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Game Admin
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Everything posted by sugar

  1. Why? Why would you want to arrest people as HOP?
  2. Your appeal has been accepted, you can join the server again, have a good day, and make sure to reread the rules.
  3. Your ban appeal has been accepted but lowered to 1 week, please re-read the rules, especially the ones that are zero-tolerance.
  4. Message me on discord if it isn't lifted, Verbul is my discord username.
  5. Your ban appeal has been accepted by other admins, you have been unbanned. Make sure to reread rules as a whole, some have been updated since you've been gone. :)
  6. Hey, if you're comfortable with telling me what country you live in I can possibly tell you your own timezone? You can also just google your city and say "What is the timezone in (Country), (city)?"
  7. Go into the maints of origin and find the glass maze then leave
  8. they cannot become revs when in skeleton form (skeletons don't have eyes, cannot be converted) if they were a rev before they became a skeleton, they lose the rev status and are now a normal-permenantly mindshielded crewmember without requiring any mindshields Skinwalkers can instantly attack people when they die and turn into a skeleton Skinwalkers can instantly grab a radio and radio in who and what killed them and where Skinwalkers have no cooldown in becoming a skeleton and standing up, meaning they can instantly sprawl up Skinwalker skeletons can also turn invisible allegedly due to a bug
  9. https://discord.gg/3KrmuH7Q
  10. Just an FYI, I can admin more hours :).
  11. They got disabled because people kept deconstructing walls, windows, and ruining the station since I don't believe it was locked behind a time requirement/whitelist, basically shitters got them disabled/completely removed
  12. they probably meant infinite cables
  13. First, how old are you? 16 How long have you been playing Space Station 14 (If possible include Space Station 13) SS13 I started playing about late 2022, maybe november. Started playing ss14 near Sept.-Oct. 2023 How long have you been playing on the Goob Station server? One or two months Are there any bans from any Space Station 13/14 Servers in the past? Yes, I have 8 ss13 permabans and the wizden permabans. Why do you want to become a Forums Moderator? I want to become a Forums Moderator because there are none currently (or there was a misclick and VolumeCheese got unlisted from forum moderator) Anything else we should know about? I would like to still be a mentor and forum moderator at the same time, if that's possible ;)
  14. In-game Username: NoSugarPlumNovember Discord username: Verbul Characters you play: Jerry Braxton, Dominic Pershing On average, how many hours do you expect to admin per week: 4-12 hours per week Days you are available to admin on: Most of the times everyday, but there may be some days that i'll be with family/friends. How old are you? 19 Do you have any SS14 experience outside of Goob Station or any SS13 experience? Yes, I started playing ss13 1-2 years ago and started playing ss14 7-10 months ago. Do you have prior administration experience? If so, explain in detail what you've done during your time as an admin. We prefer experience in Space Station 13 or 14 but other games are okay too. If you can, do post evidence of this too. I don't have any prior admin experience Have you ever been banned from any SS14 or SS13 servers? Yes, I am permabanned from wizden & 8 other SS13 servers, sadly. Admins can perform various tasks which are not available to the average player. An incomplete list of these tasks is in-game rule enforcement, in-game events, ban appeals, and out-of-game rule enforcement through things like replay/log reviews in response to player reports. With these, and any other tasks you're aware of in mind, answer the following two questions. What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin? I am interested primarily answering player a-helps that are sent and resolving them to make the server better, making sure that the community isn't being affected negatively. What are you least interested in doing as an admin? I am least interested in doing events (ex; space dragon v. crew/clown event) as an admin, I personally think that admins & event coordinators are separate and they should do what their job is described as, with admins moderating the server to make sure that nobody breaks the rules, and event coordinators should make events to keep the community/server happy and active. Answer the following questions in detail, so we can get a better idea of how you'd approach adminning. What role do you think game admins serve on our servers besides just dealing with rule breakers? I think game admins can also somewhat serve as a joy factor, making cool builds at centcomm when evac comes, and recently, when the new admins have been making cluwne areas near centcom for people who got round-ended. Why do you want to become an administrator for Goob Station? I want to become an administrator for Goob Station because I *sometimes!!