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What's your Space Station 14 Username: ARandomHunter

What's your Discord Username: ARandomHuntr

How long have you been playing Space Station 14?: Sometime near July, 2022 I think

(OPTIONAL) How long have you been playing Space Station 13?: August, 2022

What's your playtime amount on the Goob Station Server: Maybe 400 hours on-game, probably like 200 additional as observer/admining when I was one

How old are you: 18 (In 3 actually nvm 2 days after this is posted)

Have you ever been banned from the Goob Station Server: Not that I can recall.

Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s):

SS14: Wizard's den, Apocalypse Station, Frontier Station, RonStation, Rouny Marine, Delta-V, Mining Station 14, Dungeon Dig 14, Robust Pong, Harmony, Syndicate Station 14, Weasel Station, Foundation 14 (Mine, died), HunterStation (Mine, existed for like 2 weeks)

SS13: Yogstation 13, Foundation 19, /TG/ Station, Goonstation 13, /VG/ Station, TGMC, Monke Station. 1400 hours SS14, 500 SS13, and I can provide SS14 proof with my steam playtime, my goobstation playtime is uh, probably a bit off.



How many hours can you admin per week: Average of around 25-30, as much time as I can dedicate.

On what days can you get on to Admin: Mostly weekends, occasionally weekdays with some inconsistency

What time zone are you in: CDT


General Questions

Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it: Adminning is a good way to help the community, and I might be able to make sure the server is kept relatively peaceful when other admins are not online/would normally be busy. 

This next one is a very special part of it to me personally, and may be the entire reason for "Adminning" and not "Eventminning" which is that I really enjoy when admins interact with the Gameworld as Central Command and God/Honkmother and all that. It's not as prevalent as it once was, which is probably for the best, but I kind of want to try to slightly bring back the thing of quick Central Command inspections occasionally or small ERT when the phone is used In-Character and ingame or even making praying actually do something again. I do want to keep the game environment the most fun it can be, and regular admining can help keep the peace for other's RP, but I REALLY want to bring back some of the really simple RP that made Goob the interesting server that brought me in originally after Apocalypse died and I almost considered quitting SS14. This game is a story device, admins are acting as the narrators. They keep the bad writing out so the plot may flourish, but it's even better when they add their own GOOD writing using their story as a playground for creativity that not only flows with the text's purpose, but even enhances the pre-existing plot and character development currently being written. That is what makes Goobstation a good server, or hell even SS14 a fun game. Not the content being added, the balancing of roles, the job gameplay loops or even the customization. It's the stories you write as a character in a plot you have control over that make this game so enjoyable to so many people. I think as an admin, I'd try my best to bring some of the story influence back in a way that disturbs nobody else's separate tale, but positively influences the ones who accept it into theirs.

And lastly, and I have a good amount of experience but don't really have a good way to use it. (Also, observing people is pretty fun, I may as well help with issues while I'm at it. And #Admin-Shitposts :trolling: ) 

Do you have any prior admin or staff experience on another SS13/SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this: I was an Apocalypse Admin before this, and was an Event Host/Admin for Goobstation for about 2 months maybe before being "forcefully retired" (Demoted) due to not helping with ahelps enough and sort of working on my own stuff a good amount of the time (I was there as an Event Host, didn't really abandon that mindset when they got merged, rightfully got demoted. I am applying as an actual ADMIN this time.)

My experience was mostly based on making things interesting for the most part, at least when I was starting. I tried to calm down more and do it more cautiously with the players in mind. I think it was generally positive reactions.

What role do you think Game Admins serve, in detail: There's basically 3 purposes. First is answering Ahelps and ooc issues, sometimes having to deal with raids, all that stuff. Secondly, they help with IC stuff, such as Central Command things like faxes and announcements, and lastly is generally keeping the server fun and interesting, such as occasionally doing something custom like a CC Inspection, or possibly giving a small goal (Occasionally).

What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin?: I think that question was thoroughly answered in the "Why do you want to be a game admin" section, but for completion's sake: Just make rounds interesting, unique, and have more variety again in a way that doesn't just disrupt others' experiences or round choices

What are you least interested in doing as an admin?: Dealing with problematic players. It's kind of hard to talk with people who just won't listen to a single word you say while they say legitimately everything wrong.

