns them, and cuffs them. Before the secoff is able to get the clown into the brig, a passenger slips the secoff, causing them to lose their baton, then uses the baton to stun another secoff that comes to help as the clown runs away. The passenger escapes through disposals. Having heard an AOS radio callout, the detective enters maintenance near disposals and shoots the passenger to crit. There are four players in this scenario, the clown, the passenger, the secoff, and the detective.

While the assistant probably shouldn't have helped the clown escape what is a reasonable arrest, shooting the assistant dead when there was no lethal intent shown by them is an overstep and should not have been done. If against the rules, I would verbally warn (no note) the passenger for having no roleplay reason to stop an arrest, and I would warn the detective for needlessly using lethals and put a note on their account. the clown and the secoff didn't really do anything wrong.

You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, you then catch a command staff member misuse contraband. While you are in the middle of the ahelp, the other admin jumps into the middle of your ahelp with a rule clarification that is plainly incorrect. Without the interruption, what would have you asked the command staff member, and how would you have responded or reacted to the interrupting admin?

I would have asked the command staff why they did what they did, and went through the motions of motive, warning, note or command ban depending on severity.
I would have spoke to the interrupting admin in discord and not the ahelp, and asked they not jump into my ahelps but instead ask me in admin channels in discord. and then after a consensus was made I would re-affirm my position in the ahelp and handled the rest of it without an interrupting admin.

You are ahelping a player about an issue. The player has no prior noted issues. A few days earlier, an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense, and you are confident that this situation is not substantially different from the type that admin was describing. During the ahelp, another admin pings you on Discord with a link to the ongoing ahelp and tells you to just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal. Excluding Trial Game Admins, Senior Game Admins and Head Game Admins, all admins are equally “ranked”. A headmin is not currently available.

I would not ban them permanently initially. and would await a headmin to make a final decision.



Anything else we should know about or have questions about:

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