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DoktorNOKK - over escalation

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Ban reason: 3rd offense for over escalation
Length of ban: 1 week
Events leading to the ban: 

    • 3. when i was warden , i tried to arrest a guy(synide) with baton he soaped me. then i take my disabler and he shove me and i lose my disabler too. He took both weapons and started hit me with baton. i shoot him with smg becuase i know he will cuff and kill me after batoning me. (so i use rule 20 3.line- my life is threaten) But the admin kevin banned me and he said that your life isnt threaten. And he banned me 1 week.
      1. warn:  when i was took my first warn there is a nearly 7 guys (revs) in security and they tried to open armory. İ tried arrest them 1 by 1 but they pulled eachselves for rescue from arrest themselves  and they started punch me. Then i shoot them with drozd becuase they are revs and their aim is entering armory. (düzenlendi)




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Posted (edited)

Reason the ban should be removed: 
Even though Kevin wrote in my notes that he would get a 12-hour game ban next time, he banned me for 1 week because it was Avalon, the admin, who made a help against me. I think it's clearly unfair
In this ban appeal, I want not only my ban but also my grades to be lifted. because From the very beginning, I told Kevin that I wasn't doing anything against the rules, they were all written in the rules. But instead of listening to me, he said that he was right but could not explain it. There's definitely a miscommunication between us.
I have 1.300 hours in ss14 and 300 hours in ss13. İ know how rules works or how security works. Players in goob station(moslty passangers) thinking greytiding legal. So they entering heads room, security and they broking cabinets and windows. Since my first note to last ban, kevin looking my ahelps (i want different admin because i think he have prejudice on me) and we making same talking everytime. He saying i take ahelps about you, so you are over escalating. No İm Not. İn the rules it says if someone escapes from law again and again security have  'use lethal weapons' right. So im using this right.
For example i pulled shiva to med for treating. And i doctor started punching him. İ said stop and he contiuned so i took my baton and cuffed but then his friends 'the chemist' pulled him. İ ran they pull, i ran they pull. nearly 5 minute i tried take doctor to security for attacking a security member. But i cant make it becuase they escaped again and again so i take my gun and shoot 1 bullet to chemist, he escaped and i take doctor to sec 3 minute sentence for assult and escape. İ dont think its wrong move. if kevin think wrong he need the change rules.

i can say that players in this server really sassy and spoiled. They cant wait even in cell. They punching glass everytime. Also After stealing a security's weapons and escaping from him by knocking him down with soap many times, or after entering the armory with a group of 7 people and headrev and trying to steal weapons, or after kidnapping a prisoner from the security for 5 minutes to save his friend, can't people really think that lethal weapons will be used? It's clearly stated in the rules .
- If you feel life-threatening
- If the prisoner escaped repeatedly
Security officers have the right to use lethal weapons. It's that simple.

Currently, I am a low command and event admin on the pax astralis server, and I also have 400 hours and respected characters in delta. What I want to say is that there are more than 4 servers I can play on outside of here, so believe me, I wouldn't write such a long ban appeal, but I am happy to play here and the events of event admin Garry. That's why I think my ban-ratings are unfair.

(this appeal writed by half translate half myself. im esl(english second language) so if you confused with some sentences please notify me, thank you)

Edited by DoktorNOKK



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22 hours ago, DoktorNOKK said:

i can say that players in this server really sassy and spoiled. They cant wait even in cell. They punching glass everytime. Also After stealing a security's weapons and escaping from him by knocking him down with soap many times, or after entering the armory with a group of 7 people and headrev and trying to steal weapons, or after kidnapping a prisoner from the security for 5 minutes to save his friend, can't people really think that lethal weapons will be used? It's clearly stated in the rules .
- If you feel life-threatening
- If the prisoner escaped repeatedly
Security officers have the right to use lethal weapons. It's that simple.

fair and true


22 hours ago, DoktorNOKK said:

Players in goob station(moslty passangers) thinking greytiding legal. So they entering heads room, security and they broking cabinets and windows.

this too





Owen said



I don’t remember to well but if I recall he had done his job right and I agreed with him for killing of those that raised sec but he killed someone that didn’t attack and he used lethals on him (fourth offense) so I just rounded the ban to whatever I banned him for as he was under stress



