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Mentor Application Guidelines

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Application Template

The following guidelines will help you create an appropriate mentor application. If your application is insufficient or does not appropriately follow guidelines, it is unlikely to be successful. Please note that, for purposes of fairness and ease of voting, custom templates and styling will be standardized/overwritten (with the exception of bullet points).

Forum Name:

  • Your forum name, in full. This field exists both as a reference for staff as well as to help with processing your application.

Discord (include tag numbers):

  • Your discord handle. Please note that this is not your discord nickname. This is your full Discord handle with your USERNAME. This may be found in the bottom left of your discord client (by your voice settings), or by clicking your own name and looking at the sub-text.
  • This field exists as a reference for staff and for ease of processing. If you fill this field out improperly (such as by giving your nickname) and your application is accepted, granting your mentor permissions on the Discord will be delayed.


  • Your account username used to play on Goob Station. Pretty much it. If it’s found to be a pretty not cool username, you’re get denied on the spot.


  • A list of all your characters on Goob Station. If you have more than six characters, please only list your most frequently played ones.

Server Playtime:

  • Your playtime on the server. You can find this by going to your character customization, then on the top right, press “stats.”

Primary Department(s):

  • A point-form list of the primary departments that you play in. You should also list sub-departments in this category where applicable (Science, Security, Atmospherics, etc.).

Departmental Knowledge:

  • A list of your departmental knowledge. It is recommended that you provide more than point-form statements.

    An ideal application won't just list "Space Law" as a fleeting reference. Instead, the ideal application will list Space Law with a short example/explanation demonstrating your knowledge on the subject. This explanation can be as simple as referencing that you "main" said department, or it can be an instance where you successfully applied Space Law.

    "Space Law"
    "Space Law: I primarily play security and have a great deal of experience working with Space Law."
    "Space Law: If someone is Inciting a Riot (305), they are not eligible for execution unless it's the second offense. For second offenders, the Mutiny (505) charge applies and can result in permabrig or execution."

    But this is LRP, so who cares about Space Law? 
    You do not need to be verbose, you only need to make it clear how familiar you are with the subject. Simply listing "Space Law" in this example provides absolutely no context. What about Space Law? What components? etc.

General/Special Knowledge:

  • A list of your general/specialized knowledge. This category is for things that are not related to departments such as base game mechanics.

    An ideal example of listing generalized/specific knowledge would demonstrate that you know how to close fire-extinguisher cabinets, false-wall mechanics, or how to reload emergency autoinjectors.

Additional Information:

  • This is a catch-all category. You should list why you want to become a mentor, any related experience with mentoring, and any additional information you would like to include in your application.

Additional Application Information

While these do not play any formal role in the application template itself, they are all things that are taken into consideration when processing your application. They are listed here as a reference to help you understand what kinds of things we look for when processing your application.

Application Length:

  • The most common rejection reason for applications is that they are of insufficient length or clearly lack effort.

    If all your responses to the template questions are point-form and no more than one word long, your application is almost guaranteed to be declined. Please ensure you fill out the application adequately according to the above suggestions. An ideal application will have at least one or two short paragraphs of information in total.

Server Behaviour:

  • Past/problematic behaviour on the server will be taken into account when considering your application. While this does not immediately disqualify (or approve) your application, a clean record is not required. If you have any existing bans (job-bans or otherwise), your application will be rejected.
  • In general, any ban or severe warning on your account within the last 3 months will lead to your application being rejected.

Communication Skills:

  • Good communication skills are a requirement for mentors.

    You should be able to communicate effectively and politely in English with few serious errors. While exact spelling, punctuation, and syntax are not requirements, they are considered serious advantages; a poor grasp of English will impair your application.

    This includes the ability to project a mildly professional and welcoming image to players. If you are able to communicate effectively but unable to project a welcoming or helpful image to other players, your application is unlikely to succeed.


  • As Goob Station is a roleplaying server, it is expected that applicants will have some meaningful history of roleplaying.

    If all you play is epileptic joke-characters who run around killing monkeys, your application will be impaired.


  • The amount of karma you have received (or lack thereof) is not taken into consideration.

Processing Time:

  • Currently there is no exact processing time, so your application could just be accepted or denied at anytime.

Application Processing/Confidentiality:

  • All applications are considered, and voted upon, by the Head Game Admins.


  • If your application was declined, you may reapply when applications reopen.
  • No reapplication is required for former mentors who retired in good standing. However, retired mentors must be active for a period of one month without accruing any substantial warnings or bans in order to regain their mentor status.   
    Also, yes. This is copied from Paradise Station’s Mentor Application guidelines but with a few changes.


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