* stay up late and I usually see a lot of raiders and sometimes massive rule breakers in the night when not a lot/no admins are on. How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the servers? It really depends on what is going on in the round and it effects what the RP level is, usually if nothing is going on, it's LRP. If everything is going wrong, (raiders, spacedragons/nukies/syndi murderboners) it is practically No Roleplay, it turns to shit and people start doing ick ock, metacomming (last night when there were raiders for a few hours, the entire server started metacomming in the discord & talking about the current round) Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact? The admin actions that have the biggest positive impact are a few things, it depends what the admin does and how they look for the community, you shouldn't instantly be hostile and start fights for no reason, you should also RESPECT the players and be nice to them, also not talking bad about anyone below/higher than you in staff as it just looks dirty, for ingame, the admin actions that have the biggest positive impact is being active with the community, talking in OOC with them, and being a nice admin. Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this? On SS13, I had explained to an admin why I think my ban should be reduced and it shouldn't be 7 days, then it got doubled to 14 days. I would prevent other players from experiencing this by making sure that I am at least 75% of my capacity/potential before I admin. Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it? I've had a few good experiences with a game admin, the first time I played ss14 as a security cadet and ahelped (I came from SS13, and I asked where the mentor helps were and said that I was new to the game) and they brought me into a sandbox-type area that had guns & everything in it, and they taught me in the box and taught me the basics of security. In the game, I've had countless good experiences with the game, although sometimes the community is rather unpleasant, there have been many good experiences I've had that I've forgotten about. The following are scenarios, respond with how you would handle each as an administrator. Respond with the assumption that you are an administrator with full access to the admin tools and that you have all the knowledge needed to use these tools. Respond in detail, explain the reasons behind the decisions you make, and describe any assumptions you are making. When you need to make an assumption, it is preferred for you to describe how differences in the assumption would affect your actions. It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. Three players decided to observe the round instead of joining and they started orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to "do something funny". I would ask them what they mean, if they respond "Spawn a ninja/antag ghost role/any ghost role" I wouldn't do it, but I would probably make a centcomm build/area for ghosts for them to join and have fun in (secluded area in space). I wouldn't spawn a ghost role because it could be unfair for other players, and it would set an expectation of "well you gave X a ghost role why not ME??". It would also probably majorly disrupt the round and ruin player's rounds that had antag or non-antag, either or. You see a clown using crayons to write on the floor in front of security. The clown's writings are negative things about security, like "shitsec". A Security Officer tells the clown that they're being arrested for vandalism, stuns them, and cuffs them. Before the Security Officer can get the clown into the brig, a passenger slips the Security Officer, causing them to lose their baton, then uses the baton to stun another Security Officer who comes to help as the clown runs away. The passenger escapes through disposals. Having heard an AOS radio callout, the detective enters maintenance near disposals and shoots the passenger to crit. There are four players in this scenario, the clown, the passenger, the secoff, and the detective. First off; the clown is innocent, usually passengers that slip arresting officers are random people that "tide". I would still question why the passenger stole the stun baton and stunned the officer. Anyways, I would then message the detective on why the detective didn't use rubber bullets/Disabler/Stun baton, as I believe detectives have their rubber bullets already loaded in when they join, and they would HAVE to manually load in the lethal bullets. You and another admin have been adminning for around an hour. The rate of issues has been easily manageable due to having 2 admins. Neither of you has been talking in the admin chat. You are using the Admin Help to warn a player for breaking a rule when the other admin joins the Admin Help and confirms that it is against the rules, but that it's fine in this case and they can ignore the rule for the rest of the round. You haven't taken any other admin actions yet, such as applying a ban or writing a note. First, I would ask the admin in admin chat why they did that, and to please not interfere with my admin help, and ask them to not start an argument over this. I would tell the player to please keep rules in mind and say that you HAVE to follow the rules, even if an admin says not to. I would later write an admin complaint on the admin and the situation would be solved in the complaint.
  15. i saw a video on tiktok about it sooo
  16. i think a writer that got hired for the new starwars didnt even know what starwars was source; (one google search)
