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Piras314's Admin Application

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  • Game Admin
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In-game Username: Piras314
Discord username: piras314
Characters you play: Jennie Cider, Gon'Ah Gibson

On average, how many hours do you expect to admin per week:

Around 15 hours per week probably. (EST timezone)

Days you are available to admin on:

All days

How old are you?


Do you have any SS14 experience outside of Goob Station or any SS13 experience? I have nearly a thousand hours on Wizden (mainly LRP) and Delta-V (MRP)

Do you have prior administration experience? If so, explain in detail what you've done during your time as an admin. We prefer experience in Space Station 13 or 14 but other games are okay too. If you can, do post evidence of this too.

I have no prior game administration experience, however I have extensive experience with the game's sandbox and to a lesser extent game administration capabilities as I run my own SS14 server for mapping, testing and development.

Have you ever been banned from any SS14 or SS13 servers?

I've been banned from Wizden once for taking the RD's teleporter from a bag in public to make one of those teleporter loops a couple months ago.

Admins can perform various tasks which are not available to the average player. An incomplete list of these tasks is in-game rule enforcement, in-game events, ban appeals, and out-of-game rule enforcement through things like replay/log reviews in response to player reports. With these, and any other tasks you're aware of in mind, answer the following two questions.

What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin?

I'm interested in responding to ahelps, checking logs and those sort of tasks. Of course, managing events is fun, but everyone loves that and I don't have all that many event ideas. So, I'm primarily looking forward to being friendly & helpful in ahelps and ensuring the server culture is healthy and players are happy.

What are you least interested in doing as an admin?

I can't really think of much I'm not interested in doing as an admin, but I'm not interested in engaging in beefing with Wizden or with other admins.

Answer the following questions in detail, so we can get a better idea of how you'd approach adminning.

What role do you think game admins serve on our servers besides just dealing with rule breakers?

I think making sure rounds are balanced in terms of chaos level is important, and I think a thing that's often looked over is helping people out. Especially now that you can "bwoink" people without making the sound of doom, bwoinking new players who are asking questions to help them out is very important. I saw a player today, for example asking what a service worker is meant to do, and the only response on comms was "women" repeatedly... In this situation I would "bwoink" them and let them know that a service worker is meant to help out everyone in the service department, especially bartenders, chefs, and botanists with whatever they need help with, or filling in if one or many are missing. I would also probably ahelp the person repeatedly spamming "doing women ahahahahaa".

Why do you want to become an administrator for Goob Station?

I want to become an administrator for Goob Station to help this up-and-coming server thrive, gain adminning experience, help people and give back to the SS14 community as a whole. (Sorry for the short answer, I can't really think of much more, I am very enthusiastic about this, but it's hard to express it here)

How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the servers?

I think the current roleplay status on the server is a bit lower than I would hope, I constantly see ock ick about "wizden buffing the AME" on comms and things of that nature. However, I think the playerbase is mostly made up of very nice people and ock ick isn't that big an issue. The random escalation levels are also higher than I'd like, but all these things are relatively easy thinks to warn people about in ahelps.

Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?

I think a very important thing to do as an admin is to not be afraid to ahelp people for small things, this may sound terrible, but let me explain. Player's don't learn from their mistakes if you don't tell them they shouldn't do them, but ALSO if you don't tell them WHY they shouldn't do them, which is often overlooked. Why does this rule exist? How does this help? Answering these questions makes players have intrinsic motivation to follow the rules as they see WHY this rule is in place, and how it benefits them and everyone else. First time offences are learning opportunities.

Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this?

I have had negative experiences with game admins on both Delta-V and on Wizden, for example on Delta-V I have an admin note for "Shitsec? Breaking mail for no RP reason", without any ahelp contact even though I was online for hours after this note was posted. I think open communication with players is very important, so you know you didn't see something out of context that the player could have provided, and so the player knows what they did wrong. In this example, I broke my own empty mail package once I was done with it. After I realised I had this note, I have attempted to get it removed multiple times, each time with no response. To prevent other players from experiencing this, I am making this application, so I can respond to ahelps and communicate openly with players.

Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it?

It's hard to remember a good experience with a game admin mostly because it's a lot easier to remember negative memories, but I've certainly had a few experiences that I vaguely remember where an admin simply pointed out a mistake I was making and I just made a note of it and never made that mistake again.

The following are scenarios, respond with how you would handle each as an administrator. Respond with the assumption that you are an administrator with full access to the admin tools and that you have all the knowledge needed to use these tools. Respond in detail, explain the reasons behind the decisions you make, and describe any assumptions you are making. When you need to make an assumption, it is preferred for you to describe how differences in the assumption would affect your actions.

It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. Three players decided to observe the round instead of joining and they started orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to "do something funny".

It's only the start of the round, so I am probably not going to do an in-round admeme, however here are some ideas I have for a non-destructive admeme:

1. Make punpun or hamlet bigger than usual (this is great because one of them can take the ghost role and enjoy the admeme first hand)
2. Spawn some lizard plushies and weh juice
3. Renovate something (e.g. remove all the chapel lights, place a circle of candles and some random crayon drawing)
4. Make an afterlife on a separate grid complete with ghost roles and things to do, e.g. "Afterlife Bar & Diner" with full hydro, kitchen, bar, dorms etc. or spawn a planet grid with mobs and some basic tools like a hatchet, some containers for gathering water etc.

You see a clown using crayons to write on the floor in front of security. The clown's writings are negative things about security, like "shitsec". A Security Officer tells the clown that they're being arrested for vandalism, stuns them, and cuffs them. Before the Security Officer can get the clown into the brig, a passenger slips the Security Officer, causing them to lose their baton, then uses the baton to stun another Security Officer who comes to help as the clown runs away. The passenger escapes through disposals. Having heard an AOS radio callout, the detective enters maintenance near disposals and shoots the passenger to crit. There are four players in this scenario, the clown, the passenger, the secoff, and the detective.

The two people in the wrong in this scenario in my opinion are the passenger and the detective. Assuming everyone involved are nonantags, the passenger slipping the Security Officer and then batonning the other was bad, and the detective shooting the passenger was also bad. This question was originally written when detectives were part of sec I assume, but since they are more like lawyers now, I would do everything I state after this as well as warn them for valid-hunting

I would immediately ahelp the passenger and ask them why they let the clown escape, if there is no reasonable reason, which is the most likely scenario, I would tell them why it's not okay to do so, because they are interfering with arrests as a non-antagonist, even if the arrest was minor. I would make a hidden admin note for this, assuming it's a first offense, otherwise I would put a public admin note and note that it was a second offense.

After the passenger is dealt with, I would ahelp the detective and tell them to follow the rules of escalation, and that using lethal force, especially if the alert level was green or blue, on an unarmed passenger is unacceptable. Through this process I would also give them a chance to add any context I might not have, verify any claims through logs, follow the admin note procedure etc. and if this is something they have repeatedly done and don't seem to understand why they shouldn't do it, I will roleban them.

You and another admin have been adminning for around an hour. The rate of issues has been easily manageable due to having 2 admins. Neither of you has been talking in the admin chat. You are using the Admin Help to warn a player for breaking a rule when the other admin joins the Admin Help and confirms that it is against the rules, but that it's fine in this case and they can ignore the rule for the rest of the round. You haven't taken any other admin actions yet, such as applying a ban or writing a note.

This would completely depend on the situation, but I think in most cases if they're breaking a rule, there's a good reason they aren't allowed to do it and shouldn't continue. I would talk to the admin and ask them why they think it's okay in this case et cetera, but really this depends entirely on what rule is being broken and the admin's reason for ignoring the rule.

Edited by piboy314


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Accepted, and welcome to the team! 

Check your Discord direct messages to proceed with how to start. If your DM's are off, we won't be able to contact you.


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