What makes you a great addition to staff?: First, I think my perspective could possibly help, as I have a pretty good idea of what should be considered an IC crime or self-antagging and such, since at a point I was kind of the rule-tiptoe greytider that should have gotten banned tbh so I can identify them easier than regular players probably. Second, I have a lot of ideas of how to do stuff that could honestly probably be really cool for the players I think.

What do you think is the current roleplay status of the LRP server, what do you think can be done to improve it: 

Well, I do believe the server's roleplay status is pretty good for the niche it is filling. People still make attempts to be in-character, but it's not at the point where you need to be called out for knowing how engines work as a medical doctor. It allows for some gimmicks and other fun things due to some role and rule lenience, while not being a murderbone fest where everybody speaks OOC. But ONCE AGAIN, I think some more NT based roleplay beyond NTR existing would be cool, have CC interact a bit more.

(OPTIONAL) What do you think is the current roleplay status of the MRP server, what do you think can be done to improve it: It's PERFECT, never change. (Except maybe make it less of an IC powergamer hunt roundstart to gain your free psionics from oracle juice)

Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?: When they play into how goofy this game is, interact with the gameworld and do their best to nurture other's experiences with some roleplay opportunities.

Have you ever had a negative experience with a game admin (even on another SS13/14 server)? If so what, if anything, would you do differently?: Not really. The closest to a bad experience (That I remember) was in Goob like 2 months ago where I had to be ahelped for like 2 minutes because I cut one LV wire to test my budget insulated gloves and replaced it after, and I'm the only one who cut a wire in logs. (I still don't get why that happened). Anyways I understand it I guess so I wouldn't change it, but it was a tiny bit annoying. Also, many times in Apocalypse with a certain admin where I did legit nothing, but I can't remember one specific so I won't say any.

Have you ever had a good experience with a game admin? If so, what was it?: I did at one point, forgot it really. Usually they've just been chill. Honestly, mostly positive experiences with admin teams, from basically every server.

In your opinion, what is the most important quality in an admin?: How much they can understand a player's scenario and why they did an action. Also, how good they are at making things fun without ruining others' experiences.


Scenarios Questions (You should put more than just one or two sentences.)

It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. There are three players who decided to observe the round instead of join it orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to “do something funny”.
Ignore them probably, maybe do something kind of interesting but nothing serious. They signed up as an observer, they are there to observe, not to attempt peer-pressure on me so I spawn them in a ninja and explode the clown "For comedy's sake". I might do something a little silly that doesn't extremely affect the round though, if it's been really slow, the other admins are cool with it, and nothing else that's an issue, like hiding a small non-important item somewhere or just sending a "You feel paranoid..." message to somebody for small RP opportunities.

Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem?

It's RDM, he did it to two people, it's a second offense, and he probably was trying to ban evade considering I wasn't even able to get 1 ahelp in before he left. I'd say worth a 14 day gameban, and maybe put a watchlist on him so the other admins know when he comes back. 

The Captain has disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What do you do?

If they have warned the other command members of this, told an admin such as myself in this scenario, or at least used the cryopod. then I would not interact with the situation as this can be handled by the others following SOP. If they have not, I will give them a message telling them to not disconnect from an important role without at least warning others, and suggest that they may cryo instead as it can open up another job slot for somebody to fill their role. Possibly send a fax to another command representative such as NTR, BSO or HoP about temporary captain and that the old captain should be sent to a cryopod. 

You see a chemist who has only made basic meds start gathering materials and talking about making uranium foam grenades in chat. Right as they start making the grenades they roll as a midround sleeper Syndicate. How would you handle the situation if at all?

I would warn the chemist about power gaming, as their situation did not require any form of self-defense, was in any danger, or in any situation where weapons would be permitted for them. However, now that they are a role that allows antagonizing, I would allow them to continue, but make sure it is clear they should not attempt to do this while they are not clearly an antagonist or it is red alert or otherwise (Which, even then is a stretch since they should get permission from the CMO).

The Head of Security has decided to coup the Captain. The Head of Personnel agrees with the Head of Security and has taken up arms in case it is necessary to aid in effecting the arrest of the Captain. The Captain is hiding with the Quartermaster in the cargo shuttle to avoid the Clown who has stolen the captains saber as a non-antag. There are five people named in this scenario. Please describe what actions, if any, you would take in relation to each, and why.