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Hi Doktor, I play Dominic Pershing and Jerry Bratton. I have had a few negative experiences with you beforehand. In one case, a new round was starting, we were squabbling in OOC about me getting antag 3 rounds in a row (I somewhat took it as a joke) and how you said that I "HAVE TO BE AN ADMIN" because I get antag so much (what?). Anyways, when the round started, you ghosted from your 1 slot lawyer job maybe 10-25 minutes in, down the line, you selected the ghost role Pun Pun and started to break Botany's window (reinforced). When multiple people told me you to stop, (Me, A Security Officer, and a Doctor) you did not. I got permission to shoot (by the security officer) chaplain's laser pistol at you a few times to get you to stop, as nobody had access. I started saying that you were probably Doktor since you were pointing at my character while also breaking the glass and probably saying things, but due to monkey language, it got transformed into "AAH!". I tell in LOOC that it probably is Doktor, since he has a grudge against me (The squabbling in OOC, told me "Shut your mouth agent" and started squabbling about his age ((said he was mature)) and me probably being a 14 year old child during round start). Instantly, when I said that you were probably your OOC name, you instantly replied in LOOC in all capital letters with "YOU'RE METAGAMING?!" and then said that he was going to ahelp me, which he did. I promptly told the admin to look at the OOC and LOOC chats of Doktor, which they didn't respond back to me the entire round until I ahelped Doktor, during his ranting of him ahelping me in LOOC, he said that I ahelped him earlier(?). Anyways, when Pun Pun (Doktor) broke out of hydro, he instantly went into the chapel with Chlorine and Flourine (CLF3 Chemicals) and threw them on the ground to blow the chapel up. I didn't ahelp anything before this, but I ahelped this. I specifically requested Doktor to NOT be banned, but not sure if the admin banned him anyways

(If you don't understand small parts of this, I understand! I'm kind of tired)

So, please if you care to read this, explain yourself and your actions that day.


Edited by sugar
Editing the ending, didn't make some sense.

mentor on goob station


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11 minutes ago, sugar said:

I got permission to shoot (by the security officer) chaplain's laser pistol at you a few times to get you to stop

13 minutes ago, sugar said:

he instantly went into the chapel with Chlorine and Flourine (CLF3 Chemicals) and threw them on the ground to blow the chapel up.




Concerning history even though it doesn't have much to do with the appeal. 


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First, I will answer the mentor question. You took 3 rounds of agents in a row. Every time I saw you, you had a laser sword in your hand and we argued about this situation. This is something that can happen. Apart from that, you shot me while I was trying to escape from the kitchen as a punpun (there was no door), let's stop here, you are a chaplain and your job is not to shoot a monkey. Not whether you get permission from security or not. If I'm not within chapel grounds OR I'm not attacking you, it's your fault for hurting me. Also, since I started trying to break the window as the punpun, I constantly told him with signs that the punpun was stuck here and wanted to get out. One of the civilians there understood me very well. But you (for some reason) harmed a monkey (punpun) who wanted to leave a department that is not related to your own department after saying this doctornokktur, who had never been in contact with you before. Then you find it unreasonable that the monkey you harmed would blow up the chapel to take revenge on you.
(Also, I'm just now seeing the warning that the chapel exploded about me)



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Posted (edited)

Regarding Kira's second to last message:
This is really funny because I can't see your ahelp messages after i quit the game. However every time when write to ahelp, I wait 10 minutes to make sure for admin response. So, I didn't see the message because of Kevin wrote to me 14-15 minutes later.
Also, we are still having the same problem. If you only have SMG against the criminal who has a baton and a disabler in his hand;
YOU HAVE TO USE THAT SMG. There is no way you can escape (don't ask stupid questions about where your spare baton or batons are, because no officer carries a spare.) I still don't understand what we are discussing. He has a baton and a disabler in his hand. I have smg. And he started HITTING me. In this case, I say I am in danger. Kevin tells me no you're not.

Edited by DoktorNOKK



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15 hours ago, DoktorNOKK said:

 after saying this doctornokktur, who had never been in contact with you before. Then you find it unreasonable that the monkey you harmed would blow up the chapel to take revenge on you.

Hi, I believe you were wrong, since I had one more interaction as you on a small map where you were the acting CMO, I believe. You kept moving patients while I was administering medication, you then moved a patient after I asked you to stop, and said "That's because you asked me to stop" I believe the patient was in critical condition too. 

I then punch you to try and get you to stop, since there's another doctor in medical, he's helping with medical work, then after a squabble (fight that resulted in no major injuries) I enter chemistry to make basic medical chemicals (bicard, derma, kelo & more) and then you run into chemistry and blow it up but kill yourself and blow up the chem-master machine. I believe it was also CLF3 that you killed yourself with. I declare you immature and incompetent to run a department and take the items of the CMO, and return your PDA when revived and dropped off at security.

So, no. This wasn't my first contact with you. Thank you. :) 


mentor on goob station


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Posted (edited)

I return the insults you made to me (immature and incompetent)  exactly to you and add that I am not the person in the incident you described. Because before I received the hand of Punpun, I was a lawyer and I waited for a while to prostrate and switched to the ghost role. I have never been to the medical. Or I have never exploded chem-master.Or I didn't steal cmo item. I recommend you to look at the player list more carefully after the shift. I hope these accusations you make without evidence will be recorded.
In addition, a mentor's messages containing insults to the player make you wonder whether you are really suitable for mentoring.

Edited by DoktorNOKK



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I'll lift the ban as it is unjust as Harriet said, but I need you to improve your attitude and such. You've acted very hostile toward others (as seen also in another discord server) lately and that worries me.

Your ban is lifted, but I require that you keep it together and avoid getting too upset and pissy.


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