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Gtheglorious - router (a lot of shit)

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Space Station 14 Username: router

Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Gtheglorious

Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server appeal ban, and two separate role bans (Engineering, Tech. Assistant).

The reason you were banned: Purposely giving a raider/selfantagger all access to get an admin reaction. / [SEE INGAME REMARKS/BANLIST FOR ROLEBAN INFO AND EDIT THIS FIELD]

Ban issue (TLDR): I did what I was banned for, but the ban is unreasonably harsh

Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out:
This starts with a round as a changeling atmos on an Origin round a while ago. My objectives were to absorb several genomes, escape as a clown and acquire a captain item (i forget which). The round went on as normal, but I didn't use any changeling traits as much, so I decided to buy sleep regeneration and make some maxcaps. The exact reason for me to make maxcaps was to:

  1. Disable security by blowing up the armory, so their response would be somewhat thwarted,
  2. Kill the captain directly, so I could take their item and genes. A maxcap would also clear the area as the chance of a person running with internals, so it would also guarantee stealth (not that they'd NOT suspect the known competent atmosian)

So now, I had a good game plan, and a few maxcaps to do it. As soon as I blew the bridge, I was ahelped - as lings didn't have the antag knife icon (🗡) and let go with a note.
Now, this note was reasonable. It wasn't a warn (so I thought then at least), so I shrugged it off. And, I finished this round (even if adminforced to end) with a 3/3.


So why on earth am I bringing this round up?

It's because a few days or weeks after, G noticed me do the same thing as a traitor, and also against nukies. I don't remember the specifics of those traitor/nukie rounds anymore, but it eventually boiled down to:

Gtheglorious: You know you're not allowed to use maxcaps at all, right? [paraphrased]
router: huh?

A few colorful exchanges later, bringing up my earlier maxcap incidents, I was banned from Engineering entirely. No time limit, banned appeal only. This really ground my gears, because as far as I'm concerned, this isn't in the rules. This is an administrative issue. After I went in as a TA (or was it cargo tech?) to teach a new SS13 player how to engineer (see below), I was banned off of TA as well in a shadow roleban. I didn't even touch the actual machines, I was spitting information at a robust 140wpm to a player who only knew how SS13 worked.

Now, my background is almost entirely engineering if you consider Goob, and this actually caused an issue for the next week or two - there were no Engie players. So every round we would have an exchange of "hey anybody know how to set up the AME? go do it" - "i literally can't if i wanted to due to centcomm pulling my license". I tried my best to pool what engineering knowledge I could over Radio, until all power went down and I had to manually set up the power so I could play the fucking game. Notably, I was also warned for this; despite also mentoring that SS13 player from earlier in one instance.

One of those engiless rounds was my final traitor round, which I got the appeal-only game ban for. This time, I had relatively "boring" objectives. Escape alive, and get a captain ID, also on Origin.

Since I was an assistant/passenger now, I didn't really have any obligations and got the captain card in a blistering five to ten minutes. And now I had nothing to do for the rest of an hour of the potential round. Until, I noticed two very raider-looking (Russian-derived) names join the station. I notify the admins, and start growing increasingly bored.
This is where I decide to make a debatably controversial move.

Now, I notified the admins 10-20 minutes ago by this point. If those were truly GOIDAposting ZV-marked raiders, they would probably have surely been banned off earlier. That, and antags are supposed in principle to enrich games... so I gave one of the supposed raiders all access. terezi noticed this, which while I'm sure was an eyebrow raise, hadn't actually caused any action, but at that time another thing happened.
I was also, publicly called out on radio for having Bridge access. Finally, some action I can handle.
G messaged me questioning about giving the raider all-access, to which I pointed out that I was an antagonist with nothing to do, and because quote, "they weren't doing shit" to stop them. terezi later informed me that they were still probing them, which is like... what the fuck? These people probably are first time joiners, too, which should have been visible on the admin header scre-</rant>

Not long after, I noticed some security officers. As I didn't have any contraband on hand, I politely complied with their search, before being banned by G. I was also cluwnified after the fact; and it's unknown whether Security got their high risk items back.

Why you should be unbanned:
I do not believe I broke a single rule in any of these rounds, even though the actions did indeed happen.

  • In the maxcaps' case, I was rolebanned against the displayed public rules, and instead going off an informal policy that was never finalized into the rules to this day. There isn't a rule prohibiting maxcaps from being made or used, as it has almost everything to do with escalation in the rule set.
  • I don't believe mentoring counts as roleban evasion either.
  • And for the raider, my point regarding the role of an antagonist in a SS14 game should be sufficient. To add on top of this, none of this shit even employed metacomms outside of the relevant ahelp.

This appeal is also partly a complaint against Gtheglorious for being unprofessional in terms of execution of the admin policy. As they're no longer an admin, I believe merging the would-be-complaint-post here is the best course of action.

Edited by router


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