  17. Fland, it's big, feels spacious, and isn't compact.
  18. What you described bluespace forces would be sounds awfully like a blueshield also explain more on wym by security laws being rewritten and their time limits
  19. Hi, I believe you were wrong, since I had one more interaction as you on a small map where you were the acting CMO, I believe. You kept moving patients while I was administering medication, you then moved a patient after I asked you to stop, and said "That's because you asked me to stop" I believe the patient was in critical condition too. I then punch you to try and get you to stop, since there's another doctor in medical, he's helping with medical work, then after a squabble (fight that resulted in no major injuries) I enter chemistry to make basic medical chemicals (bicard, derma, kelo & more) and then you run into chemistry and blow it up but kill yourself and blow up the chem-master machine. I believe it was also CLF3 that you killed yourself with. I declare you immature and incompetent to run a department and take the items of the CMO, and return your PDA when revived and dropped off at security. So, no. This wasn't my first contact with you. Thank you. :)
  20. Hi Doktor, I play Dominic Pershing and Jerry Bratton. I have had a few negative experiences with you beforehand. In one case, a new round was starting, we were squabbling in OOC about me getting antag 3 rounds in a row (I somewhat took it as a joke) and how you said that I "HAVE TO BE AN ADMIN" because I get antag so much (what?). Anyways, when the round started, you ghosted from your 1 slot lawyer job maybe 10-25 minutes in, down the line, you selected the ghost role Pun Pun and started to break Botany's window (reinforced). When multiple people told me you to stop, (Me, A Security Officer, and a Doctor) you did not. I got permission to shoot (by the security officer) chaplain's laser pistol at you a few times to get you to stop, as nobody had access. I started saying that you were probably Doktor since you were pointing at my character while also breaking the glass and probably saying things, but due to monkey language, it got transformed into "AAH!". I tell in LOOC that it probably is Doktor, since he has a grudge against me (The squabbling in OOC, told me "Shut your mouth agent" and started squabbling about his age ((said he was mature)) and me probably being a 14 year old child during round start). Instantly, when I said that you were probably your OOC name, you instantly replied in LOOC in all capital letters with "YOU'RE METAGAMING?!" and then said that he was going to ahelp me, which he did. I promptly told the admin to look at the OOC and LOOC chats of Doktor, which they didn't respond back to me the entire round until I ahelped Doktor, during his ranting of him ahelping me in LOOC, he said that I ahelped him earlier(?). Anyways, when Pun Pun (Doktor) broke out of hydro, he instantly went into the chapel with Chlorine and Flourine (CLF3 Chemicals) and threw them on the ground to blow the chapel up. I didn't ahelp anything before this, but I ahelped this. I specifically requested Doktor to NOT be banned, but not sure if the admin banned him anyways (If you don't understand small parts of this, I understand! I'm kind of tired) So, please if you care to read this, explain yourself and your actions that day.
  21. i'm pretty sure it takes at least 35 seconds now thankfully
  22. my mentor app got accepted


  23. Forum Name: Sugar Discord (include tag numbers): Verbul CKEY: NoSugarPlumNovember Characters: Dominic Pershing (only main character out of 6) Server Playtime: 32H 56M Primary Department(s): Science (artifacts & borgs), Security (officers/HOS, no det/warden), Command(HOS, Captain, & RD on wizden), Cargo (techs, salvage) Departmental Knowledge: Science; I know what each stimulus means, and how to complete it, knowing what the side effects are, for borgs, I know what to do when they are in soft-crit, need repaired, need to get a new body for emagged situations, and most importantly; their modules and what is needed for the player. Security; I know wizden space law to my extent, although sometimes I do have to go back into the wiki to check on an obscure law that isn't usually committed (terrorism for captured nukies even though it's most likely always an execution), I know what the prisoners have rights to, I know how to multi-strip, I know the basic loadout that officers/cadets alike should carry. Cargo; I know what almost everyone knows about being a cargo tech; maints is your money maker, gas canisters are the most and you should ONLY take from maints to prevent fights and you getting killed or arrested, for salvage, I know that you have to stick in pairs for expeditions & maybe even sometimes mining ore, since you don't know what could be hiding behind rocks, I know what almost every salvager knows after their newbie phase, to click their ore bag to the belt, bring a cell recharger with you for floodlights, and get insuls, meds, and maybe even goggles too at the start if you want to go on an expedition (when fixed!) Command; For captain, you should know that every action you make is what the department head you pushed the action on to complete will be blamed for it most of the times, the captain is the figurehead for the heads of staff, and should stay respected to prevent them from impeaching the captain. For other heads, they are responsible for their department and should stay within their boundaries unless it is an emergency, the heads of staff make sure the work that is needed by the captain, or the station, is done. General/Special Knowledge: Twomad asked me this earlier, so I'll put it here, when you microwave an ID too much, you might melt it into slush/gloop, if you microwave it around 1-2 times, you could get additional accesses that are random, Many syndicate items can spawn in maints, even Mosins, Chest Rigs, and Operative Jumpsuits, it is better to also reason with others than instantly go into hostile mode and escalate the situation, understanding others' sides can make the situation just a little bit better. Sometimes, the head of a department isn't the most useful, and their job is spread around multiple, simplified, so if the head of department falls into near death, their subordinates (in this case, warden) can open up the armory in an emergency allowing security to restore order. Additional Information: I have a bad track record with perma-bans, and I've been open with that, I've been permanently banned from 8 ss13 servers, and 1-3 servers on ss13 (if you count ALL three of wizden and not just as a branch). I have never been a mentor before, so this would be my first time. I believe I should become a mentor because I feel like I know enough to pass down helpful information to others than rather breaking rules and either doing ick-ock with OOC chat if they aren't near me, or if they're new to the game and don't completely know the controls.
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