1. The HoS is in the right if the captain is actually being incompetent, in which it is a logical decision. They should contact us (Central Command) though. If the Captain wasn't that incompetent, then the HoS is wrong, though in the scenario they are right as the captain is in the wrong (Explained at Cap's part). 2. The HoP is basically the same as the HoS, however they shouldn't really be taking weaponry though their reason is definitely better than straight powergaming. Still, no issue from me too much. 3. The Captain is in the wrong here, as though they are trying to "Escape danger", they should not abandon the station for a reason that can be solved quite easily by security and isn't an ACTUAL threat yet. Ask for explanation, and possible temporary roleban if they have none for "Abandoning a role" and "Taking actions a reasonable person would view as to be to the detriment of the station as security/command". 4. The Quartermaster is just following the Captain's order probably, and may not know that the captain isn't in any actual danger. 5. The clown (as it is written) has stolen an item from the Captain without antagonist status or a reason to. I don't have a policy to quote for this exact scenario (Though considering this is probably pretty common there should be one), I'd say "Harassing a player/role/department with no IC conflict" and either warn them or give them a small temp game ban if there's a second offense or not any reason at all for this.

You see a clown using crayon to write on the floor in front of security. The clown writings are negative things about security, like “shitsec”. A secoff tells the clown that they’re being arrested for vandalism, stuns them, and cuffs them. Before the secoff is able to get the clown into the brig, a passenger slips the secoff, causing them to lose their baton, then uses the baton to stun another secoff that comes to help as the clown runs away. The passenger escapes through disposals. Having heard an AOS radio callout, the detective enters maintenance near disposals and shoots the passenger to crit. There are four players in this scenario, the clown, the passenger, the secoff, and the detective.

The clown is innocent, as their crime was both IC and not severe. The passenger should possibly be warned, but if they knew for a fact that the clown was only being arrested for a minor crime, then they may be fine (They didn't actually harm anybody, so it's a bit lighter). The secoff is being a bit of a jerk, but nothing ahelp/warning worthy that shouldn't be handled OOC, the HoS/Captain can fire them for lack of due process. For the detective, it depends on if they had any other non-lethal methods of subduing the prisoner, and also if they immediately attempted to heal said passenger afterwards if the former is that they didn't have other methods of taking the passenger. The detective has no stun baton/methods of non-lethals round start now that rubbers are gone, so if he made sure they got medically treated and they weren't killed intentionally to KILL them, I'd see it as generally fine, though a bit negligent if the Detective wasn't just spawned in and had no sec gear.

You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, you then catch a command staff member misuse contraband. While you are in the middle of the ahelp, the other admin jumps into the middle of your ahelp with a rule clarification that is plainly incorrect. Without the interruption, what would have you asked the command staff member, and how would you have responded or reacted to the interrupting admin?

For the command member: "Hey, got a minute? I want to ask, I noticed you were using contraband when it wasn't necessary, could you explain why you used it?" I think it's best to ask for an explanation specifically as they might have had a REAL reason to use it that wasn't powergaming that I didn't see or understand, but if it's green alert and they're fucking around I'd probably warn them if they didn't use it in a fight or something, possible temporary 3 day roleban if so for command incompetency/abuse of a position of authority.

As for the admin, I'd probably just try to ask them not to answer for me when I'm actively saying something, and ask where their information source was so I can verify that it is unreliable or that there is an issue with a specific piece of info. If they have no source, I'd attempt to list one that fits and has actually correct info. (Goobstation docs)

You are ahelping a player about an issue. The player has no prior noted issues. A few days earlier, an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense, and you are confident that this situation is not substantially different from the type that admin was describing. During the ahelp, another admin pings you on Discord with a link to the ongoing ahelp and tells you to just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal. Excluding Trial Game Admins, Senior Game Admins and Head Game Admins, all admins are equally “ranked”. A headmin is not currently available.

Check the banning policy, and see if this does line up with the current offense and what action it is. In the likely scenario that is incorrect, I'd attempt to tell the admin who told me this that their suggestion doesn't align with the policy for how severe it is. If the admin continued to repeat this and not back down despite being incorrect, I would continue with normal procedure as I would have and keep a note of this for when the Headmin does return. If the second admin was correct actually, I would then contact the first admin later telling him that his suggestion was actually not correct and that he should update his information, yet this is probably unlikely compared to the first suggestion considering the wording for what the second admin said was "Just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal" which has no clarification or reasoning. Also, I'd probably check the ban policy for the first admin as well, got to make sure.



Anything else we should know about or have questions about:

This is the same as the 3rd app but updated for the new template

(Other one was copy pasted from the old one that wasn't really read I think, didn't notice the template got changed)

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