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Everything posted by Skibidi_Toliet

  1. This application has been denied for the time being. Feel free to reapply at a later date.
  2. This application has been denied for the time being. Feel free to reapply at a later date.
  3. This application has been denied for the time being. Feel free to reapply at a later date.
  4. Please read this post and use the template in it for your appeal:
  5. You’re going to need to actually look at the pinned post and actually write out more than this please.
  6. ------------------------------------------ Check What's your Space Station 14 Username: Fortnite What's your Discord Username: lowtierpeasant What's your playtime amount on the Goob Server: At least 300+ hours. Unsure exactly. How old are you: 17 Have you ever been banned from the Goob Server: No. Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s): Yes, I've played on Wizden (600+ hours.), Delta-V (5 hours?), Nuclear 14, Paradisestation (3 hours?), Ronstation, and other servers. ------------------------------------------ Time How many hours can you admin per week: 35 hours. On what days can you get on to Admin: Everyday. What timezone are you in: CST time. ------------------------------------------ General Questions Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it: Have you adminned for any other SS13 or SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this: I've admined for Apocalypse Station for a short while, specifically maybe a week. I've learned a couple of things in the server, like commands, admin helping, and banning. Another thing I've done while admining was having fun while doing it. Building a structure with another player was apart of the experience and pretty nice to do. While I do not have proof of it currently, if asked for, I may be able to provide at a later date. What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve: The Game Admins on Goob Station server serve exactly to moderate the Goob Station server by keeping it free of problematic players, and answer admin helps. There's also moderating the Discord server and keeping it free of players breaking the rules. Another purpose they serve is also keeping the Goob Station Game Server fun for others, making sure rounds don't keep boring or maybe once in awhile do an event for others. What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it: The current situation of Goob Station's roleplay is odd at most. I will say that it can be really fun at certain times of day like for example early in the morning or on low player count, it can be consider MRP roleplay. At day time or in the afternoon, it can be rowdy and instead LRP roleplay, which is of course still fun in my opinion. While the Goob Station community still needs cleaning of their more worse players, I can easily say that it isn't so bad. Onto the ways to improve the roleplay status, there are a few things that can be done to improve the roleplay status of the server, like more Game Admins, a nicer community with a better understanding of the game, and other ways too. ------------------------------------------ The more questions questions. (You should put more than just one or two sentences.) Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem? I'd ban the player for as long as policy allows, which is three days due to it being their second offense. Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them? Slapping a warning note on their account and also putting a message for them to see so they know that they can explain what happened on forums is what I would do. You see a passenger player mess around too much and start interfering with a Security Officer's arrest by uncuffing the Officer's prisoner, as the passenger runs, the Officer pulls out their gun and shoots the passenger almost to death. What's wrong here and how would you handle the situation as an Admin? First, the passenger is self-antagging by interfering with an officers arrest. The Security Officer over-escalated by not going for non-lethal means first. Slapping a warning note is sufficient for if both do not have any previous warnings for the offenses. You see a chemist who has only made basic meds start gathering materials and talking about making uranium foam grenades in chat. Right as they start making the grenades they roll as a midround sleeper syndie. How would you handle the situation if at all? Telling them to avoid making grenade bombs as a non-antagonist in the future is sufficient as they have not used any yet, and I may leave a watchlist on their account too if needed. I won't do more than that since they've rolled as a midround sleeper syndicate, so it wouldn't make sense to say stop now. You see a clown using crayon to write on the floor in front of security. The clown writings are negative things about security, like “shitsec”. A secoff tells the clown that they’re being arrested for vandalism, stuns them, and cuffs them. Before the secoff is able to get the clown into the brig, a passenger slips the secoff, causing them to lose their baton, then uses the baton to stun another secoff that comes to help as the clown runs away. The passenger escapes through disposals. Having heard an AOS radio callout, the detective enters maintenance near disposals and shoots the passenger to crit. There are four players in this scenario, the clown, the passenger, the secoff, and the detective. First, IC issue for the Clown I'll say. It could be considered being a dick, but if they're just doing it for roleplay purposes, all fine. The passenger I will admin message on as they are interfering with the security officer's arrest and self-antagging, after I do that, I'll leave a note for the offense. The Security Officer I see no problem with as they haven't broken any rules. The Detective however over-escalated and should've first started with non-lethal means before requiring to go up the escalation. Assuming all of them have first offenses, I'll follow the offense punishments, but will start with warning if possible. You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, you then catch a command staff member misuse contraband. While you are in the middle of the ahelp, the other admin jumps into the middle of your ahelp with a rule clarification that is plainly incorrect. Without the interruption, what would have you asked the command staff member, and how would you have responded or reacted to the interrupting admin? I would first ask the admin to avoid interrupting my admin helps in the future and tell them that the clarification is not correct. If they agree, I'll leave it at there, but if they do not, I'll a higher-up if they could talk to the admin about it. For the command staff member, I'll tell them that it is only okay use to contraband if it's near them at the moment and an emergency, otherwise it's not allowed. I'll also redirect them to the command rules for them to read if also needed, then note them for it. ------------------------------------------ End Anything else we should know about or have questions about: Nope!
  7. Accepted. If you receive another ban in the future, it will be harder to appeal, so avoid anymore trouble. You are unbanned instantly, simply just come back when you're ready.
  8. Denied. Feel free to reappeal two weeks from now.
  9. It's right there in front of you. Reappeal in two weeks.
  10. If you refuse to admit it yourself and put together a full appeal, I'm denying this.
  11. Please read this post and use the template in it for your appeal:
  12. Okay, since you’ve made a new appeal, placing this one in denied.
  13. That is not your SS14 USERNAME. I’m unsure how you mixed both up in this appeal and the first one you made. (The first you had correct but then said it wasn’t.) I’ve edited it for you.
  14. The decision made by the team is to deny and turn your ban into a soft voucher ban meaning that 2 months from now, you cannot appeal at all nor will any appeals after the time be accepted without a voucher. A voucher for good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server's admin help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on Goob Station and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. If the voucher is not from a mainstream server, let us know and we will figure out a way to verify it.
  15. Either I’ve truly lost it or this is a fucking joke. But I can’t handle my own.
  16. Accepted. Reread the rules too, they’ve changed since you’ve been gone.
  17. Denied. You can reappeal 2 weeks from now.
  18. Okay, first off, wrong ban applied. That was supposed to be a roleban, but I accidentally set it to the wrong type. Actually make an attempt to cryo, PLEASE. It opens the slot back up for others if they want to play the role. I also cannot ask why you left as you're already gone and plus, you're able to get it explained on forums and I'm happy to lift it then. It is REALLY needed that you ahelp admins on this so we don't end up missing that you're leaving and not assume you simply disconnected without a word. All that being said, you're unbanned now. It doesn't count toward you or anything from now since of course you had to leave due to irl.
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